Roll over?

Hi all.
Im sure this has been asked before, but can cals rolled over to the next day?
I went out for a meal earlier and was under but i just realised i forgot to add my drink-vodka and cranberry juice, which has 210 cals!! Now im over in calories and sugar and i havent had dinner yet!!
Please dont tell me that going over one day wont make a difference, because i know this. But it matters to me.
I know weight watchers DO NOT let you roll over, which is why i asked, but surely as long as you dont go over your allowance for the week youre ok? Or is there a reason they dont allow it that im not aware of?
Feel gutted right now, we even changed the restaurant we were going to so i could plan my calorie intake :( Just didnt think....
Lesson learnt , right?


  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Yes, it can roll over.
    As long as your weekly takings even out you are on the right track still.
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    Yes, it can roll over.
    As long as your weekly takings even out you are on the right track still.
