Could Use Some Motivation/Insight-Female Friends

I joined MFP about a month or so ago. I have a fair amount of weight to lose-40-55 pounds or so. I'll have a better idea of what my goal weight is as I get closer. I've lost weight in the past and regained. I am not close to my heaviest, but I have put on more weight over the past few years than I should have. I am taking things slowly this time because I am more focused on body composition rather than a clothing size or a number on a scale. I am patient and I know that it's going to take time. I want to gain strength and muscle and get leaner. For me, losing weight isn't difficult when I am working at it but finding that balance so that I can maintain and build muscle is a bit of a challenge. I would really appreciate some female MFP friends who have similar goals and/or have been successful at this for inspiration and insight. I am not one to message people with a bunch of annoying questions and I keep my food and exercise diary open to friends. While I personally lean towards bodybuilding type workouts-I also appreciate insight from powerlifters, CrossFit enthusiasts, etc. as well.
Thanks for reading and if you are female and enjoy lifting I hope you will consider adding me.


  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    Hi! I started in a similar place (50 lbs to lose) and am on the last ten pounds. Like you, I've been losing it nice and slow. Most of my workouts are bodyweight exercise, though I'm gearing up to go back to MMA after an injury. I love cardio (I'm a runner and a Stepmania freak) but I don't do it exclusively because I like muscles, too. :)

    I don't mind a few messages and questions; I'm on here every day to log so it's not like it's a bother. I've sent over a friend request--good luck on your goals!
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited August 2017
    Add me if you like. I am into Weightlifting and running. My initial target is 40 lbs loss, am almost halfway there. I am following strong lift for muscle retaining and run 60 to 80 km a month.