Is anyone else doing slimfast at the moment?

Heyy! :) I have just started slimfast today and had the strawberry powder mix milkshake and thought it was really nice so I hoping that this will work! Is anyone else on slimfast and wants to have a weekly progress compare or something?? :) keep each other motivated?? :D


  • FatAssBecky
    FatAssBecky Posts: 58 Member
    They still make that stuff? That was crazy popular in the 1980s - all those funny commercials.
  • shelley2shane
    shelley2shane Posts: 31 Member
    I started slimfast too! Had great success with it about 10yrs. ago and lost 90lbs. too bad life was rough and I gained a ton back during my pregnancy.
  • pikle1
    pikle1 Posts: 51 Member
    hi,just wonderin hows u doin on slimfast,just started it today x
  • andobbins
    andobbins Posts: 3 Member
    I drink a chocolate slimfast protein shake for breakfast every day just because it's easy and yummy. But I wouldn't recommend doing the full slimfast diet. I don't think you get all the nutrients your body needs. Plus you'll feel like you're on a diet. It's always better to make a life style change of eating fresh, healthy foods rather than going on a diet.

    Hope this helps!
  • AHack3
    AHack3 Posts: 173 Member
    No, sorry. I did the Slimfast diet 18 years ago. I lost 20 pounds in 5 months, but as soon as that diet was over and I never learned how to eat properly, that weight came back on plus some. I have tried many "diets" , but the best plan is to stick with actual food and learn about portion sizes and moderation and exercise, drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep. You want something you can do long term, that's where the lifestyle change comes in. Just thought I would share my personal experience with that. I wish you the very best in your journey.
  • em84
    em84 Posts: 144 Member
    I started slim fast at the start off the year i've lost 8lb so far
    i find it easer as i don't always have time to stop and eat plus if i'm shopping in town it's a lot better for me than what i would pick up before
    I also try and eat good and make sure i get as much exercise in as i can
    hope the plan works for you
    feel free to add :smile:
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    I've been doing Slimfast for the last two weeks, and lost 8lbs since I started. It works really well for me. I almost always have a shake for breakfast when I'm at work, and will either have a shake/bar for lunch, or a low cal lunch instead. I think it tastes really good!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I drink a chocolate slimfast protein shake for breakfast every day just because it's easy and yummy. But I wouldn't recommend doing the full slimfast diet. I don't think you get all the nutrients your body needs. Plus you'll feel like you're on a diet. It's always better to make a life style change of eating fresh, healthy foods rather than going on a diet.

    Hope this helps!


    SlimFast is for a jump start or a quick fix. After you go back to "regular food" gain all the weight back....and SlimFast gets to sell your more product.

    I tried SlimFast years ago....I was hungry all the time. You are adding (virtually) all the protein with milk. The largest ingredient by volume is SUGAR. Low quality (non filling) calories.

    If you want to do a shake, at the very least look into green can make your own healthy shake.....more nutritious & more filling

    Green smoothies have protein powder, vegetables, and fruit.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I drink a chocolate slimfast protein shake for breakfast every day just because it's easy and yummy. But I wouldn't recommend doing the full slimfast diet. I don't think you get all the nutrients your body needs. Plus you'll feel like you're on a diet. It's always better to make a life style change of eating fresh, healthy foods rather than going on a diet.

    Hope this helps!

    This is me too!! Its quick and easy to drink on my way to work. I dont do the slimfast diet because it is just a low cal diet and the weight will just come back and I cant just drink the shakes forever. I think its ok to supplement with these, but would'nt use them as my main source of nutrition.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Slimfast will not work unless you are planning on drinking Slimfast for the rest of your life. You will be much more successful eating food, logging your meals and snacks, and keeping a calorie deficit. There are 180 calories in that shake. I can't think of any meal that I've eaten in the last 4 months that has had a calorie count that low. It's setting you up for an unsustainable lifestyle that's just going to lead to putting the weight back on.
  • klindema
    klindema Posts: 55 Member
    Me and DH just stocked up on shakes yesterday- with two little kids who constantly snack, it's easy for me to overdo it during the day. Even though both of us were keeping up with MFP diary, we weren't seeing results. I'm pretty sure the problem is that I'm not tracking what my WW leader used to call BLT's (bites, licks, and tastes) and that I'm underestimating my calories consistently...
    I used Slimfast back in college and it helped a LOT. I think it's a fine way to jumpstart a diet and I've found results to be motivating. What some people I know do is use the SF diet for a few weeks, then start to sub in food for one of the shakes. The snacks I eat are all whole foods, and the nutrition in the can is pretty decent. It's a little easier to keep a diary when you know EXACTLY what and how much you're consuming...
    I've got a lot of weight to lose right now, I don't think two to four weeks of 1200 calorie days are going to do me much harm .
    That said, I'm terrible at maintaining my weight. I've had little long-term success with any method- WW, MFP, Slimfast, whatever. I always creep back up to the same weight, plus or minus 10 pounds. Two pregnancies killed my biggest weight loss, but it seems to be a cycle of dying resolve around Christmas every year! It's the plateau I hit about 15 pounds down from here that really kills my motivation. So to get started again, I'm using the shakes as a tool.
    I disagree that you have to use Slimfast for the rest of your life- if you incorporate good habits maintaining with SF is no different than any other plan. You just have to realize this is a pretty large caloric deficit and not good for long term use (though I know a lot of people use a shake in place of breakfast or lunch for years.) Good luck to all of us!