I was just reading that potassium helps lower blood pressure. I googled high potassium foods and actually found v8 juice has tons of it. Would it be a good source of potassium. Thanks
Left over onions.
I put red onion in my salad is it ok to wrap the test of the onion up and store it in the fridge. Thanks
Breakfast ideas (not oatmeal)!
I started eating better and started having oatmeal for breakfast but i do not like how it makes me feel. It bloats me like a turkey dinner and like 1 and a half hours later i actually get savagely hungry. So could you all suggest other breakfast ideas. Thanks
Anyone make egg frittata's?
Does anyone make egg frittata's or the egg muffins and freeze them. Do you take them out the night before or do you reheat them right from frozen. Thanks
Smoothie friends.
I am starting to drink smoothies and would like to add some memers who drink them daily or almost daily to get some recipes. Thanks
Cooked food in tje fridge!
How long will these foods keep in the fridge: Cooked chicken Cooked steak Cooked pork chops Cooked hamburger Cooked rice Cooked peas and carrots Cooked brocolli Cooked brussels sprouts Cooked potatoes. Thanks
Vitamin d3.
Are there any members who take vitamin d3 just because of where they live or because they dont get much sun. Not just because blood tests came back and you were low. And if so how much do you take. Thanks
Freezer Containers.
What containers do you recommend for make ahead frozen meals. Must be good at keeping freezer burn out. Thanks
Vitamins and supplements.
I was wondering what vitamins and or supplements you all take. I am tired of being OBESE and i think my body is too. So i am going to take weight lise more serious. Now i know mist people say just eat food but im going from a 99% couch potato to trying to live again. There will be days i will not eat right that is…
Food and blood pressure.
Does anyone know how food affects blood pressure. I find when i dont eat close to my calories a day my bloodpressure is way up. I could not really find any good info on Google. Thanks
Not drinking enough and higher blood pressure!
Yesterday and most of today I was working on building a website. In the 2 days maybe 3 liters of water total for yesterday and so far today. Now today my blood pressure is way up. I have high blood pressure but not like this. Has anyone ever heard of not enough water raising your blood pressure. Thanks
Going to try going vegan.
I am going to try going vegan. I have high blood pressure and tried a few diets to lower it but never as of yet. I have been reading a lot on it and talking to a lot of people who do the Dr McDougall diet with great bp lowering results. If any members are vegans and would allow me to add them as a friend so I can see your…
I was wondering is there a limit to how many sardines you should eat a week. They are extremely low on tje murcery chart and I actually really like them and from what I read there extremely healthy for you. Thanks
Looking for help from members high blood pressure!!
Hello I am looking for help from members with or who have had high blood pressure. I tried the dash diet but it seemed to raise my blood pressure. I was told i was eating not enough salt(450mg daily) it was throwing my electrolytes out of wack. I was looking on Facebook and seen maybe people have got off their bp meds…
Low carb groups.
Does anyone know any good active low carb groups on here. Thanks
Total liquids a day.
I was wondering how much total liquids everyone drinks a day. And is it true the more salt you eat the more water you need and the less salt you eat the less you need to drink. Thanks
Started four days ago AGAIN!!!
Hello I started my weight lose again 4 days ago. I think I'm going too hard too fast. I started it because I have high blood pressure and was having spikes and the head pressure with it was crippling. I was use to eating take out almost everyday along with 1 whole big bag of chips daily and 2 liters of pop. I figure i was…
Lookinf for help/advice!!
Hello I am new to this. I am looking for some help/advice. It seems like every time I start/try to eat right i severely over think it and never really get going. I am looking for help in breakfast ideas and lunch ideas. I do not like oatmeal or cereal really. And for some reason I wont let myself have eggs for breakfast…
Make my own frozen meals!!
I have a question for members who make their own freezer meals. I want to make meals week by week. 1. Are Ziploc freezer containers ok to freeze in. And do they have to be full to the top or anything to prevent freezer burn. 2.Can i maybe freeze my meals in freezer bags lay them flat in the freezer saves on storage. And…
I am looking for breakfast ideas and was wondering what everyone had for breakfast today. Thanks
How long will these foods keep in the fridge?
I was wondering how long these foods will keep in tje fridge. I looked online and got lots of different answers so i thought members here would know especially the meal preppers. All foods are cooked: Chicken Hamburger Rice Beans Brocolli Brussell sprouts Peas and carrots Onions and peppers Potatoes Thanks
Im trying to make things easy as I can to start this time(3rd time trying to lose weight). I figure my breakfast is usually oatmeal most days anyway but my lunches are usually microwaved pizzas or things like that. But i would like to have sandwiches and veggies on the side for lunch this way i only have to worry about…
Make ahead meals.
I tried to start eating right but when nothing healthy is cooked i eat bad. I think if i made freezer meals or make meals and keep in the fridge. Does anyone make ahead frozen meals if you do what dishes do use to freeze the meals in. And is it ok to cook frozen veggies then refreeze in my meals. Those who make meals and…
Vitamins and/or supplements?
I was wondering what vitamins and/or supplements you all take and why those particular ones. Thanks
Newbie looking for advice!!
I am currently looking for some advice and or help. I am a male currently over 350 pounds just starting my weight lose journey. I currently am on meds for high blood pressure that are not controlling it very well. I figure if i do not lose weight now i may not have many years or good years left and I am only 42. I cant not…
Just starting my weight lose journey.
I just joined to track my food on this my first weight lose. I am currently 363 pounds have high blood pressure(on meds) borderline diabetic and feel like crap daily. I think it would help me if i had some foods cooked and in the fridge for easy to make meals. My main problem is that i need fast foods to eat. If im hungry…