Make ahead meals.

I tried to start eating right but when nothing healthy is cooked i eat bad. I think if i made freezer meals or make meals and keep in the fridge.

Does anyone make ahead frozen meals if you do what dishes do use to freeze the meals in. And is it ok to cook frozen veggies then refreeze in my meals.

Those who make meals and keep in the fridge how long will the meats and veggies and rice or what ever you put in your meals keep. For example chicken rice and brocolli how long will that keep in the fridge. Is it better to store the meat, rice, veggies in different dishes will that make one or the other keep longer.

If any member does this could you maybe share a picture of how you store your frozen meals or the meals you keep in the fridge.

Thanks for any and all help.


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    edited July 2017
    I love large batch cooking. In fact I'm about to do a bunch today. I usually will make 5-6 different recipes and then freeze them in individual serving sizes (either plastic containers or foil) so that I can pull them out the night before I plan to eat them. I made some chili yesterday (overnight in the crock pot), and love how versatile it is. Freezes nicely. There are so many options. Today I plan on experimenting with a variety of casseroles. Chicken, ground beef, rice, pasta, vegetables all are fine reheated. Freezing and reheating potato I find a bit more challenging. Although I have found that if you really heat it once it's thawed, it's not so bad. Enter them into your recipes as you make them, and then your logging is much easier too!

    ETA: Another great way to freeze stuff is in jars.
  • miguelacp83
    miguelacp83 Posts: 2 Member
    I meal prep using meal prep plastic containers (I get them off Amazon. Microwave, freezer and dishwasher safe). Usually meal prep one week's meals at a time. I measure and weigh all the food in each container to make sure it's consistent.