Knee injury cardio?
Anyone know of any cardio that I can do with a hurt knee? I've thought about swimming, but its still too cold...
eating calories for weight lifting?
I do about 30-40 minutes of cardio, and I have a HRM so I know exactly how many calories to eat- but while lifting weights, my HR is NOT that high( once I cool down from cardio0...in fact its pretty much normal- should I still be eating those calories too? I'm thinking I shoudl cut the calories eaten at cardio...what do…
mad mad mad
I've been SUPER motivated at the gym and apparently a little too much so as I've hurt my knee...so I'm taking it easy and either not going to just doing upper body....but I want to go and get in some great workouts before I lose my mojo and dont feel the motivation anymore. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: how do I make it go…
Why in the world did I GAIN?!
The first 2 weeks I was doing MFP, I had a hard time staying within my calories- many days I went over by a a few to a couple of hundred...I lost like 6 pounds-?- I think it was. The second two weeks I was perfectly within my calories, worked out pretty hard ( at least a level 6-8) ate my excorcise calories, etc...and I…
Fear of Success??
Has anyone ever heard of this? I've been doing some reading on it to see if this is what prevents me from reaching a goal I've wanted badly for more than half my life...I do incredibly well, then bam! nothing happens/something happens and I go back to my old habits and undo my hard work... I've heard it has to do with low…
speaking of protein...how much at a time?
I heard lst night at my gym's 'fuel cafe' ( they make and sell protein drinks, energy drinks & bars, etc) that the body can only process 20 grams of protien at a time... Is that true? I just had a lunch that had 29 grams of protien...so what happens over 20g's? is it just eliminated or something?
Men's Health Magazine...men?
Hi- for any guys out there- is this a good magazine? What are the pros and cons? I have a really great offer that I was thinking of getting for DH, but not sure...I'll probably end up buying a single issue to see if he likes it first. Thanks!
Beginning running- Is there a site?
Forgive me if this has been posted before- Is there a website or some kind of online 'plan' for beginning runners? I read about one a looong time ago where you walk for a certain amt of time and run for a certain amount of time, increasing the running each time- any ideas? Thanks!
My own motivation plan....
While I've got hundreds of reasons to be healthy, I often times will focus more on losing weight than I do overall health...kinda counter productive sometimes. So in order to motivate myself to simply do the healthy steps, I've come up with a reward plan of points- for every healthy activity/action I take I earn points.…
Calories Burned From Daily Activity
According to MFP, my daily activity burns 2360 calories. For 'fun' I wore my Polar F4 HRM for a 24 hour period of everyday living to see what it said and it read that I burned 3303 calories during normal activity ( no workouts or anything out of the ordinary) So which is more accurate? I've always gone by my Polar as…
went over today...
I went over my calories and fat and sugar today, ...it wasnt by a lot ( about 100 cals) still not great, but I realized even by going over, I still managed to eat better and eat less than I was eating a couple of weeks ago..there wasnt a bowl of candy in my lap, or a bag of chips next to me, no real sodas, no gallons of…
A humourous workout today....
I had to get the oil changed in my car today- I do it at the dealership where i bought it since its free...I decided since I had to wait anyway, I may as well take advantage of the free time and the vast space...I speed walked around the dealership- its a huge one, so there were plenty of long lines of cars. I was so proud…
Wheat Spaghetti cooked in wine?
A co-worker just suggested cooking Whole wheat spaghetti, then putting it in a heated wine with garlic and then topping lightly with parmesan cheese... Has anyone tried something like that?
For three days straight now, I've been really good ( not perfect, mind you) about drinking my water. I got out of slack with it for too long. I was pleasantly surprised for the last 3 days that I was not rushing to the ladies room every six mintues as I have before when starting to drink a lot of water, however.... Its ALL…
Healthier butter?
Does anyone use a butter/margarine substitute that's actually healthier than the rest? I love I Cant Believe Its Not Butter Spray, but I know, I know...its flavored chemicals. any suggestions?
I've hit a wall...HELP!!!
Hey all- I've been on the plateau from hell for close tot a year now and I'm seriously losing my mojo!! I am at the point where I still want to lose, but I cannot fathom counting one more calorie, point, gram, set, whatever...I am seriously losing steam. I dont want to undo what I've done, but I am SICK TO DEATH of…
This cant possibly be true- can it?
I just read this statement " For every pound of muscle that you add, it will burn 3000 calories a day." Is that true? I feel stupid even asking, becuase I'm confident is just one more of the 12,000,654 theories and myths out there- :noway:
My tum tum just cant take it anymore....
I went to the State Fair this weekend- I got a fried corn dog, after eating about 1/3 of it, my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was going to puke and die! :sad: :sick: Then my husband pointed out that I got that feeling after eating too much pizza one night and another time when i ate crap all weekend. Same pains, same…
Dizzy Spells?
I've been having some odd dizzy spells lately-some are severe where it feels like the entire world is shifting, others its just a passing phase that feels wierd. Usually I am sitting down when they happen. I'm eating enough that I'm not starving, so its nothing like that. I have a dr. appt on Friday to check it out, but…
Question of the Day: Where does it go?
So most of us are losing weight, fat, inches, whatever- Where does it go? The 6 inches I lost in the past month- where is it? Maybe I left it at the gym?
Can anyone tell me anything about this class? Never taken it, so I'm curious. Does the 'X' stand for eXhausting? eXtremely hard? eXcruciating? :laugh: I hope not...might want to give it a try!
Difference between workouts-??
This may be a dumb question, but on the elliptcials and other equipment, I see the lights light up at the level I'm working out at, usually either "fat burning" or "cardio"...what's the differnece? I thought you burned fat when your heart rate was up, so which is better? While I want to lose fat, I'm almost always in the…
Wii Fit-
What's the deal with these anyway- is it really a good workout?
Polar heart Rate Monitors
I have a Polar F6- all the info on it is current. I noticed that the elliptcal I use has a built in Polar Monitor so it often picks up my HR on it.( Elliptical also has weight/age entered) While the heart rate is usually very accurate, the calorie counting is sometimes way off- like 30 calories or so...seems to be geting…
Excercise calories/fats/sugar...
I've been eating as many excecise calories as possible, however, I noticed I often am over either fats/sugar/sodium or something else. Does this matter too much? I dont want to do well in one area and crap out in another- seems counter-productive or something. What do you think?
Resting Heart Rate Question-
What is a 'good' resting heart rate? Is it a higher number ( 70) or a lower number (40)? I was under the impression that a higher resting heart rate was good, becuase you were burning more calories just resting, but then I read somewhere that professional athletes have something like a 40 resting heart rate... Can anyone…
Psyllium Anyone?
Anyone here take Psyillium Husk Powder?
Slim Fast Optima...
Four hour hunger control my *kitten*!! More like ONE hr. Please!!! yes, I do know better, but it was easy and convenient. I cannot believe they claim four hour hunger- I would have been better and longer satisfied by eating a handful of M&M's. Ok, rant over.
DId not eat all my Excecise calories-
I earned 760 calories yesterday- but didnt eat them all- only about 200 of them- If I workout at night, earning calories, should I eat them that night or can I eat them the next day? I dont like to eat calories ahead of excercise in case I crap out on my workout and without the calories burned then I end up with too many.…
Attention Please ....
Are you drinking your water? Well what are you waiting for! Go get a nice big glass and down that sucker!! You KNOW its good for you!!