Need motivation

Need to put weight on but so hard no motivation after work feeling down no idea what to do help


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    You need to eat more and make it a priority. You can start by tracking your intake on here, and you will probably see that you aren't eating as much as you think.
    You need to be consistent with your intake, and meal plan if necessary to make sure calorie dense food is always available.

    Here is a great link to a list of foods and methods to get those cals up:
  • Hannahrose888
    Hannahrose888 Posts: 25 Member
    I know the feeling. You just have to force yourself to eat proper meals. Make a plan for yourself. Also add healthy and calorie dense snacks. Also calorie dense drinks, like protein drinks, milkshakes, and smoothies, help.
  • vinceno21
    vinceno21 Posts: 32 Member
    First thing is you need to completely change your mindset and enjoy the process of getting in shape. I always tell everyone that if you don't make exercising a lifestyle it wont last so don't even begin to waste your time. As these people say above, you really need to get your nutrition on point by at least eating your body weight in protein and making sure you're taking in a good amount of clean carbs and managing clean fat consumption. As to having low energy, I would first check your mindset and stop dwelling about how much weight you need to gain and then maybe consider a little coffee or pre-workout before you go to the gym.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    Only answer I can give is what keeps me motivated and it's not really the goals, because anyone can create a goal. It's my progress towards my goals. With MFP and my BI scale, I keep track of weight, BF and LBM. With 5x5 app, I keep track of progress and in terms of weights and reps. Both have graphs that I can look at and see, at a glance, the lines going up/down in the right direction slowly, but consistently. That's what keeps me going day after day.