Lose 5 pounds a month SEPTEMBER 2010 CHALLENGE



  • tralalara
    Good morning everyone!
    It's Monday morning check in time for me. I've had a touch of a stomach issue the last two days, kinda rumbly tummy. I think there's a bug going around. This weekend is like hell week for me since I work in retail.:devil: I rang over 200 sales myself on Saturday. Talk about stress. Our store was packed Saturday AND Sunday. It will be a little slower today, thank goodness. Shopping...the new national recreation. I'm in Branson, for those who don't know, and the traffic has been horrible. It took me almost an hour to get home Saturday and I live only 15 minutes from work!:grumble: They provided lunches all weekend at work, sandwich stuff and chips and drinks. It's so busy and the parking lot so full that you can't get out to go have lunch anywhere. It was nice but I kinda missed my Lean Cuisines with veggies. They provided sodas and also water. I drank so many of the waters. they were only 16.9 oz bottles. I can drink 4 of them a day! I usually take my 32 oz bottle from home and then refill it and have 32 oz more. Oh well...it was free. :drinker: Here's to the weekend being over!
    Here's my stats:

    Sept 1 197.5
    Sept 6 196.....for a loss of 1.5 so far.
    Goal wt for sept. 192.5
    I'm off to a pretty good start!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    weigh in yesterday was 169.0 down a pound this month and down 0.4 from the beginning of august yay.

    Im so glad to be losing weight i hope i can keep it up this month unlike last month when i gained a pound due to tom but thats finally over and im glad.

    I want to be down to 165 by the end of the month.

    congratulations everyone and keep it going : )
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Oh ya i forgot I tried making the last of that pork chop and soup meal and completely screwed it up! lol I hate cooking i suck at it! anyway i ended up eating the pork chops and a small portion of a frozen fettucini meal and then after i had a bowel of icecream. I know i know whats with me and that icecream ..... If only hubbys mom would quit giving it to us ugh i cant resist. but i am drinking tons and tons of water today and going to have a salad for lunch not really sure what i will have the rest of the day but i will try to make it as healthy as you really can in a truckstop lol
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am up this week. TOM isn't helping. I will hit it hard next week but I am going to Vancouver this coming weekend and with today being a holiday I think I will take it easy and just try to maintain this week.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all!! Happy Labor Day! Since Melissa, Kelly and I are out of town, there is no current BMK challenge, if Melissa picks tonight, we'll just have a short week, or we might hold off this week and pick back up next week. So, since its a free week for now, tink back to a challenge you really liked or didn't get to finish and do it this week, same goes for food. I'm currently on the road to go home now, which will take another 3hrs, headed to my moms when I get in town for her birthday. Hope you are all having a great day! XoxoxoX Bru
  • bluebirdeyes
    bluebirdeyes Posts: 2 Member
    :bigsmile: Ok sept 6th it starts today 5 lbs lets go!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Today is my normal weigh in day. I slept in til 1 pm, so I missed lunch and breakfast. Had such a crappy night sleep. So I weighed myself at 2:24 pm and I have lost 2.2 lbs.

    Aug. 30 / Sept 1 (wait was still) - 169 lbs
    Sept. 6 - 166.8 lbs
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm BACK from camping! Had a great time! I ran every day & did some hiking, lots of walking & canoeing as well! I'm happy to say that I LOVE my family! We all have such a FUN time together! My cousin Tom flipped his canoe yesterday! That was PRETTY HALARIOUS! :laugh: I went out last night with some friends to a 70s band & danced my butt off! It was a great time! I drank H2O the whole time! I did have one Margarita on Friday night when I went out with my brother & sisinlaw. So only one drink the entire weekend! Yay me! :bigsmile:

    Gotta run now....time to get ready for another date with the hot cop! :love: Things are going very well! :blushing: I think we are just going to dinner. We didn't really plan anything. I think he's just glad I finally came home! hehehe:wink:

    I wasn't home to weigh in on the scale this morning, so I will post my results tomorrow!

    Terry - congrats on your run! That's awesome! Also thanks for the info on the melon posting! I LOVE melons! Maybe I'm going to have to have them more often! :happy:
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello! I realize we are already several days in, but would love to join this challenge. I joined MFP quite awhile ago, but have NOT been consistent with it at all, and therefore have not lost any weight in a really long time. On the positive side, I have not gained anything, either!

    School has started here, so that always helps. I always struggle during the summer with no consistent schedule.

    Took advantage of a couple of days off and attempted to go through some things in the basement. I have a large tote labeled "The 10-lb Box". It contains all of the clothes that I think that I could/would wear if I could just lose 10 pounds. I could do some serious shopping right in my own basement!! :laugh: 5 pounds would be a great start... just need to do something to get the ball rolling!

    A small group of us have challenged ourselves to run 10 races in 2010. We have completed 9 of them. (Looks like I need to update my signature, buy the way.) Our last race will not be until mid-late October, so I am hoping to lose just enough and train hard enough to improve my time. I would like to end our challenge with a sub-30 minute 5k time.

    Am looking forward to this challenge!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Shorthand--let me just say WOW.....9 races so far and you say you haven't been keeping up? I hate to see you when you are all in it, HA!!

    Kelly, welcome back....you were missed (and I see by your date) not only by us here at MFP...

    Evening all, hope you all enjoyed your Labor Day.....talk to you all in the morning....:bigsmile:
  • MrsHazra
    MrsHazra Posts: 105 Member
    Weigh In today for me, had a great week and am really enjoying the C25K program, If you are not doing it,, it is so worth giving a go. I hate running cause I cant but this program makes you feel like you can really get there. Love love love it.

    Starting Weight for September - 84.6kg (31/08/10) (186.1 lbs)

    Current Weight: 83.3kg (7/09/10) (183.3 lbs)

    This weeks Loss: 1.3kg (2.9 lbs)

    Only another 1kg (2.1 lbs) to got for this month.

    I am continuing last weeks challenge this week.
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Weighed in the same yet again this week :cry:
    Maybe I'm doing what I did last month...not losing for two weeks then losing 2lbs per week in the following two?
    I'm going to check my measurements in a minute, to see how many inches I've lost since the start of August!

    Here it goes:

    Waist: 30 [-1.5]
    Hip: 38 [-2]
    Thigh: 24 [no change]
    Arm: 12 [-0.5]

    Lol i lost 4 inches :smile: i'm happy now, knowing i've lost SOMETHING :wink:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I lost 0.6 pounds this week.

    I'm so mad I gained 5.4 pounds from the end of June to September 1. The last 5-8 pounds I lost took ages to come off the last time. I also ate pretty freely over this long weekend though. 120 is my ideal but I think maintaining in the 120-125 range is really what I need to strive for!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I finally weighed in (after replacing my scales batteries) and I lost .4 however, at one point this weekend, I had gained 10lbs due to sodium levels through the roof, so the fact that after being home less then a day and I bought my weigh back down from the water retention craziness, I'll take the .4 and run with it!! I did go for a walk/run last night and I went 1.89miles...the 1 mile (exact) was running and I managed a 13min mile!!!! I'm stoked!!! I'd loved to get to a 10min, ut in time :) 2weeks from now, I'll be running my first 5k and I'm hoping to be able to finish with the time of 36-39min which puts me around 12-13min mile, but I know I will need to walk a little so I'll be happy with 45min, or anything really, just as long as I can finish :)

    Gotta head out for another run, I'm hoping to manage 1.5 miles straight today :) XoxoxoX Bru
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    Hope its not to late to join this challenge...My weight on Sept 1st was 195.2. I don't think that 5lbs will be much of a problem, since my usual monthly average seems to be about 12lbs. I am only hoping to lose about 8lbs this month. So I hope that everyone can accept my goal even though it is above the 5lb challenge. So, its off to the races I go!!! So exciting!!! I love how everyone supports each other on this site.

    Starting weight: 195.2
    Sept. Goal weight: 187
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Hello all! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Well, I had a good one. I had come back from vacation last week having gained a few pounds back, and this weekend wasn't the best for me. The bf was in town and we like to indulge a bit but luckily he is also about his fitness so we got in some good gym time. I'm almost back at my pre-vacation weight. YAY! i'm not going to let flo let me get all emotional or irrational leading to horrible eating. just sticking to healthy foods and mindset! :bigsmile: have a wonderful day all!
  • sharmonesq
    sharmonesq Posts: 113 Member
    Hello. Is it too late to join this challenge? My baby was sick last week so I didn't log in much at all, but I do know my September 1st weight. It was 168. So, although I think I am up a few pounds to about 170 (monthly fluctuation), I hope to be down to 163 by the end of the month! I do my official weigh in on Saturday morning so I can do it as soon as I get up naked :) I feel a lot more motivated this month than I have the past few. My husband's birthday is October 11. He will turn 40 and we plan on going out of town. I want to look my best!

  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Wow! Terrible weekend, ate a lot, drank a lot, didn't exercise much at all. Had a *really* bad run yesterday, but learned a few very valueable lessons. I've been running at 5am to prepare for my first race, the race is at 630pm- turns out the weather is VERY different in the afternoon/evening than it is in the early morning. I wasn't prepared for it at all. Looks like I'll be running on the lunch break this week & next!

    Also forgot to weigh in this morning so I'll be doing that tomorrow.

    Good luck all!!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hey-hey. I'm joining this challenge. 20 lbs by Christmas at 5 lbs a month sounds like a sweet deal to me!

    Sept 1st weight: 159
    Sept 7th (today): 156

    I think I'm dehydrated from taking cold medicine so today's weight might be low, but I'll take it.

    :heart: Good luck, everyone! :heart:
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Hi All... Time to check in for the first week of the month.

    Sept 1 - 191
    Sept 7 - 188.5

    2.5 gone and I will never let it come back. I am only 1.5 away from what I need by the 23rd of the month so good start. Today is our last day of summer vaca so I took the day off work and the kids and i are going to ride bikes to the park for a picnic filled with healthy foods and I am sure a frisbee will find its way into my bag as well. Looking forward to a healthy start to my week and hopes of getting that 1.5 this week and then getting more before the 23rd.

    Have a great one all.