Is this normal? Weight gain but same calories and new gym
Someone give me some hope ha. So I started weight loss about 4 weeks ago. I've 100lbs to lose to hit my ideal BMI for my height. I'm aiming to eat 2000 calories, roughly 160g of that protein. I scan and weigh my food, I log everything, I'm eating mainly unprocessed foods - I'm doing this properly. I finish my day around…
Those who have lost a lot of weight - maintenance phases
Those of you on here who have lost a lot of weight and kept it off - did you build in regular maintenance phases? So did you lose your weight in one go, or did you occasionally have a break from the restriction? I ask as my boyfriend showed me a youtube video by a PHD body builder and he said, that it makes sense to lose…
Success with ADHD?
Hello, Give me some hope people haha - has anyone successfully managed to stick to myfitnesspal and so lose weight? I have so much weight to lose. I do well, lose like 14lbs, and then forget myself or give into impulsivity and jack it all in. I never get further than the 14lbs! And then i put it back on again. I have zero…
Success with ADHD/ADD? Or success with building good habits?
Hello, Give me some hope people haha - has anyone with ADHD or poor organisational skills successfully managed to stick to myfitnesspal and lose a lot of weight? I have so much weight to lose. I do well, lose like 14lbs, and then forget myself or give into impulsivity and jack it all in. I never get further than the 14lbs!…
Hello! I'm trying to figure out where to start calorie wise, can i have a hand from you guys who've succesfully lost weight? I have 100lbs+ to lose. I've decided that I'm going to eat a meditteranean type diet, which is how i enjoy eating anyway. But i am going to weigh everything and cook from scratch as much as possible.…
Gaining a bottom?
Has anyone been able to gain an bottom? I just don’t have one hahaha. I’m a$sless. What exercises do those that have built one recommend?
Beginners Yoga - YouTube?
I'd really like to try out Yoga! I've never done it before, I have done Pilates though. Can anyone recommend a good free beginners video on YouTube? If I like it, I'll go join a studio. Would like to try it out first though at home.
Feeling cruddy
Event in a week - how do you plan?
Hiya! I'm going to one of my closest friends baby showers in a week. We're having an afternoon tea which is basically tiny sandwiches and then cake galore (and for us non pregnant, cocktails!). Then I reckon we'll be in the city all day and it will turn into dinner out. So I'm going to eat and drink about 2000 calories I…
U.K. Yoghurts - alternative to muller lights?
Ello! I seem to be eating a lot of muller lights of late, they're a handy afternoon snack aren't they. I'm not keen on some of the ingredients though, I like to try steer clear of sweeteners if I can. I wondered if anyone had found an alternative for similar calories but with less ingredients in it? Greek yoghurt a given…
2 Meals a day?
Hello! I'm going to switch my diet from 3 meals a day and a snack, to 2 meals a day and a snack. Going to drop my evening meal - it's 8pm most work nights when I get to eat. My body doesn't want to eat that late, my sleep suffers for it I'm sure. So I'm going to listen to myself and swap that meal for a piece of fruit.…
Can you set 3 or 4 goals? Or just the one?
Hello, I've got my ultimate goal that i want to reach, but then i have another 2 goals inbetween that i want to hit in time for holidays etc. Can I set that up to show on a tracker somehow? Or do i just need to put the ultimate goal in? Many thanks, Natalie
Weights - Alternative to kneeling one arm row?
Ello! I'm just starting out with a beginners dumbbell routine at home. I'm following a guide in "burn the fat, feed the muscle". One of the moves involves kneeling on a bench and doing a one armed row. I don't have a bench. I have to do this at home, in my living room or kitchen. Any alternatives I can do which work the…
Eh, how can I gain lbs but lose inches?!
I'm on my 2nd week of my new lifestyle. I weigh myself everyday and use an app which gives me an average rate of loss depending on the trend of what I'm recording. I also measure my waist, hips, back and arm weekly at the same time in cm. The first week I lost 3lbs but my measurements stayed roughly the same. This week,…
Weight lifting - Is this right for my goals?
Or is there other suggested ways? I'm on Operation Shrink! I want to lose 3 dress sizes over the next 6 months. I'm going away on a girls weekend so I have good motivation. I'm going to eat TDEE less 20%, and I'm doing a behavioural 12 week plan to get my mind sorted. Exercise though - what is the best thing to do for inch…
Calorie Zig Zagging? Weekly Calories?
Does anyone here go from weekly calories or alternate their calories by day? Does it still work? Is it harder than the 'normal' steady way? I'm going to aim to have the same calories each day (TDEE less 20%) generally, but i'm also trying to plan out ways to be flexible for the weeks where I have celebrations or holidays…
Help!! Are my calories right?
Helpppp! I'm 29, 160cm tall and weigh 225lbs. Exercises wise I've been slowly walking for 30 mins twice a week with the pushchair, maybe an hour on a weekend and then 3 x a week I'm doing a starter dumbell routine. I'll do that for another 3 weeks to prep and then I'll start to lift heavy (5x5). Other than that I'm pretty…
What are your Weekly Achievements?
I'm nearing the end of my diet week, and decided I'd review what new things I'd achieved. When it was all written down, I was like - wow, I've actually resisted and forced myself to do many different things as to what I'd normally do. It's too easy to miss or not celebrate these mini achievements. So tell me, what are you…
Husband laughed
At me doing my dumbell routine. It's only the 2nd day of me trying this at home. I'm just trying the main movements per Tom Venutos advice. I need a home routine for after the baby is in bed. What a jeffing JERK! Moan over. Ahhh, feels good to get that off my chest instead of eating my emotions away.
Heavy Lifting for Women
Hello! I want to give heavy lifting a go, I have about 70lbs to lose. I'm liking the look of 'Stronglifts 5x5' as it looks so simple to follow. I like that its straight forward and there's not loads to remember. My question is, can you do this alone? Or do I need a partner? The most convenient place for me to go to do this…
Just needed a big fat whinge
Just spent 30 mins on the phone to a personal trainer who's classes I was interested in, and he wanted me to bare my soul. I obliged - answered his questions about why i want to lose weight, how i think i should do it, what do i think would happen if i do nothing, what did i struggle with etc. At the end of it all, he…
Chris Powell Total Body Workout
Hello! I've spotted Chris Powells Total Body workout routine on the Womens Health website. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/total-body-transformation I think it looks pretty simple to follow it, hopefully. I've been looking for something I can do at home or away. Once I've found some cheap dumb-bells I might get…
Free weights or circuit training?
Or both? Which is better for fat loss? Or are they both fine? I've signed up to do a circuits class 3 time a week for a month. I'll do walking on off days with the pushchair. I was doing heavy weights and HIIT with a PT before I got pregnant (and poor) and it was great though. Wondering if I should plan to add weights in…
Toe cramps?!
I've just started a circuit training class. We did a proper warm up etc. Nearer the end of the class I kept getting cramp in my toes! Has anyone had this or know why it happens?
Just wondering about this sweetener, is it ok? My husband reckons stevia isn't a chemical like most sweeteners so it could be a good alternative to me using sugar in my tea. I usually have about 3 teaspoons of sugar a day though so it's no big deal to change. Just curious!
High protein, quick to make lunches?
Hello, I'm looking for some ideas for high protein, low cost lunches that are easy and quick to make? Calorie wise anything up to 500 is fine. I'm due to have my first baby in the next month, so I'm trying to plan ahead. I will be at home so I'll probably prepare the food when I need it. Natalie
Weight lifting?
Hello! I've been trying out the stronglifts programme for about a month and a half, along with eating 20% below TDEE. It has been really working for me, I've lost 5 inches off my waist in that time and 10lbs! And I've been doing it no more than twice a week because of gym problems. My strength improved so much that i can…
Stronglifts and pregnancy?
Hello! I've been trying out the stronglifts programme for about a month and a half, along with eating 20% below TDEE. It has been really working for me, I've lost 5 inches off my waist in that time and 10lbs! And I've been doing it no more than twice a week because of gym problems. My strength improved so much that i can…
How do you keep motivated every day?
I've been trying to lose weight for agesssss! This time around, I have been trying to stay motivated every day. I have bought a calendar which I've stood on my coffee table, and I award myself stickers!! Yes, like a child's star chart hahaha. I get a green heart sticker each day if I stay in calories, a pink heart if I…
Silly newbie question!
Hello A bit of a daft post but I'm very new to this. :) Can anyone show me what a power rack looks like? And how are you meant to use them? I thought I'd been using one for overhead press (the instructor put me on it). But I'm now wondering if that was the dreaded smith machine... it was like a big frame with clips on the…