How do I find balance?

I WANT to change my lifestyle. I WANT to be healthy and eat healthy but I can't seem to go more than a month before I'm back to eating fast food, which makes me feel sick and gross and then I have NO interest in working and it takes weeks to get back on track. how do I stick to eating healthy? or at least find a balance.


  • ConicalFern
    ConicalFern Posts: 121 Member
    Please start buying and portioning your foods. Do you own a scale?

    This is the default answer to everything on this website. Not sure it applies here.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Please start buying and portioning your foods. Do you own a scale?

    This is the default answer to everything on this website. Not sure it applies here.

    it really doesnt! :laugh:
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,440 Member
    So your priority is eating fastfood. Why is this? Have you every tried answering this question? Why do you think you need fastfood? Boredom? The taste (is hyper-processed food really that great?)? You don't know better? Why not get yourself some recipes online and start to cook? Simple recipes but full of taste. Maybe that's a way to break the cycle, or anything else that you always wanted to do?
  • chantalemarie
    chantalemarie Posts: 66 Member
    edited February 2018
    i am the exact same way. i think it just truly boils down to you actually wanting it or not. for me, i KNOW how i want to look but i don't want to do the work to get there. you have to get to the point where the way you want to look is worth the work getting there.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I WANT to change my lifestyle. I WANT to be healthy and eat healthy but I can't seem to go more than a month before I'm back to eating fast food, which makes me feel sick and gross and then I have NO interest in working and it takes weeks to get back on track. how do I stick to eating healthy? or at least find a balance.

    What does eating healthy mean to you?
    What makes you feel sick and gross about fast food?
    If you cut a lot of meat, fat, salt and sugar and suddenly start eating it again you probably will not feel fine.

    Try smaller changes to your diet over time and it will be easier to sustain.
    If you normally eat out daily try moving to once or twice a week. Try different menu items.
    Try having more vegetables in your day alongside your normal diet. Try new ways of preparing vegetables.
    Make homemade versions of fast foods so you can control whatever ingredient bothers you.

    Don't view food so narrowly. Look at actual nutrition of your whole diet rather than calling foods good or bad. You need protein, fats, vitamins, minerals. You can get nutrients from a burrito or a plain boiled chicken breast. You don't have to eat plain boiled chicken to be healthy.

  • claritea1
    claritea1 Posts: 23 Member
    edited February 2018
    I just typed a long reply and then it disappeared, so forgive me if this is a repeat.
    I find that I fall off the wagon when I don’t have enough choices at home. When my groceries are low, or I have the same limited choices day after day. Because of this I am and making sure that I keep my refrigerator and pantry plentifully stocked. I also am using an app that keeps account of every food item in the house and anything we run out of goes on its virtual grocery list. I go grocery shopping for the few items that need replacing often. I make sure I have tons of healthy choices stocked along with a few treats. This way I readily have on hand a food item for nearly every craving. I also preplan my meals the day before, but if I’m not digging it the day of, I have plenty of other choices to default to. This way I nearly always eat at home and am usually quite satisfied.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    If you want to change, what is making you go back to the old habits?

    Are you busy? Do you not enjoy the foods you're trying to replace fast food with? Is it a social thing?

    Once you figure out what the obstacle is, it will be easier to figure out potential solutions.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Small incremental changes over time...I don't know anyone who just flipped a switch and did a 180* overnight who's had long term success. Changes take time...bad habits need to be broken and new habits need to be established...this takes time and is a process.

    Also, don't go in with an all or nothing's not realistic that you're never going to have something "bad" ever again. I have a pretty healthy diet and I exercise regularly...Friday evenings are typically either pizza night or we go out somewhere and get what we enjoy and indulge a bit. I like pub grub as well, so I go get that once or twice per month. I don't deprive myself of those things that are maybe not the most nutritious, but they're things I enjoy...I just don't indulge all of the time.