Women With Fast Metabolism Gain Weight

Hello I’m 24yrs old and I’m currently 110pds standing at 5’3 and I’ve decided to share my journey with women who have problems gaining weight.

I started my weight gain journey In July weighting in at 99pds on a good day. I don’t eat pork at all and I could barely eat in the morning due to not having an appetite.I would eat two full meals a day and that’s all until I came across Apetamin syrup (This was August) I bought three bottles and used them within one month (one bottle is good for one week). Within the first week I gained 3pds. The first couple of days of taking it I felt sleepy and very hungry and was eating everything. The syrup slows down the metabolism and helps with weight gain. I can eat in the mornings now and I’m also eating the right amount of times a day which is 3 for me. I make 2 protein shakes so I can consume 2500-3000 a day.

Will start keeping an update on my weight gain progress.


  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    The syrup just increases your appetite. It doesn't sliw down your metabolism. Instead of using cough syrup i would just eat more calorie dense foods.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Just eat more. At 100lbs there is no way your maintenance is over 3000 calories.