Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning all,

    I'm just joining you guys, but my weigh in is the same.

    Sept 10: 173.2
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member


    Check, Check :yawn: , and Check ...

    I have been having a terrible month so far. I've only exercised once (Pilates class on Tues), and my eating has been out of control. My oldest started kindergarten this week, and my youngest started daycare. The little one is upset when I leave, but I know she's fine - she's always happy and having fun when I pick her up, but those tears in the morning can break a momma's heart... I'm feeling overwhelmed in general: work, home, kids, bills, etc... I normally feel like I am holding it all together, but I am struggling lately... Frig, I hate to complain, so I'll stop. Especially because I don't want to melt into tears at work! :frown:

    Sorry I haven't been posting for the last week or so - I haven't gone back to read all the posts, but I hope everyone is doing well! (and I'm sure you are!) I am participating in a work golf event this afternoon, and I promise I will make an effort to get my butt to the gym tomorrow morning.
  • tralalara
    Terri- So sorry to hear about your knee. Maybe this is a chance to take it easy and maybe focus on what you're eating. You might just be surprised with a good weight loss. Take care and take it easy.
  • AmandaB4588
    Sept 1: 158
    Sept 10: 157 :happy:

    Could I be moving in the right direction? I have been bouncing around for months but haven't bounced this low in awhile. I hope I see more results next week!
  • AmandaB4588
    Terri, feel better soon! I am so glad it's not a tumor but also know how frustrated you get when you are kept away from the treadmill. Take this week to relax and try not to stress over it!
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Just got back off a school trip..we went to this place called Cromford and did some orienteering and my legs are KILLING ME! :sick: But I did get in some good exercise :laugh: My weigh in on Tuesday seems so far away D:
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Weigh in day for me.

    9/1/10- 176.7
    9/10/10- 175.9

    Not what I was hoping for but it's better than a gain, especially with the 5-day weekend I had for Labor Day, and TOM on the way. Here's to the rest of the month going better!! :drinker:
  • dmcarreiro
    I would like to know if i can still join....i weighed in on Wednesday at 138.5....eek...and my goal weight is 120.........I was doing really well, until summer hit and then it went all out the window.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I would like to know if i can still join....i weighed in on Wednesday at 138.5....eek...and my goal weight is 120.........I was doing really well, until summer hit and then it went all out the window.
    Of course you can!! Welcome to the group! Weigh in whenever it's easiest for you and post your weight once a week. If you need support, let us know. Need to rant? Go for it. We share stories of exercise, personal life, just about anything ;) Welcome again!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member

    I have been having a terrible month so far. I've only exercised once (Pilates class on Tues), and my eating has been out of control. My oldest started kindergarten this week, and my youngest started daycare. The little one is upset when I leave, but I know she's fine - she's always happy and having fun when I pick her up, but those tears in the morning can break a momma's heart... I'm feeling overwhelmed in general: work, home, kids, bills, etc... I normally feel like I am holding it all together, but I am struggling lately... Frig, I hate to complain, so I'll stop. Especially because I don't want to melt into tears at work! :frown:

    Not long after my son started going to daycare the director took a video of him on her cell and sent it to me. I got it as I was pulling into work and it made me laugh. Logan was standing at the door crying and then h turned around and smiled at her and said "Mommy's gone. Can I have a cookie?". Apparently as soon as my emotions & stress are away from him he's fine.
  • jesse14472
    Hello, Ladies! Things have been pretty busy this week and I'm pooped by 8:30 p.m.--I need to build my stamina back up to keep up with the 3-5 yr olds in my class. Finally go my Polar HRM in the mail. I am half tempted to wear it at work to see how many calories preschool burns. Took the dog for a long walk last night--about 45 min. I hope to walk some more tonight while my daughter has soccer practice. I peeked at the scale yesterday and it was down to 191.2, but I will wait until my normal day on Sunday to post. Here's hoping it remains the same or goes even lower. Have a great weekend all!

    dmgaloha: As someone who works in a preschool, sometimes I think it is harder on the parents than it is on the child. Most of the time the child stops crying within 2-3 minutes of the parent leaving. My son didn't cry when I left, because he was so excited to finally be able to play with other kids. On the first day, he didn't even say goodbye to me. I went and said goodbye and then proceeded to cry my eyes out in the parking lot.:sad: It sounds like yours is happy and does enjoy being there.
  • cjnaples
    cjnaples Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Welcome newbies! :flowerforyou:

    Terri - sorry to hear about your knee - yet better news than it could have been. Hopefully you will be back at it in no time. :wink:

    4 weeks from today & I leave for my cruise! YAY! I'm excited to get away & have fun. I already have plans to work out every day. My neighbor & friend who is rooming with me said she will work out with me too. She actually just joined MFP yesterday as well! I'm so proud of her! Also my cousin Tom who does triathalons about twice a month all summer long, also said he would work out with me every day. So I'm excited that I can try to stick to my schedule with their help! :bigsmile: I'm sure I will probably gain a pound or two with all the yummy food & drinks, but I love my lifestyle & I'm gonna stick to it! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I think I'm boating with CJ this weekend, so I may not get too many workouts in like I normally do on the weekends. But hey - I'm sure I'll burn calories drooling at him! :laugh:
  • shanell1983
    shanell1983 Posts: 26 Member
    i am struggling to get motivated to lose 5 lbs. I am hoping that this weekend will be the jumpstart to a new me. I am going walking on some trails with a friend this Saturday.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    hey everyone having a good week so far im still in the 168 range still a pound under the first of the month so doing good just need to power through the weekend as i have to work tomorrow... im planning a salad (assuming the resturant side is still open since they are doing tons of construction at work) who knows maybe they will have started the resturant construction as well.

    wish me luck and see you all sunday : )

    Terry im sorry to hear about your knee im sure you will find something to do in the mean time. get well soon : )

    Ya i agree dropping your baby off when your headed to work can be rough even for me leaving mine with family. my daughter is a year and never crys but she is such a laid back kid anyway and plus she has her big brother but when my son was younger and still now depending on who i leave him with he crys he used to cry so hard he would puke but still be happy and fine within 10 minutes. but i still felt bad that he had to go through that.
    I can only immagine what preschool will be like next year when i head off to college in the fall.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hi, folks! T.G.I.F!!!
    This week hasn't been the greatest exercise-wise. I'm slacking off and not getting enough sleep. But, I did go buy my first scale to weigh my food with. And I got much needed groceries--lots of green and bright colored fruits and veggies. I'm making myself do a lot of cooking over the weekend. Looking forward to it as an adventure.

    If anyone has a recipe for lemon chicken soup that does not involve eggs in any form, let me know. I'm attempting my own concoction tomorrow.

    Sept 1: 159
    Sept 7: 155.25
    Sept 10: 155.5
  • cpstets22
    I'll take that challenge, thanks. I find this site is a great way to track what I eat and by doing so, I've totally stopped evening snacking! Good luck to all.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Terri, sorry to hear about your knee...rest up!! and thanks again for your informative posts---good points as always....

    Kelly, the cruise is coming fast.....

    Welcome to the newcomers......and congrats to everyone on their weightloss so far this month....keep up the good work....Went to the YMCA today and got a pretty decent workout in.....Kinda busy weekend with my son, (bowling league, flag football and 2 b-day parties)....but I hope to maybe get a little exercise in this weekend...not sure what yet ....

    Have a great weekend everyone!!:flowerforyou:
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    weigh in day today! :)

    September 4- 185
    September 11- 183.4

    woohoo :) my sodium has been through the roof the past 2 days too, so I'm hoping if I can keep it under my goal for the next week, I might lose a little extra before my next weigh in.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Was going to weigh in today but had to get my son up early to head out by 8am for bowling (including big breakfast, packing football uniform, etc....whew, made it!!)....anyway will weigh in tomorrow..hope everyone enjoys the weekend..it's chilly here in Ohio so will try and do an activity later to warm us up before the game....maybe my jj, squats, planks and calf lifts...who knows!!!