Pros and Cons of keto?

cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
I've been spending a lot of time on these boards and have seen many people mention eating for ketosis, but even using the search function, I haven't been able to find the pros and cons of eating for keto. If you've done keto (or are currently...), what are the pros and cons? I'm talking: results, convenience, cost, etc. Any kind of feedback you have would be helpful to me in making my decision as to whether to go keto or not. Thanks! :)


  • maggiegbrown
    maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
    I have been on keto for a month and half, I have lost 15 lbs. and have consistently 2 lbs. every week. I feel so much better, I have so much more energy, I do not crave carbs. I am never really hungry. When I started I was a wee bit scared Cause I love pasta and potato's. But now I don't miss them at all. If you go on line and search Keto you will find a ton of info on it and why it is so good. In my opinion it is not a fad it is a way of life. Do the search for yourself. There is also a few facebook pages that also have a ton of info, alone with our groups here.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Unless you're diabetic, have PCOS, or some other difficulty with insulin, keto is kind of a fad.

    What's your reasoning behind this? Have you used keto in the past?
  • maggiegbrown
    maggiegbrown Posts: 90 Member
    actually people with diabetes have to be careful with keto because to get into ketosis you have to bring your carbs down to only 20 grams. and that is way to low for a diabetic. people well above 50 grams. They do have to watch their carbs, so the keto diet may not be right for them. they should always ask their doctor first.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    edited May 2016
    cecsav1 wrote: »
    Unless you're diabetic, have PCOS, or some other difficulty with insulin, keto is kind of a fad.

    (1) What's your reasoning behind this? (2) Have you used keto in the past?

    1: Weight loss comes from a calorie deficit. Full stop. You can lose weight eating nothing but sugar, it would be hard but it's possible. I've lost 85 pounds eating lots of carbs. Unless you have a problem with insulen, keto is unnecessary for weight loss or any other benefit. But it's really wildly popular *kitten* of a sudden despite the complete lack of necessity.

    2: My experience with keto is very personal and I don't want to share it here and invite a lot of comments. I'll send you a PM. Well, I tried to, MFP wouldn't let me.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Pros: bacon, eggs, steak.

    Cons: possible adrenal fatigue (shown in studies). no carbs aka no pizza, ice cream..etc. decreased endurance, stamina, energy in gym. Bad breath. Bloating when coming off of ketosis. Foggy or fuzzy due to lack of glucose in the brain.

    I'm sure there are many reasons, responses, and opinions, but unless you prefer it or have a medical condition, I would just keep a balanced diet with a caloric goal
  • MindPump1
    MindPump1 Posts: 77 Member
    Pros: bacon, eggs, steak.

    Cons: possible adrenal fatigue (shown in studies). no carbs aka no pizza, ice cream..etc. decreased endurance, stamina, energy in gym. Bad breath. Bloating when coming off of ketosis. Foggy or fuzzy due to lack of glucose in the brain.

    I'm sure there are many reasons, responses, and opinions, but unless you prefer it or have a medical condition, I would just keep a balanced diet with a caloric goal

    I have been doing the Keto diet for 2 months now, and if anything I feel much better in the gym then I did when I was eating carbs all day. I don't have any conditions that force me on this diet, and I sure do love me some carbs, but sometimes, I get bloated when I eat them, and would feel weighted down. Since transitioning away, I don't have those feelings. Everyone reacts to this diet differently, but I think I see better gains in the gym since going keto for me.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    i did it for almost a month and my kidneys hurt SO BAD. i quit and felt better immediately.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    My mom lost 50 pounds doing keto in 2005 and has kept it off all this time. She has no health issues where she NEEDS keto but It's the only way of life that has ever worked with her and weight loss.
    I tried to do keto with her and I was an emotional wreck and it wasn't sustainable for me.

    A life without pizza is not a life I want to live.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I lost 80 plus pounds on Keto been in Maintenance for a few months and now a mini bulk the one and Only CON I can think of is Flat looking muscles in low carb but literally in 24 hours that can change if I eat carbs..
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I don't do it any more. But the pros for me were:

    No more cravings
    Was able to stay in my deficit effortlessly
    my skin cleared up and excema disappeared
    No more afternoon slump
    Clearer thinking
    Weight loss was just easier and I lost each and every week

    Cons: Keto breath, which is is why I stopped :disappointed: If I was single (husband complained constantly about the breath) and I never had to leave the house or talk to people, I'd still be doing it. I'm so jealous of people who don't get this side effect, or if they do, don't care.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Do some actual research, if you don't understand the science then it won't really work for you. It did for me, I lost 100lbs using a ketogenic diet. Cravings were truly gone, non existent. I can say that's a pro. Cake didn't even make me salivate which is probably impossible right now (not on keto anymore obvs). Energy levels stayed steady (it's a blood glucose thing, it doesn't rise and fall so severely when you eat no carbs)

    A con would be that it needs to be a lifestyle choice. Many do! My best friends father is a ketogenic eater for life, and he doesn't eat substitutions for carbs like low carb tortillas whereas I survived with them as my "treats". Basically as soon as I started eating carbs again, the cravings came back full force and caused binges from a year of deprivation. I didn't have energy for increasing my exercise, which I was ready for at the time so I felt limited. But I also didn't come off with any kind of plan, I got on MFP with zero calorie counting experience and then life happened. I can't say 100% that eating carbs is why I regained weight- stress and binge eating did that, as did quitting my gym.

    I advocate lots of research, really think it over. It requires higher fat and I had to basically redo my entire fridge and pantry when I did it so it's not exactly a "diet" you can start and stop whenever you like. Your body needs to adapt to burning fat in the absence of glucose, and that's not exactly process that is painless. The keto flu can be quite a doozy, I remember mine lasted 2 full days and I felt like absolute dirt. If I ever cheated on the diet I could expect to feel pretty awful for days, which was a good motivator not to cheat... but that wasn't a life I wanted. I wanted to have a slice of cake to celebrate a friend's birthday and not spend a day with my guts turning inside out.

    You can do it without ketosis, but if you chose to try it, do tons and tons of research. Not on here, just Google scientific articles and explanations so you totally understand the process and why the urine strips don't work well.
  • alittlelife14
    alittlelife14 Posts: 339 Member
    It was all fine for me until I hit the just what felt like inevitable carb binge or overage and then I just felt demolished and sick and terrible and gained like all the weight I had lost back overnight due to the water weight
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I've been keto for about a year and lost 40lbs. The following list is relevent for me only.


    Reduced appetite and cravings.
    A slight thermogenic benefit.
    Tasty food.
    No more reactive hypoglycemia.
    Improved IR and BG
    Fewer autoimmune flare-ups
    Increased cognitive function.
    Better skin and hair.
    Steadier and better energy.
    Less gas.


    Restricted food choices (but I'm a celiac so I'm used to that)
    Looser bms.
  • rerez2015
    rerez2015 Posts: 72 Member
    edited May 2016
    I have lost 107lbs doing LCHF since Jan 2015.
    It's not a fad to me. It's a healthy way of living.
    If you need help you can friend me.
    I don't feel restricted in my food choices at all.
    I have EXCELLENT recipes for just about everything.
  • rollerjog
    rollerjog Posts: 154 Member
    can someone tell me how long do stay on the keto diet, how many carbs to take in fats and also protein to take in, i know it all depends on your activity, weight to figure out pro fat carbs, are you able to work out heavy on a keto diet
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    @rollerjog most ketoers stick to 5% carbs, 75% fat, 20% protein. 50g of carbs would be around the max amount per day.

    You don't have to start off at 5% of you don't want to.
  • V_Keto_V
    V_Keto_V Posts: 342 Member
    edited May 2016
    Pros: better compliance, less appetite, steady energy supply (consistency) vs. peak-trough energy of glucose, lower triglycerides & generally better lipid panel (increased HDL, decreased VLDL, unchanged or increased LDL), lowered HbA1C/Blood Glucose, less fluid retention, promotes inhibitory Neurotransmitter Gamma-amino butyric acid (protection in seizures (roughly 50% respond & can lower/eliminate epilepsy med use), theorized to benefit alzheimer's disease (glucose as a fuel source for the brain diminishes; intranasal insulin is being investigated as a treatment as well to overcome this), parkinson's disease)

    Cons: initial adaptation ("brain-fog", asthenia, lethargy, malaise, etc.), vastly limited food choice & need to examine food labels, constipation, increased risk of kidney stones, dehydration, decreased High intensity performance (HIIT, powerlifting, etc.)