http://madfitness.guru/ Yo phreaky phasters... Anybody losing lbs? Today: AM-coffee or tea NOON-protein shake or tuna/chicken salad FAST to Thursday AM (water, tea, beverages, etc ok)
Week Workouts
Here's some weekly help. http://madfitness.guru/ Not rocket science. Get in 2 strength days, 2 "hard" days, a few long/low aerobic days, and some recovery. Mix it up, always get warmed-up for strength and hard days. And don't forget MOBILITY!
Happy Valentine's Day
Love saved Harry Potter, it can conquer all! Two classic Valentine wishes! https://youtu.be/JepA74cA2uE https://youtu.be/u1z4vkPWkLQ
Day 28
Well...can anyone believe that was 28 days? Dag! Great stuff! I'm sure if you cut the cals, portions, sugars...the Holiday layer of over-eating/drinking melted off. It's an amazing bit of magic-ry and trickeration....when food stops going in the cake-hole, the body transforms...al-ka-zam! After an intense bout of this, the…
Morning Team
Shelob: sporadic worker, shows up "whenever," shrewd thinker, helps with technical content, detailed work. Favorite food: "Hands down...I really enjoy 1000 leggers." Favorite vacation: "I spent a few weeks in the window sill, east side of house...in Spring." Favorite workout: "The other day the whiteboard said "5x…
Day 25
Power Day Warmup General stuff Tabata Row Tabata Assault Bike (get the HR nice and high, really warm and loose...be ready to go anaerobic...you want to be able to spike your blood right when the clock starts, the 1st few minutes are not the warmup!) 15 min. clock 3 Burpees 5 GTOH (ground 2 overhead, plate or bar) 5 Dips 6…
Day 27
Aerobic Filler 30-60 min.
Oh...sorry...I forgot...by the way...thanks for everything!
Cam, Cam, Cam…tsk, tsk, tsk! Now all of the “I epitomize loving the game, I am having so much fun, and I am the happiest guy in the game” is called into question, man! Now it all looks like a case of “the lady doth protest too much, methinks”? (You know… It’s kind of like people who play up how busy they are...where do…
Are we there...YET?
Still at 147...wanted 145 before Valentine's Day...not there, yet! Wrapped up in a society of new and now, it's difficult to frame things in "not yet." Here's a short version (ha!) of Carol Dweck's ideas on the power of "Yet." https://youtu.be/ZyAde4nIIm8 Her work on Growth mindset is an extension of the different beliefs…
Day 26
STRENGTH 4 DBs on Swiss Ball Lying chest press (back on ball) Seated OH press (sit on ball) Standing bicep curls Standing shrugs OH tricep extension Others as you wish CORE 3x 10 Knee Raises (either KTE, or on the "machine" w/ elbows on pads, or lying on ground) 20 Back Extension (on glute-ham machine or lying face down on…
To do and not to...
Hmmm. Have trouble thinking of exercises to put in a quick workout? Check out a list here http://madfitness.guru/category/workout-exercises/ And sample formats here http://madfitness.guru/sample-amraps-and-rds/ A repository for all things MFT! Hey, check out Ferriss' take on Goal Setting...anything you can use?…
Day 24 Workout Rest/Recover--if anything, low intensity (The the body accept/absorb the exercise, also be ready for tomorrow) It's pretty safe to say that anyone eating meat (esp. if not humanely sourced and factory farmed) would stop eating it like yesterday if they saw it produced! So if Eliminating meat is on your…
Day 23
STRENGTH 3 Power Clean DB Single Leg Squat Lat Pull Down Dips (Others as you please) CORE: 4 rds 12 KB Swing 10 Ball Pass (lay on back pass swiss ball from hands overhead to feet) 8 Back Extensions 6 Plank Knee Touch STRETCH/MOBILITY
Day 22
WORKOUT: AEROBIC (Transition from Power-Endurance to Strength stressors...let the body “take to” the stimulus). Start your 20 DAY ELIMINATION/ADDITION! Even if all your sh$t is wired tight, just pick something and get rid of it…why?....why not? Because you can!.....MFT. How about this one? Still doin’ the same exercise…
What's the cost?
The great things about our fitness: It’s Free: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning It’s Easy: Sensible-clean-light eating + your basal metabolic rate +…
Elimination or Addition
So true, after that "Golden Poo" post, you may be thinking..."elimination"? Really? Again? But no, it's not that. We all can follow the eating plans to lose fat...easy. Like today, eat: Protein Shake No lunch Workout Meat (you choose), avocado, salad (lots of tea, water, liquid during the day) Right, that's cake, simple,…
Day 21
Super Power Bowl Warm up: dealer's choice Workout: 3 x 5-minute rounds (rest 1 minute between rounds) 1 min DB Curl press 1 min Slam Ball 1 min Row 1 min Battle Ropes 1 min Wtd Lunge (w/ dumbells hanging by side) (Not feeling those exercises...then sub our own!) At least 15 min: CORE, STRETCH Doing Cal Spike/Carb Day for…
Quitters?...or Gritters?!
First…If you’re going Calorie spike/Carb day for Super Bowl….why are you eating today?!!! Now, on to the post: Quitter! I get it. Really, I do. No one wants to be a quitter. If you eliminate something, you’ll feel like a quitter. “I can’t give up on the nightly Stroh’s!” “Leaving the safety of Bear Claws just wouldn’t be…
Day 20
Rest/Recover (In between yesterday HI Endur and tomorrow Power). If anything...Low Intensity, Core, Mobility, Roll out the gook/break up shmootz! Suggestions: keep working stability and mobility CORE 3x 10 Knee Raises (either KTE, or on the "machine" w/ elbows on pads, or lying on ground) 10 Back Extension (on glute-ham…
Day 19 HI Endurance
Back to a High Intensity Endurance Day! These are like your test days! Not slow, heavy Strength. Not long, slow Aerobic. Not short, hard Power. This is the sweet spot...High Intensity Endurance (hard, extended effort). So here we go: Warm Up 15 minutes 3 x 1mile repeats. (These are best done on a flat road stretch or…
Pick your poison!
Ok, what's it gonna be? C'mon, step up! The old "I'll put on weight, then cut sugar, then sweat out a few water LBs" that's way too easy, and totally overdone! What will you give up for 20 days 1) to see if you have the courage to do it 2) to see if it changes your life? Learn more about Gut Bacteria and Brain…
Aw, sh%t...did you say CHart? I thought you said...
Anyway, we find Fasting and eating less, real food...gives our gut ecosystem a chance to balance itself. That's why we feel better all over from brain to toes. But that's a subjective "feeling"...if you want the objective measure whether any of this eating and exercise is working...that's right...rate your stool...it tells…
Day 18
Warm Up 3x 1 min assault bike 1 min row 1 MB suicide 6 Spider Lunge Workout Strength 2 (DB incline press, Seated Row, Deadlift, Wtd Rev Lunge) (others as you please) CORE/STRETCH
Day 17
Rest/Recover If anything, very low intensity. (I'm on Strength 1/Mobility...yesterday we recovered with a walk) Keep focused...always keep in mind...if diet is controlled, "exercise" is not necessary. Eat this, at varied times, infrequently, and NOT alot! Eggs, Kraut, Kimchi, The boooooch! Protein shake Nuts/Salad Various…
Day 16
Warm Up Easy 1500m Row 20 Squats, 20 Pushups, 20 Lunge Steps (other as needed) STRENGTH 1 Leg Press, Leg Ext Chest Press/Machine DB Squat (I hold dbs at shoulder) Tricep Push Down (others as you please) CORE 4x 90 sec plank 10 side plank/hip pulse (l/r) 10 flutter kicks 10 hip bridge/leg out (l/r) MOBILITY 4x (hold each…
"I hit 'im, I hit 'im in the gut!"
Hope you read/watched "Day 15" on possible trauma to our gut from herbicides, gmo, processed foods. We feel so much better when we eat a) very little and b) clean, real foods....b/c 1) Crap food contain stuff that....isn't good for us...ew!…
Day 14
Back to Power! We gonna earn that Wednesday rest day this week (Strength, Power, Strength, Power, Aerobic, Strength, REST). So the 2nd Power workout is... 6x Sled Push (down/back if at WyoFit; 30m otherwise) Deadlift This is a great partner workout (in fact, JJ and I tested this one out) 1 person DL, the sled is the clock.…
Day 15
Grab some Aerobic today. Go long, low. (nice transition from the Power and Strength workouts, toward that Wednesday Rest day). Now, it's easy to tell people what to eat. Eggs, Kraut (or kimchi or kambucha...something fermented) Nuts Meat (a variety of beef, chicken, fish) Veggies (diverse, mostly cruciferous) There are…
Get caught up!
Youse still prolly have a lot of catching up to do. A quick review 1) You're not hungry http://robbwolf.com/2013/08/14/kind-hungry-you/ 2) Don't eat too much, too often or you'll get/stay fat http://fatburningman.com/the-meal-frequency-fallacy/ 3) I heart carb day. https://youtu.be/lIa-X5KuwC4 4) 7 tips for smooth…