Recovering sugar addict looking for home workout tips and motivation

Hello! Brand new to this site but long-time yo-yo tracker. I am in recovery of a full blown sugar addiction (think coffee creamer, candy, cookies, innumerable cupcakes, and sugary drinks all day long topped off with cocktails for all occasions) and need to lose the 25 lbs I gained in the last year plus the 20 or so I already had over my ideal.
Due to lots of thing I will be primarily home workout based. I have a very nice setup (good size room with tv, treadmill, weight bench and variety of free weights) but need help to get down there each morning and to actually push myself.
Would love some friends to help with workout ideas, to yell at me when I slack off, and help with some good healthy food ideas. I love to cook (well mostly I love to bake but I cook 95% of the family meals) and have tons of recipes to share but sit at a desk all day and have snacking issues.
Haven't fully figured out the site quite yet but will accept any and all friend requests!