Lose 5 pounds a month OCTOBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Monday morning check in. Yuck. I'm up one pound from the 1st. What's the deal? I've been eating very well. I think it's sodium. Who knows. I'll just have to keep on truckin'.

    Oct 1 SW 190.5
    Oct 4 wt 191.5
    Oct 31 goal wt 185.5

  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Tralalara~ I see on your ticker you are 5'1". There is a Support Group for Shorter Members, if you or anyone else wants to join us here is the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/124090-fit-fun-sized-group-october-10
  • orange_avocado
    Ugh. Up one pound during my Monday weigh in as well. I feel your pain, Tralalara! I had a pretty irresponsible weekend, but was hoping the major gym-time I put in this week would pay off. Guess not.

    Well, here's to the first full week in October and not back-sliding!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    One pound gone ! This month is looking good for me !
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I was really bad this weekend. It is so hard when my daughter has swim meets. Drove for an hour to get there. Found out diving was running late but saw how small the seating area was so we got seats and sat there from about 11:50-3:20. Walked to the car and drove an hour home only to find out the thing my husband and kids had done around the house was wash laundry (not fold and put away) and mad themselves lunch.....at least they cleaned up their lunch mess....sort of. I was mad...so I had a glass of wine....yum! My husband decides we should go out to dinner because I seemed a little stressed and probably did not want to cook dinner. Came home and sat and watched a movie and drank more wine. Sunday was church, grocery shopping and making a big pan of lasagna to freeze for my son's birthday party next Saturday. I did manage to sneak in a 1.5 mile walk. But that was pretty much my exercise for the weekend.

    I am really having a time getting workouts in on the weekends. They used to be my days for long runs or walks. Now I barely find time to clean the house.

    Amanda how did the treadmill go?

    Back to work...have a healthy day.'

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    BMK Challenge...(better late than never, right?)

    30 Second sprints. one a day first 2 days, two a day next 2 days, three a day for 3 days--- go as fast as you can hopefully picking up speed each time.

    Stair climbing. 10 mins each day.

    Food Challange: Try a new fall (light..low calorie, etc) dessert reciepe

    Let's go!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I am really having a time getting workouts in on the weekends. They used to be my days for long runs or walks. Now I barely find time to clean the house.

    Weekend workouts are a challenge for me as well. I try to workout in the morning so I can get it out the way and have the rest of the day to do whatever else needs to be done
    Amanda how did the treadmill go?

    I was also wondering how Amanda did with the treadmill. GO AMANDA!!!!
  • purplenut
    I am in thank you I can always use someone to challenge me.
  • jesse14472
    suckitup: WTG!!! I agree with Tina, revel in your glory. You're awesome!

    Tina: Sorry to hear about your back. I went through my daughter's things this weekend, too. Fortunately, she had a growth spurt in August and a lot of the summer clothes are too small. Unfortunately, they are still sitting in a pile on her floor waiting to be bagged up and taken to Good Will. :blushing:

    So....I am not weighing in until later this week. TOM is here and I'm holding onto water like there's no tomorrow. :grumble: I am off of school this week for Fall Break (conferences & inservice), so I took the dog to a new walking trail at a local park. A beautiful, cool fall day. On the entire 2.5 mile trail, I passed one other walker. Very peaceful and a happy dog to boot. Tomorrow I am moving on to Level 3 of 30-day shred. I can't believe how many pages we are already into on the 4th day of October....WOW! Good luck to all!
  • slansdown
    Today and yesterday was HARD!! I have been obviously overeating on sugar and rice. I am still in, but I think I have gained back weight just since yesterday.
  • BMW6Series
    Add me. Starting at 249. I plan to get there by eating vegan and using my Wii fit. Simple as that.
  • AmandaB4588
    Hello all! Thanks for holding me accountable with the treadmill. I DID do it today, and I also took my nephew on a 2 mile walk around the park. The weather in Houston has been so wonderful. Mother Nature is apologizing for the long, hot months of summer.

    My eating was terrible over the weekend. Thank goodness I do not weigh in until Friday. Hopefully I can do enough good by then to make up for the bad.
  • AmandaB4588
    Monday morning check in. Yuck. I'm up one pound from the 1st. What's the deal? I've been eating very well. I think it's sodium. Who knows. I'll just have to keep on truckin'.

    Oct 1 SW 190.5
    Oct 4 wt 191.5
    Oct 31 goal wt 185.5


    :drinker: Chug, chug, chug! (Water!!) You'll drop the sodium pound in no time.
  • shanell1983
    shanell1983 Posts: 26 Member
    I am definitely in. Was 1lb away last month but if I can be that close then I am ready to try again until I succeed
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hello all! Thanks for holding me accountable with the treadmill. I DID do it today, and I also took my nephew on a 2 mile walk around the park. The weather in Houston has been so wonderful. Mother Nature is apologizing for the long, hot months of summer.

    My eating was terrible over the weekend. Thank goodness I do not weigh in until Friday. Hopefully I can do enough good by then to make up for the bad.

    Good Job Amanda! Thats great, you did the treadmill AND went walking. If you keep this exercising up, you'll make up for this weekend. Keep it going...u can do it!
  • bethany_jurries
    bethany_jurries Posts: 169 Member
    I am in! I need something like this to get me going again! 15lbs by Christmas sounds amazing! I hate family pictures where I look like I ate the entire buffet! lol... I am so in!
  • rnbron4300
    I just started the site and began tracking my calories and success has been fantastic. I reached the goal for October but in the past have done the loss and not maintained it. So I am challenging myself now to keep the 5 pounds off even during the time of monthly bloating and chocolate cravings!!:laugh:
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    SW 10/01 = 205.5
    CW 10/05 = 203.1 (-2.4 lbs)

    2.6 lbs to go
  • Kristy1214
    WTG CARREEN! I was up this week BOO! Very excited though, my friend and I finally found a Zumba class in our little town, maybe we complained enough about not having one! We start tonight!
  • carreen
    carreen Posts: 175 Member
    WTG CARREEN! I was up this week BOO! Very excited though, my friend and I finally found a Zumba class in our little town, maybe we complained enough about not having one! We start tonight!

    Thanks! Your gonna love Zumba. I'm going tonight myself. :bigsmile: