And STILL A Success Story! 125 pound transformation! 5 1/2 Years and still going!

jasonalvear Posts: 72 Member
edited June 2016 in Success Stories
Hey everyone, I posted a long time ago about my story which you can read at the link at the bottom of this post. I wanted to post an update for everyone whom has been following my journey and might be curious if I've kept it up since then. I hope it motivates you and fires you up to keep moving forward and putting in the work. It's worth it guys! :)

2016 Update Video:

Instagram: NewCreationJason
Twitter: NewCreationJas
YouTube: NewCreationJason
Facebook: NewCreationJason

Original MyFitnessPal Success Story Post:


  • GW4321
    GW4321 Posts: 523 Member
    edited June 2016
    Thanks for sharing your video update with us. That is an amazing transformation! Great job.

    It is very similar to what I hope to accomplish as well. I want to lose a total of about 120lbs (down 80lbs so far) and hope to add muscle to complete the transformation. Your story is very motivational for me.

    I have a question about your original plan. Did you lose all of your weight first, and then start a bulking phase for adding muscle? Or were you able to do some recomposition (I think that’s what it’s called), where you dropped fat and still added some muscle along the way? I know there are several studies that have shown it is possible, but there is always conflicting information out there. I realize that I would eventually need to get into a bulk/cut cycle in order to build more muscle, but it would be great if I could still add some decent muscle until then.
  • jasonalvear
    jasonalvear Posts: 72 Member
    GW4321, I lifted weights the whole time, honestly. While the focus initially was just to lose the weight, lifting the weights definitely helped build and shape or recomp the body along the way. When you are starting out, you actually do build muscle, if lifting heavy that is, while on lower calories to lose the weight, so you get the best of both worlds. So while I did lose the weight first as the focus, I made sure I was lifting heavy weight on the way, definitely gave me better results had I not. I had a friend give me advice when I was starting out, thankfully.

    As far as the bulk/cut phases, it only becomes something one may want to consider if you have been lifting for a while (3+ years or so) to where you no longer get everything all at once. At that point you have to pick and choose to either full on diet, and slow the growth process (you can still build muscle while dieting, current studies show this, it's just slower) or go full on steady bulk and grow muscle more efficiently but will need to be comfortable with gaining a little bit of weight (fat).

    If you ever have questions, let me know. Happy to help bro!
  • xBabyLlamaDrama
    xBabyLlamaDrama Posts: 53 Member
    Dude, just wanted to let you know that you just provided me the biggest support right now.

    Currently down about 94 lbs (172ish) and have been struggling for a while, wondering if I'll ever be able to visibly see my abs or have a well defined chest, or if my skin may just sag and never reveal much. Been on the journey for about 16 months now.

    Reading your original story and seeing your pics now - I now see it is totally possible. Sometimes ya just need the proof. You've provided it. Keep on keeping on man - congrats on all your accomplishments.
  • GW4321
    GW4321 Posts: 523 Member
    edited July 2016
    Jason, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. It’s always good to hear from someone who has actually been through a similar journey. You definitely answered a few of the major questions that I’ve had. Thank you.
  • jasonalvear
    jasonalvear Posts: 72 Member
    Dude, just wanted to let you know that you just provided me the biggest support right now.

    Currently down about 94 lbs (172ish) and have been struggling for a while, wondering if I'll ever be able to visibly see my abs or have a well defined chest, or if my skin may just sag and never reveal much. Been on the journey for about 16 months now.

    Reading your original story and seeing your pics now - I now see it is totally possible. Sometimes ya just need the proof. You've provided it. Keep on keeping on man - congrats on all your accomplishments.

    Thanks man, and congrats on dropping 94 pounds bro! I know it's rough when you've been on the trip to get better for a long while and still aren't there yet, but, you are not where you used to be, you have made progress. Same thing back to you, keep on it my friend, you will continue to get better. You have 94 reasons that tell you the progress will continue :)
    GW4321 wrote: »
    Jason, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. It’s always good to hear from someone who has actually been through a similar journey. You definitely answered a few of the major questions that I’ve had. Thank you.

    Anytime my friend!
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