Over 50?

Need friends over 50 that share the same obstacles that keep me from losing weight. Maybe someone out there can tell me why I'm not losing when I have changed my eating habits and exercise routine. I'm definitely eating better and started walking again and haven't lost but 1 1/2 lbs in a month. So frustrating


  • luvmyhound
    luvmyhound Posts: 2 Member
    Look at it from the positive perspective instead of the negative... you have lost ONLY 1-1/2 pounds... its weight loss! Its about a 1/2 pound a week, so its slow and real weight loss versus people who do these fad diets and lost 4-5 pounds a week and then gain it all back when they stop doing the diet. Also, having recently seen a hormone doctor, if you are going thru any part of menopause, weight loss slows down seriously due to the imbalance of hormones on a daily basis. They used to tell women to bother trying to lose weight while going thru any part of it. Now days they tell us women to keep going and take what we can get for weight loss because once we are done with all the menopause stuff, weight loss will gradually become easier again. The weight you lose now and continue to lose, no matter how large or small, you wont have to worry about losing later on. Better to lose than gain!
  • luvmyhound
    luvmyhound Posts: 2 Member
    Edit to my post... they used to tell women not to bother trying to lose... I forgot the word not!
  • TannaGidrey
    TannaGidrey Posts: 1 Member
    staying focus on me and my wants....I want to exercise and lose weight
  • dannybias50
    dannybias50 Posts: 65 Member
    West Virginia

    I try to motivate and inspire each day to help you achieve your goals
    Sample meal plan
    Sample workout plan
    Articles I've written that cover various topics, subjects

    ADD ME..!!!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    There are some great "Age 50+" groups in the Community section.

    I'm 53, and a man. For me, I find that my weight loss is not linear. It occurs occasionally and at irregular intervals. But it is in fact occurring. I find it helps when I'm accurate in recording my portions sizes, consistent in my tracking and when I work to reduce sodium (meaning no table salt for me).

    Keep at it. You'll get where you want to be.
  • Thehardmakesitworthit
    Thehardmakesitworthit Posts: 838 Member
    I am 52 have lost 74 pounds in less than a year. Hard as hell and many weeks it is .4 or .2 lb loss but they have added up. My thyroid is practically dead from chemo 15 years ago. The key is your mind. Wrap your mind around small goals very tightly, put your head down and go at it hard. It is hard but the hard has made it soooooo good! you can do it. You can.
  • stewartm508
    stewartm508 Posts: 1 Member
    Now turning 62 and completely through menopause and loosing weight is even harder than in my 50 when going through menopause. I get so tired of not loosing even when eating healthy and working out 5 days a week. Something has to give. I have even thrown out the scale since that would derail me when it didn't move. I am so tired of this.
  • LZMiner
    LZMiner Posts: 300 Member
    I'm 50 and I've lost 16 pounds since January. I'm ready to maintain and I'm happy to help support.
  • JerseySandy
    JerseySandy Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 67 and have gained 6 pounds in just 2 months, which means I now need to lose nearly 20 pounds instead of 15. I am past menopause and also have no ovaries, so not even a drop of estrogen remains. I am feeling pretty defeated about the weight creep, especially around my middle, where I never had a muffin top before. I am interested in what works for you in planning your day and how you deal with hunger and cravings. I really feel the only answer is to completely eliminate sugar and flour, but the restrictions always backfire and lead to even more weight gain. I totally relate to those struggling with this situation.
  • bonniehoskins
    bonniehoskins Posts: 7 Member
    I'm over 50 and a slower loser. Doing LCHF, lost 33 pounds in just over a year. Would love it to be more, but with a couple of medical issues and meds I take, it's slow. Plus, age is a factor. Happy to have any over 50 friends here, so add me if you'd like to support each other.
  • LVNF04
    LVNF04 Posts: 2,607 Member
    The heavier you are, the lower your metabolism is. Have you gone to the doctor to make sure there is nothing else health wise that might be barring your progress? Also exercise such as walking helps. When you say you are eating healthier, does that mean the same amount of food but only healthy choices or actually using portion control as well as healthier choices? Keep in mind some foods say they are healthy but have hidden ingredients. Hmmm...when you eat is in question too as well as how many times you eat in a day?