Food for thought
--Exercises --
Here is a good daily question What one exercise that uses the entire body. Example - Swimming. Burpees - or variation so it Rowing Are there any others?
So... There is this guy at work who is a "nutritionist" who says pasta is bad for you, its harder to burn pasta off once its in your system. 1 - Is there anything else other than a calorie is a calorie, that I can say to him, to show him he's full of crap. 2 - Are there any profiles with before and after photo's with pasta…
For those have lost 25 lbs more or less. How much cardio did you do?
Registered Dietitian
Has anybody ever been to an RD? What were the Pro's and Con's? How much was the visit? How soon after the visit did you notice a difference.
Garmin Vivofit 2
Has anybody the Vivofit 2? Do you need to have the HRM w/ Vivofit2 in order to count calories? Can you just wear the Vivofit to count calories?
I am confused I have a Polar T4 HRM that I use to monitor calories being burned. So I wanted a TDEE reading from it.. so I put it on for 10hrs and I got 1600 calories burned. So 10hrs = 1600; 20hrs = 3200 calories Now if I go to IIFYM, they give me my TDEE as BMR is: 1912 Calories/Day TDEE is: 2199 Calories/Day Anybody…
Hey.. So I bought a Roku, Does anybody have some really good channels, that they use? Everytime I search for a show, it brings me to Hulu or Hulu plus!
Hulk Hogan
Have anybody herd what happened to him a few days ago. A tape got released with him using the N word 5 times in one sentence and 100 times in a paragraph. ( I am exaggerating a bit) I got into a tiff with FB friend over it.. He called me & Foxnews racist for dismissing it. I tried to explain to him that only the left…
Real or fake
Real or fake https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11250154_1110468888967029_4807595476200989928_n.jpg?oh=e74e73d8fd60e0b430bd39af9388193e&oe=55BEC175&__gda__=1443445843_26ec66288bdf779d2247cfb2cfd8d18e
So, for all of those, who are successful at losing weight. I have a question for you. If I eat 1500 calories a day and I swim for 2hrs in the morning burning 1000 calories and I do that again at night, do I need to count my TDR or BMR?
Help wanted
How does one ask for help from Sara and SideSteal?
How Interesting
So on Saturday morning, after I finished my worked out, I found out that a I had a msg on on the boards (here). So I'm thinking how cool. and low and behold its a memeber by the name of (Hotmama or Hotsmama) and some sort of number like Hotmama666 or something, Anyway, she or he says "I'm a moron and to shut up" or…
the Biggest Looser
The biggest looser is here.. Who is ready? Who's gonna watch it with me?
Interesting Articles
http://www.workoutplan.com/8-most-useless-workouts-ever/1/ http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/05/06/10-bogus-health-trends-that-waste-your-time/?intcmp=features
For all of those who have reached at a plateau in your weight loss journey. How many of you received the advice from the MFP forums to drop the calories. And how of you did that advice work?
So Pauline Nordin is a personal trainer who started the fighter diet at. http://fighterdiet.com/ I am interested in buying some books but they are like $40 an Ebook. Anybody want to split the costs? Anybody read her Books? Anybody have any takes on her
My 600 lbs life
Does anybody watch this show.. OMG.. I was watching it, last night, I really got pissed off.. Silly husband, should have fed his wife rabbit food and let her starve. How does anybody gain 5lbs after surgery. She was insane...
My 600lbs life
Just a reminder that if you are interested in this show, It will be on today.. First will be a repeat of Penny, then Chuck. I think its on at 7 or 8 or 9, Central time.. Please check your TV Guide for more details.
So I got back the results of my physical and it stated that I lack in Vitamin D and I am dehydrated Could those two items, prevent someone from loosing weight? .
The FighterDiet
The Fighter diet is from a person named Pauline Nordin. She's a PT and has her own line of books/Protien/etc.. etc.. I would like to buy her books, but its $30. Does anybody have her books. Can I ask you questions.
Max Interval Plyo
What in G-d's Green earth is/was that??? I have never jumped so much in a 45min time frame before..and what was those pushup's? I am not ready for this level of Insanity.. and I was keeping up, until LEVEL 3 Drills. I pushed to do 2 sets of it..and then I just dropped.. I am getting better, I did 40min of the program, and…
2nd Month
So I am doing the recovery Week. and I took a sneek peak of next month. What did I get my self into? Tell me the bark is worse then the bite.
Water Weight
Very interesting.. I got home late, so I didn't do Insanity, I decided to run instead. I ran hills at the same pace as flat. I did it for 30min and burned 500 calories. This is done on the treadmill. NowI gained weight er, My weight went up. the last few days, I would run +do Insanity, my weight would go down... Now…
Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Now that I have does this work out, a few others, yesterdays session of Plyo didn't seem as bad. now I did have a lake under me. anybody else finding these works out getting easier to do?
1st month
Well I know some of us should be finishing up the 1st Month of Insanity, Any thoughs? Any progress? Has anybody started the 2nd month? is it like the 1st Month?
So as the end of the 1st month approaches, who is weighing in, or should we weight until the end of the 2nd month?
Pure Cardio and Resistance
This week I have to start my 2nd week cause last week too many events occured. So yesterday was an off/odd day. I was clearly under my Calorie goal and I just was not in the mood to do Insanity. So I decided to just do the first 10min and go from there. I did the 10min, 20min 30min of the Insanity. but the last legg of it,…
I am a creature of habbit.. but does anybody know some quick 200 cal meals. I already know about Yogurt and fruit. cheese.. Something of more the lines of Beans and Rice, ( as I can add stuff to it.)