☺️ ...challengers needed to get me motivated....

Looking for motivating friends.... 55 plus ( cough cough) & wanting to feel 39 again!!! Ideas and suggestions welcome...& how do you keep that girlish figure


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,130 Member
    Check out the challenges board
  • rachelannette
    rachelannette Posts: 23 Member
    Hello jellylou19. I am a lot older than 55! Will be 69 in April, but I have never been more motivated to change my weight! My husband of 50 yrs and I have set out together to get the weight off and become as healthy as possible for our ages. He will be 70 in March. Some things we have done: joined Weight Watchers in January. After 6 weeks, I lost 13 lbs, but my husband only lost 7. Feeling discouraged he needed to get some answers, so we visited a dietitian. He is diabetic, and with his medications he needed more structure with the foods he was eating. Weight watchers works great for some, but it was not working for him, so with the dietitians guidance, we have switched to counting calories and keeping track on Myfitnesspal. We are looking forward to this being a better way for us. We are very committed to lose down to our goal weight. We also joined a gym and go 5 days a week. Good luck to you. You can do it!!!!
  • jellylou19
    jellylou19 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you! You both sound very motivated. I am curious- how did you like WW? Was it easy to follow? I am glad your husband is utilizing a dietician particularly as a diabetic I’d be curious have the indicated that he is metabolic syndrome ?

  • jellylou19
    jellylou19 Posts: 3 Member
    Excited to hear your progress!
  • SandiTaylor63
    SandiTaylor63 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me!! Im 55