Inadequate feeding habits and underweight

Greetings everyone, sorry for my English i will just go straight to the point. I am 28years old male height 5'11 weight 55 kg. and i suffer from inadequate feeding habit. I will tell you a bit about my background. I was from a very poor family almost all my teenager life i grow up on about 1 meal a day mostly on maize meal calorie intake of less that 1000(for more than 18 years) i remember feeling soo hungry how i wanted to eat more.anyway i got used to eating that. Now all that poverty is behind me thank God i can afford to eat whatever i want, eating has become a challenge. I keep missing breakfast and lunch or sometimes not eating all day(dont take me wrong when i feel hungry i eat like a donkey) the problem is for some reason cant eat 3 meal like normal people if i eat 1 meal it will be another 24 hours until i feel really hungry again, if i try eating even two meal, just the thought of it make me wanna throw up.


  • VeganEquestrian
    VeganEquestrian Posts: 59 Member
    Maybe try eating two smaller meals a day, and then three smaller meals. Once your eating three meals you can work on increasing the size of the meals. :)
  • superhippo95
    superhippo95 Posts: 21 Member
    start eating more and you will become more accostmed to it.
    also eat caloric dense foods: peanut butter, nuts, eggs, steak, butter, oils, pasta, oats, dried fruit, ice cream, pizza, cake, donuts,fatty fish, beef, bacon, sausgae
  • macelmer
    macelmer Posts: 55 Member
    Have you tried drinking your calories? I find this helps me the most when I am not hungry.
  • KingRat79
    KingRat79 Posts: 125 Member
    Im no expert but here is my advice for what its worth.

    1) drink some of your calories, get a hand blender and make smoothies, they are a quick and easy and potentially healthy way of consuming calories. if you have a mixture of soft fruit, peanut butter, oats, and milk (or protein powder if you can get it where you are, you can easily make a smoothie with 700+ calories.

    2) log your calories on this site after each meal it helps to remind you how many calories you have eaten so far that day, that way you can avoid getting to the end of the day and being short.

    3) eat calorie dense foods, things like nuts are very high in calories a handful of cashew nuts will give you a few hundred calories .

    4) try to break down your meals in to multiple small meals.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I'm trying to gain too.
    It's a slow process.
    I was 118lb 3 yrs ago, currently at 134. I'm 6'0.
    Had my 2nd spine fusion 7 weeks ago (scoliosis) so It will be a few months till I can start lifting again.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I'm trying to gain too.
    It's a slow process.
    I was 118lb 3 yrs ago, currently at 134. I'm 6'0.
    Had my 2nd spine fusion 7 weeks ago (scoliosis) so It will be a few months till I can start lifting again.
    Also, I take Optimum Nutrition's Serious Mass Gainer.
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    try setting yourself an alarm to go off when it's mealtime or snacktime. Like others have said, calorie-dense foods will be your best friend. Nuts, avocado, oils, dark chocolate, cheese, beef(and other fatty meats)

    also, look for boost, ensure, or mass-gaining shakes. (in my opinion, chocolate ensure tastes the best out of those options)
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    I think much of your problem may be a mental block due to your unfortunate childhood. Perhaps there is a feeling deep down of needing to conserve food, just in case you somehow run out of food the next day. It is a common problem for people who lived through the Great Depression in the 1930's, still keeping every scrap of food, every piece of paper or jar just in case you might need it some day.

    I suggest rationing out your food, grouping everything you want to eat in one day, and make multiple packs to keep in your fridge, and similar packs of dry goods in the pantry. Make it a goal to eat everything in one pack in one day. You will have a definite goal of food and calorie intake and also a reminder that there is enough for tomorrow.

    Also follow other suggestions here by drinking your calories (milk, juice, smoothies), nuts or nut butters, whole grain pasta or rice, meats, trail mix, etc.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    Greetings everyone, sorry for my English i will just go straight to the point. I am 28years old male height 5'11 weight 55 kg. and i suffer from inadequate feeding habit. I will tell you a bit about my background. I was from a very poor family almost all my teenager life i grow up on about 1 meal a day mostly on maize meal calorie intake of less that 1000(for more than 18 years) i remember feeling soo hungry how i wanted to eat more.anyway i got used to eating that. Now all that poverty is behind me thank God i can afford to eat whatever i want, eating has become a challenge. I keep missing breakfast and lunch or sometimes not eating all day(dont take me wrong when i feel hungry i eat like a donkey) the problem is for some reason cant eat 3 meal like normal people if i eat 1 meal it will be another 24 hours until i feel really hungry again, if i try eating even two meal, just the thought of it make me wanna throw up.

    I think you should try eating calorie and nutrient dense food that way you don't have to eat huge portion but can get your all your daily calories in.... think high-calorie foods to accompany fruits and veggies... like maybe a fatty piece of fish such as salmon or don't go for the leanest cut of beef. A 6 oz piece of salmon can easily be 600 calories if you cook it in olive oil, and olive oil is extremely calorie dense, yet high in unsaturated fats which are very good for your health. Try eating avocado's as well.......any source of plant fat is peanuts or nut butters (be careful on the sugary ones) will get that calorie count real high without you have to eat several different meals.