Looking for help

dewnise777 Posts: 2 Member
I want to lose 80 pounds. Tried and tried, but always struggled. I need a group I can come to and become a better me.


  • erika_307
    erika_307 Posts: 82 Member
    I've been doing the ketogenic diet for a week now, and have lost 5 pounds, and feel great... much more energy, very little hunger. There's a Keto group on here if you're interested. Good luck! Feel free to friend me if you like :)
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    @dewnise777 you can do it!! Count the calories, use a food scale, log honestly and accurately and try and be a little active each day. Don't look at 80lbs, focus on small goals - just do 5lbs at a time or non scale victories like logging for a a full week at a time. Commit to it, you got this!
  • rhia264
    rhia264 Posts: 2 Member
    Stay positive, make sure you're in a small caloric deficit (more calories out than in), I find a combination of cardio activity and dropping calories to be most effective for a sustainable diet. High water volume foods, like fruit, veg, yoghurt etc keep you fuller for longer.
    Don't be afraid to throw some weight training in you're activity if you can. Adding muscle (no you won't get bulky, I mostly focus on weight training so can vouch for this) is a great way to increase your metabolism as muscle requires more calories to sustain than fat!
    Find something you enjoy so it's sustainable! Good Luck lovely xx

  • SemmaFin
    SemmaFin Posts: 7 Member
    Tips that helped me lose 37 lbs (forty left to go.) I'm 5'8'', I went from 219 to 182 since february, about 4.5 months.

    1. I took a picture of myself in a bikini and kept it in a special album on my phone. Every time I thought about going over my calorie goal, I'd look at the pictures. Great motivation to keep going, because it reminds me how fat I'd gotten. (This seems harsh; I should have general body positivity for myself. But honestly, I'd rather be a healthy weight than force myself to praise my bikini clad gut, and these pictures have helped me with that tremendously.) Fat bikini pictures keep me consistent.

    2. I quit smoking and drinking. I never log food when I'm drinking and there's so many calories in alcohol. it's nearly impossible to lose weight at a reasonable pace while drinking. Smoking cigarettes made me tired and less likely to exercise. Plus, the smoke damages lung tissue, making it harder to breathe during cardio workouts.

    3. I got a Netflix account and found a cheap gym with wifi. I hate going to the gym. But I love watching tv on the couch. I figured out that I can still watch tv on an elliptical machine if I bring my tablet (50$ kindle) and some ear buds to the gym. A half hour episode burns 250-300 calories easily on an elliptical or crossramp machine. Now, if I want to watch the next episode of something, I make myself do it at the gym. You don't have to exercise of you use this app, but not exercising makes weight loss take twice as long and waiting is the hardest part.

    4. No cheat days. Not one. I have tried the once a month cheat day and it never works, because I turn that one day into three days into a week into quitting and regaining everything I've lost. I love this app, because you can eat whatever you want. You just have to log it. I can have a milkshake, log it, and know how much more to eat that day. If I want to eat more, I just burn the extra calories off while watching Netflix at the gym. Just always log what you eat, and don't put it off until the end of the day.

    5. Keep going. You won't see a difference the first 5-21 days, even though your body will feel like there should be one. The first 3-7 pounds you lose is likely water weight instead of fat. And one month of diligent logging and calorie restriction is a ton of work without much payoff. But two months in a row will show results, and after three, you will look different. It's very difficult to lose 80 pounds. I'm halfway there even though it feels like I should be all the way there. But I look and feel way better than I did in February and I'm glad I'm still going.

    5. It feels like it takes forever because it does. I cross off days on my calendar, and every seven days, I cross off a week on a separate chart. There's 30 weeks on the carhrt, which helps me put the time into perspective and maintain my sanity. Always remember, 30 weeks is going to pass no matter what. But if I just scan my food, I will have reached my goal by the time it happens. Never give up and if you do give up, allow yourself that day or too, and then start again. You can do it! Anything is possible when you work hard to achieve your goals!
  • snowyjr1
    snowyjr1 Posts: 18 Member
    How do I contact and add others?
  • blackbutterfly318
    blackbutterfly318 Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me!