What are your Weekly Achievements?

I'm nearing the end of my diet week, and decided I'd review what new things I'd achieved.

When it was all written down, I was like - wow, I've actually resisted and forced myself to do many different things as to what I'd normally do.

It's too easy to miss or not celebrate these mini achievements.

So tell me, what are you proud of this week?


  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member
    Here was my list -

    Week 1 Achievements

    *Went to work gym x 1
    *2 x morning pram walks
    *Did home workout x 3 (didn't want to x 2 but still did it)

    *Planned all days food night before
    *Packed 3 salads, 1 picnic and 2 breakfasts (normally eaten out)
    *Resisted cake offers x 5!!!
    *Resisted day out temptations
    *Resisted birthday party food
    *Resisted work buffet

    *Didn't let criticism, laughing, scoffing and being ignored stop me

    *Lost 2cm off waist & 1cm all over
    *Lost 6lbs