New Here

Moobs92 Posts: 16 Member
Hello. I'm new here. Many times have I tried to lose weight. I've been fat since beginning of high school and got even bigger in college. Good ole freshman 15 right? Try 30.

Anyways, for awhile I was going good. Lost those 30, putting me at 238. Then fell off the wagon, went up to 245. Then i got back on again, this time taking almost a religious approach. I worked out 7 times a week, ate nothing but salad and Tuna and within a month dropped down to 230. The best weight I have had was 228. And guess what?

Yep. Now back to 243. For my height (I'm a short guy, somewhere around 5'5 or 5'6 last time I checked) I'm a pretty big guy. Man boobs and all. As you can see.

So here I am again, trying again. This time changing it up. Not to be so strict like I was. Weighing everyday, scared to eat, working out to almost passing out and throwing up. Not a surprise I didn't sustain it.

So the reason I want to lose weight? One cause my family has a history of diabetes and I really don't want that at all. Seeing my dad have it, it's not fun. Also, I am disgusted every time I look at myself in the mirror and so sick and tired of it, knowing I have the power to change it, but lack the discipline to stay with it. Because of how I look, I hate going out. Cause even tho it's not true, I always feel people are always judging me, making fun of me in the background. Even had an instance of an older woman while shopping in Kroger and overheard her talking to me about how I should wear a bra to one of her coworkers.

Of course, being a man and hearing that is never good. I've put my social life to a complete halt. I always turn away chances to go out with coworkers and friends cause of how I look. Perhaps a wrong assumption, but I also feel if I get fit, I'll gain more confidence. I'll be actually able to talk to women, perhaps gain more friends. Can't help to notice everyone wants to hang with the fit and 'beautiful people'. Again, this could all be my own misconception.

So I'm trying out this site. Never have I tracked calories, so I think that's a good change. I started seriously yesterday tracking my food. And actually came under my calorie limit. But I also know it's not going to be 100 percent accurate, but I'm gonna do my best.

I plan and have already begun getting back in the gym. It's been a month so so far, been doing cardio interval for 30 minutes on the treadmill. I plan to add more week to week, but to be mindful that I don't need to be in the gym everyday, 2 hours or until I'm puking.

I'm just so ready to finally be able to look at myself in the mirror with a smile. I'm not doing this to prove to anyone they were wrong about me, or to impress some girl.

Just ready to make myself better. And create something that won't just last me three months, but a lifetime.

So hi! My name is Sean.