Lose 5 pounds a month OCTOBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • lisafrancis629
    Good morning everyone. :drinker:

    Today is my weigh-in day and I lost 2.6 last week. :smile: Kinda makes up for the crappy .2 loss the week before.

    I'm down 4 lbs. since Oct 1. My goal is to not only make the 5 pound challenge but to also get out of the 200's !!!!

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • sjyates
    sjyates Posts: 175 Member
    Weekends kill me so I'm moving my official weigh-in day to Wednesday. . .I'll be back then to check in! I'm hoping my weight this morning is due to all the sodium I had over the weekend - water, water, water is my motto for today and tomorrow!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Yesterday I watched a dear friend of mine cross the finish line of her first half marathon, she finished in 2:12:18!! This is the girl who got me started running and I'm so proud of her that I actually stood at the finish & cried for her. It was just amazing :happy:

    Oct 4- 176
    Oct 11- 176...
    Oct 18- 174
    Oct 25-
    Oct 31-

    I've upped my daily calorie & exercise goals for the next two weeks in hopes that I can get my body kicked into gear. *Fingers crossed*

    Good luck to all this week!!!!!!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I'm way behind on the posts, but thought I'd at least drop in to say hello!

    My hubby started working (yay), but it just so happened that he's been working overtime on Tues/Thurs evenings, which were my nights to go to the gym while he took care of the girls. I guess I'll have to re-jig my routine, now that I don't have a stay at home hubby!

    I am having a hard time making healthy eating and exercise a priority!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    That is my goal already! Yay! Count me in and feel free to add me as a friend....I could use the support!
  • AnAbsoluteDiva
    AnAbsoluteDiva Posts: 166 Member
    Down two pounds, Three to go for the month!
  • BMW6Series
    Grr! Only 7 pounds to go.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Sorry all, I was doing some errand runnning this morning and forgot to post the BMK before I left! Here's this weeks:

    Do ANY workout DVD (or online video, check youtube, there's plenty!) 4x this week for a minimum of 15min
    Do your choice of shoulder exercises 3x this week.

    As for food, try a healthy, sugar free recipe. Have a great week all!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    BMK challange sounds dooable, will have to check out youtube for some shoulder exercises (I have to be careful --injured rotator cuff)...anywho......Hope everyone survived the weekend and is enjoying their Monday....got a decent walk/run in at the track...then had to take my little girl in for her flu shot (didn't know there were 2 stages to the darn thing....knew they were combining them, so I thought she would only get one....grr!!! and she can't take the inhale one because her asthma is bad)...oh well, she was a real tropper, then I went to the girft shop and bought a $19.00 stuffed cat for her.....darn flu shot!!,...HA!!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Oct. 1: 147
    Oct. 8: 147
    Oct. 15:148.4, grrrr...:grumble:
    Oct. 22:
    Oct. 29:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey All my MFP friends Im back! : )

    So the move took a week, either I was working and he was packing and moving (4 blocks) or it was the other way around. Our poor kids were so onery being pulled from one house to the other all last week. We are far from settled but we are in! and pretty excited about it. : )

    so i weigh exactly the same as I did to the last time i posted on here at 165.0 I came and checked in a few days ago.
    even tho i have been eating really badly, no time to cook or anything good like that but as soon as i get a mat to put my elliptical on I plan to start using it. its good to see you all I missed coming on here So glad i have internet back haha.
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning everyone :flowerforyou:

    I weighed myself this morning...and I've done it! 5 pounds lost already :bigsmile: PLUS I've met my second goal to be at 140lbs by halloween so that's just under 2 weeks early wooo!

    Any extra loss this month will be a huge bonus for me because I will be out of the 140's and over the 10 stone barrier :love:

    Have a happy tuesday guys!
    Beky x
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Time to check in for the week:

    10/1 - 185
    10/5 - 182.5
    10/12 - 180.5
    10/19 - 180

    Down 5 for the month and still have almost two weeks to go. Plus Mother Nature is visiting this week so I am sure that affected the numbers. Plus I am finally starting to slowly work out again after Bronchitis. Got in a 50 min walk yesterday. Will have to see what today brings....
    Have a good one all!!!
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    lw: 148.2
    cw: 146.0
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am really suprised I lost weight again this week 2lb

    CW 162

    1lb to go
  • charmwhite
    charmwhite Posts: 30 Member
    10 days left and only 0.2 pounds to go till I've hit the 5 pounds lost for the month! Am hoping to reach my halfway target this month too...

    Am looking forward to joining in again in November and participating in the challenges :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey everyone!! Well, I'm exactly where I started...

    bekylouisex3... Congrats on reaching your goal so early!
    dawnsolwick... Great job!
    bjshooter + charmwhite... Almost there!

    I guess I'd better kick it up a notch. This has been a weird month...
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    Well, the damage that I've done is not as bad as I feared. I am up 2.6lbs...which is better than the 5 I expected to see.

    On the other hand, I had an AMAZING time at a beautiful beach wedding in NC that my daughter was the flower girl in. I welcomed in my new sister-in-law with a lot of mixed drinks. I haven't had that many since getting pregnant with my son...10 years ago!

    I ran each morning I was down there but don't recall much of what I ate...just know it wasn't a good idea. I stayed away from MFP out of pure guilt and fear of weighing in again.

    I am back on board and finally checked the weight yesterday. I also got a free gym membership as a perk of my hubby's job. Now there is no excuse b/c I can bring the kids right after work. I look forward to staying in my boundaries and dropping the "extra baggage". I worked too dang hard to reach my goal, only to go right back to the eating habits I had!

    Sorry to ramble but I knew that typing it would make it a more concrete statement in my head! :happy: I think in the big picture, that weekend and stumble was well worth it...it was the time of my life kind of fun.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    10/01/10 210.0 lbs
    10/08/10 206.6 lbs
    10/15/10 SKIP - CRUISE
    10/19/10 215.0 REALLY? :laugh: Good God! AND I worked out all but ONE day! I'm hoping its mostly the sodium retaining all the water weight! Oh well...it was a fabulous vacation! 10 days in the Caribbean....wish I could be there 100 more!

  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member
    Hey Guys,

    Although I have not been on this site for a few weeks to track my food and exercise. I still have been sticking to my calories. I should be back online as normal now. Here are my weigh in figures:

    SW: 80.3kg (28/09/10) (176.7 lbs)
    CW: 77.2kg (20/10/10) (169.8 lbs)

    Loss for the month so far: 3.1kg (6.8 lbs)

    Woo Hoo!