Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I haven't checked in lately. I had to finally face facts and update my ticker. I am 148. up 4 pounds since 8/14. oh well time to start over. but first I get a weekend trip to Minnesota to visit my daughter. I am so excited.

    Congrats to all of you who have lost and just keep at for those of you with less than stellar results. It will all work out in the end.

    Have fun int Minnesota. Hope your daughter is somewhere where all this rain has not happened. I live in Northfield and we had 7+ inches of rain in less than 24 hours.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Not sure if it is the change in weather or what but the kids have been crazy...babies not napping and then being crabby.



    More likely it's the full moon. I taught for 28 years and the kids would definitely get buggy at the full moon -- you could tell the difference by the noise level in the lunch room! I thought I was imagining it until a friend who was a city emergency room nurse told me about the increase in stabbings on Friday and Saturday nights when there was a full moon. It's especially significant because the Harvest Moon occured at the same time as the Autumnal Equinox last night.

    Happy first day of Fall!

    I've been so busy and its been so cloudy I forgot about the full moon. When I worked in daycare centers we used to try to predict the weather by the crabbiness of the kids. When the pressure got low they all seemed crabby and out of worts.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good morning all,

    Went up to the hotel gym for about 1 hour this morning and did 30 minute on the bike and 20 minutes on the elliptical machine. I didn't have something to eat before the workout, and I won't be doing that again, b/c I do need the extra energy.

    Well, have some work training to do now, and them were checking in to a different hotel to be closer to D.C. and then doing a night tour of D.C. all lit up.

    Take care all, and keep pushing.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning all.

    Appearently the hospital where Nick's Grandpa is at is n crack as they are releasing him today and the whole family agrees that he needs to stay there for a little longer. He's not well enough to come home, he isn't able to walk without another body helping...yet they are sending him home...looks like we are gonna stay away this weekend and find somewhere to go because it's gonna get ugly quick when he falls the first time back at home.. UGH!!!

    I did weigh in this morning as well as measure,
    Sept 1st 205.8
    Sept 7th 205.4
    Sept 10th 204.8
    Sept 18th 205
    Sept 24th 204
    Sept 30th

    and measurement-wise
    I have lost 1.5 under chest, 1.5 waist, .5 across the belly button, 1 off the pooch-like area, and 1 off the hips.
    In total I've lost since April.... 34.5in off entire body!! So I'm not seeing it on the scale, but that's ok with me!!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    As always, thanks for the support ladies! I aced my accounting test today (woohoo!) and it is safe to say that I studied far too hard for it. Now I know better for next time. I feel a lot less stressed but still have a lot of crap to do for school this weekend. I think I will try to knock it all out tomorrow.

    Way to go Amanda!! I am an Accountant and know how crazy those tests can be. Best wishes to you in that journey as well as this one!!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I weighed in this morning, my usual day, and I'm 208lbs! I'm chomping at the bit to hit ONEderland now!!!!!!!!!!

    I am also the lucky host of The Postcard Challenge Round 9: Silly but lovely to have the bragging rights! If you want to join (you have around 5 hours/10pmGMT), here's the thread http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/122169-postcard-challenge-round-9

    Good luck everyone for 30th September!!!!!!!!!! Remember, every loser is a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Weigh-in time!

    9/1- 176.7
    9/10- 175.9
    9/24- 175

    Not huge losses but as long as it's going down, I'll take it!!

    Have a beautiful weekend everyone!
  • Hi Everyone,

    Just checking in with my progress this month.

    9/1/10 - 210.8
    9/15/10 - 208.8
    9/22/10 - 206.8

    Gotta loose 1 lb during the next week to meet this challenge. I can do it and I will do it!!!! I'm feeling great about the healthy choices I've been making and I don't plan on stopping any time soon.

    Good luck to the rest of you. :flowerforyou:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    WOW! What a heck of a week! Sorry i havent been on at all this week but i am getting ready to move in two weeks hopefully no longer than that spent monday tuesday and wednesday doing a total overhaul on my house. Picking up every room but the master and scrubbing carpet and moping and packing unneeded items. my tiny little basement apartment that the three of us live in was a total wreck concidering that the kitchen and living room are the same room with carpet on one side and tile on the other. I had lots of sticky little black spots from the kids dropping their sippies and then us dragging dirt in with our shoes so that took four hours to get out!............After all that cleaning I worked tuesday, went shopping up north for my babys birthday AND had a big family dinner with my husbands brother and family visiting from colorado. (im in utah) ,..did that on thursday and today i have spent all day baking cake and shopping for forgotten items getting ready for the babys party at 3:00.

    It sure has been one heck of a week and i havent lost an ounce yet. I don't think i will be losing anymore this month i think 167 is going to end up being my maintain weight the rest of the month but thats 3 pounds so im not going to complain : )

    sorry to everyone in their times of need. hope everything turns out ok. i am definately still thinking about you.

    Have a good and healthy day. lol cant say as much for me i don't think i can resist the cake and icecream haha.
  • Sept 1: 158
    Sept 10: 157
    Sept 17: 154
    Sept 24: 153

    I can't believe I have FINALLY lost 5 pounds in a month with you guys. It blows my mind to think that I may lose even more before the month is up! My brother will be home for Thanksgiving. If I can lose 8 more pounds before then (which seems SO STEEP for me considering how long the scale stood still,) I will be 30 lbs lighter than I was the last time I saw him. He is in medical school and a total health nut, so I know he will be so proud of me. :happy:

    Keep up the hard work, everybody!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    H'lo! I'm out of town on a trip. I totally blew it yesterday with a 1:00 AM brownie binge, plus McD's french fries. Today I'm doing much better. I had an awesome fish taco with a side salad for lunch. I miss the fitness room. I haven't worked out for two days in a row and I can feel it.

    Also, I re-calculated my goals to make sure the daily calories were right. MFP shaved another 40 calories off my daily allowance. I was kinda sad about that.

    Have a great weekend! Shed lots of pounds and inches!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Bru--sorry to hear about the early release of your grandpa--that is the way thing are going now...with early discharges..usually way before the patient is ready and that is unfortunate..

    Lisa and Alioth, hang in there...you can do this...we are all hitting ruff spots now and again

    Mayra--sounds like fun in D.C. and you are still managing to get your workout it, good for you

    Amanda--congrats on the 5lbs...keep up the good work

    Randi...congrats a pound is still a pound...take it and keep going

    Good evening everyone else....spent the day with my hubby (very nice time) but now back to reality and our lives with thte 2 kids ,(HA!!) only got my BMK challange workout in but hopefully tomorrow will get some type of actual workout it....
  • introvert
    introvert Posts: 28 Member
    Just saw this topic today.. 7 pounds in 3 weeks for me. I won't get my hopes up quite yet though, one week left to go in September and I'll have to make sure I don't cheat too much on the weekends.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I can't remember my exact start weight for this challenge. :laugh: I think it was around 190, and I'm at 186.5 today.

    Keep taking positive steps everyone!!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    You guys rock!!! Seriously, you are all so awesome!!! And this is a fabulous weekend!

    Sept 1: 159
    Sept 7: 155.25
    Sept 11: 153.75
    Sept 17: 153.5
    Sept 18: 153
    Sept 23: 151.5
    Sept 25: 150.5
  • You guys rock!!! Seriously, you are all so awesome!!! And this is a fabulous weekend!

    Sept 1: 159
    Sept 7: 155.25
    Sept 11: 153.75
    Sept 17: 153.5
    Sept 18: 153
    Sept 23: 151.5
    Sept 25: 150.5

    SOOO close to getting out of the 150's!! I am so excited for you, and also inspired.
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    Not sure if it is the change in weather or what but the kids have been crazy...babies not napping and then being crabby.



    More likely it's the full moon. I taught for 28 years and the kids would definitely get buggy at the full moon -- you could tell the difference by the noise level in the lunch room! I thought I was imagining it until a friend who was a city emergency room nurse told me about the increase in stabbings on Friday and Saturday nights when there was a full moon. It's especially significant because the Harvest Moon occured at the same time as the Autumnal Equinox last night.

    Happy first day of Fall!
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    Not sure if it is the change in weather or what but the kids have been crazy...babies not napping and then being crabby.



    More likely it's the full moon. I taught for 28 years and the kids would definitely get buggy at the full moon -- you could tell the difference by the noise level in the lunch room! I thought I was imagining it until a friend who was a city emergency room nurse told me about the increase in stabbings on Friday and Saturday nights when there was a full moon. It's especially significant because the Harvest Moon occured at the same time as the Autumnal Equinox last night.

    Happy first day of Fall!

    Amen to this fact...not just a theory. My kids this year are the chattiest group of kids I have ever seen! I know I say that at the beginning of every year because I am "starting over" with babies that are a year younger, but this year is different. They are the ones that are looking you right in the face, still talking to the person next to them, while you are calling them out for talking!!!!!! I did find Thurs. & Fri. to be extra challenging and I thought I would lose my mind. I have the weekend to try to rest and get my "refreshed attitude" by Monday! Lord help me!!!
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    I am running in my very first 5K next weekend but am having a crazy time finding time to jog at all since school started. I am lucky if I can go out once on the weekend!

    I know I was diehard last school year in the spring with walking every night. Now we have bears that are out and about (that stopped my jogging in the neighborhood really quick) and a mean dog down the street that has left its yard several times. (and attacked my dog once before)

    Now, even the one jog on the weekend is when I have to drive somewhere first b/c it's just not safe to do it at home.

    Any suggestions on how to prep for a 5K a week from today??? Last weekend I left the kids with hubby and did the 5K route in town. I felt great when I was finished and not too discouraged by the 29+min. time with all of the hills involved. The one I will be in next week will be flat but I don't know how much time I can shave off without working out b/f.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Sorry suckitup...no help to you on the 5K but others here have done then so I am sure someone will have advice for you..

    Good day all...took my son to his bowling league early this morning (had to take trouble-my 3 y/o with me because my husband is working--again!!) a beautiful start to the weekend...sunny and 73 degrees outside today...perfect football game weather...my son got a touchdown, not the quarter back but threw for a touchdown....SOOOO proud!! Now he is at a birthday party....kids this day just never stop....

    Got my BMK challange workout in today...but would really love to go for a walk/run, but even if I have to settle for a walk with the kids later...I must do something...(my husband is reinstalling our 2nd new dishwasher....hope this one is better than the last)..

    Enjoy the weekend all!!.......:flowerforyou:
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