4 stones loss
Hi guys, its been a very long time!! Well, I was put onto a very strong drug called Clozapine, for my mental health, and i virtually doubled in weight! After a major illness, the clozapine was stopped and so far this year I have lost 4 stones!
Sodium g instead of mg
I think you should make salt measurements in g instead of mg, because people always write it in grams anyway and it messes up my nutrition goals.
Hi guys. I thought it would be nice to know how everyone is getting on with both their mental health and their weihht loss or gain, whatever theyre here to do?
Introducing myself
Hi everyone. I suffer from BPD and bulimia and i self harm, amongst other things. I am hoping to meet some people on here who can give me motivation, support, encouragement-and i can do the same for them. This is a particularly tricky time as i stopped all psychiatrict medication 2 weeks ago. This was against doctors…
Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone had ever been on or had any experience with the drug pregabalin? In mental health, it is used as anti-anxiety, but its main properties are to treat neuropathic pain and act as an anti-convulsant. I have been on 75mg morning and night for two weeks now and they are really screwing with…
An introduction
Hi everyone and thanks for joining! Well , a little about me... TRITCHTILOMANIA developed age 7 BULIMIA developed age 12 (flitting between mia and EDNOS) SELF INJURY developed age 12 FIRST SUICIDE ATTEMPT age 14 BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER AND DEPRESSION diagnosed age 17 I am now 22 years old and undergoing clinical…
anxiety and exercise
Hey everyone! I am posting this topic on behalf of a member... Is there anyone out there who finds exercising difficult because of anxiety issues? Perhaps because youre scared to exercise alone or because an increased heart-rate makes you panic? Any possible ideas to help would be welcome :) Thanks in advance charlie
22 looking for support, juggling bulimia and college
Hi everyone. I am 22 years old from Birmingham (UK) and i am looking to get to 131 lbs from 162 lbs. I have weighed this much before, but it only lasted a year. I suffer from bulimia, which you can imagine makes it hard to stick to any diet, so having a friend on here would probably be helpful. I am also currently…
med-free borderline?? ranting away...
Hi everyone, some of you may have been wondering where ive been...well ive been in the psyche hospital for the last 3 weeks and got sectioned. Got the section lifted last night and discharged against medical advice. My psychiatrist has decided that its best for me to go medication-free as i abuse the meds by overdosing. My…
Is it genetics?
Hi all... Im sure youve seen this debate many times surrounding mental health, but do we think its caused by nature (genetics) ? Nurture (how were brought up and our environment) or a combination of both? Personally i think it is both. And somethign that you science kids might find interesting is that i have mental…
waiting for midnight
Hi guys Im not really sure where to post this... Does anyone else spend the last couple of hours of the day just waiting for midnight to come, just so they can start over ? Or eat without going over their goals? It is driving me insane.... I just sit there clock watching (im trying to distract with TV , facebook and MFP)…
Help-weight loss with ED
I posted this on another group and got no reply so was wondering if anyone here can help... Hi everyone i am a 22 year old female who has had an eating disorder since the age of 12. I also have BPD. I am looking for new friends and support and am willing to give it in return. I live in Birmingham (UK) and am aiming to lose…
Unresponsive groups
Hi all. Ive joined 5 different groups on here, posted on them all and got not even one reply on any of them. Its quite disheartening. Has anyone else had this trouble ? I always have loads of comments on the forums, so cant understand why i dont in the groups. Sad panda :(
low sugar foods?
Hi everyone. Im wondering if anyone can recommend any low sugar foods, as i used my daily allowance of 24g by breakfast!! So now i am in minus figures and i havent even had dinner yet :( Im not looking for recipes just yet, just individual foods. Ideas would be appreciated! Charlie
stupid question
Hi all. This is probably going to sound really really stupid but im going to ask anyway LOL Are calories in food and drink the same? Like processed the same way and everything and equally as important or is there a difference? Dont judge ....hahahah
Roll over?
Hi all. Im sure this has been asked before, but can cals etc...be rolled over to the next day? I went out for a meal earlier and was under but i just realised i forgot to add my drink-vodka and cranberry juice, which has 210 cals!! Now im over in calories and sugar and i havent had dinner yet!! Please dont tell me that…
which foods do you miss the most?
Hi all. I was wondering which foods you all miss the most in your new healthy life? And im already assuming someones going to say chocolate :)
The more research I do, the more confused i get...i am losing the will to live! I just want to know 2 simple things-my ideal weight and my daily calorie intake to reach that goal losing roughly 2 lbs a week. Calories: MFP goal-1200 BMR- 1512 TDEE-1872 Weight: LBM should be between 124 and 129 lbs but is 111 lbs Frame…
only ate a meal 3 hours ago and want food again!!
Hi everyone, Well i had a meal 3 hours ago and i already want food again....its quarter past 4 in the morning and i have already consumed approx 400 cals. No doubt i will sleep through the normal breakfast times, but theres no way i can eat again now and skip lunch. What can i do to not eat-it is consuming my every…
lean body mass...please clarify
Hi. I have found out that my lean body mass should be between 124 and 129 lbs . It is currently 111 lbs. Meaning i have an obese body type. What does this mean? What are the consequences if i do not change this? And how do i change it?
G vs mg
This is just a little rant really, but why does the website change from grams to mg for sodium ? I only noticed like 2 seconds ago and had to go back and change ALL my foods . Its a good job ive only been here two days lol....and i apologise to anyone whose sodium i have changed on their foods too! oopsie
Eating Out
Hi everyone. I eat out appallingly often and was wondering if anyone could recommend meals or pubs/restaurants (UK) etc... that would be the best to have/go to. My daily sugar allowance is also 24g and i am allowed 1,200 cals. Please advise! Charlie
finding the best of both?
hi all. I started my new diet yesterday and went way over on the sugar i was allowed, so last night i went food shopping and got some low sugar food. New problem. Now i am over on my protein !!! How can i get them both right? charlie
facebook pics and MFP
hi all. I am signed in with my facebook and it has accessed all my info ...so is there any possible way i can access my photos? When i click on upload profile pic, it only gives me the option to upload from my computer files. charlie
BMR cals or MFP recommended cals?
Hi all. Tonight i have been introduced to the BMR. My BMR is 1, 512. Myfitnesspal has told me i should be aiming for 1,200 cals. Which one should i listen to? And why are they both different? yesterday i went over and consumed 1,310 cals is that enough or too much? Confused!
Which components are more important?
hi all. After my first day of dieting, i am over on fat and sugar, but under in calories, carbs and sodium. Will I still lose? Is sugar and fat content more important or calories and carbohydrates overall? charlie