21 Day Sugar Detox Diet

Hello all! I am starting the 21 Day Sugar Detox Diet today. I am level 1. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who is doing the same program or wants to do this program. I have been updating for the last 40 days and saw the majority of my diet is carbs and sugar. My diary will be open during the 21 days if anyone wants to check it out. I am targeted for only 1200 calories but on this program, most days average around 1500 calories.

I am hoping this message board and an open diary will help hold me accountable, so feel free to add me.


  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Hello and welcome! I was kind of interested in this concept, but your diary is not open. However, if your looking for friends feel free to add me. I'm on here everyday. Good luck to ya! :flowerforyou:
  • Angilooney
    Angilooney Posts: 8 Member
    So diet update. I am finding it very difficult to eat so much meat. Seriously, the amount of eggs, chicken and ground beef is ridiculous. Since I already bought the food for the first week I am going to go ahead and try to finish it out. Then I am going to follow the pescatrian modifications.

    Favorite recipe so far is definitely the simple beef jerky. It is delicious and super easy to make. However, it will heat up your house since I have to crack my oven.

    Least favorite recipe so far is the almond butter cups. It is absolutely disgusting! I took one bite and had to spit it out. I threw the rest away.
  • Daney43
    Daney43 Posts: 4 Member
    How are you feeling now?

    I haven't made the jerky but have done the beef & broccoli and the balsamic braised beef.

    I am on day 13 and i think it's the easiest program I have ever followed. My energy level is great and I am much more in touch with actual hunger v boredom or opportunity eating. I have lost almost 10lbs and didn't increase my activity level until this weekend. I had already been off gluten for a year. I did a very similar change in my diet about yrs ago and kept it going for more than 8 months before i let too much processed stuff sneak back in. I am thinking I will add back in some berries after the 21 days and a treat on a genuine special occasion -
  • Angilooney
    Angilooney Posts: 8 Member
    I'm feeling pretty good. However, I have had my blood sugar crash the last 2 mornings (I am not a diabetic). I work 3rd shift and I find that I am struggling in the snack department. I have flood allergies that include lactose intolerance and nuts (not almonds). So that has become an issue. I also find that I NEED to meal prep. It takes the guess work out of it and makes it so much faster when making meals. Especially since my husband and I are on different schedules.

    Overall, I like it and I can definitely tell a difference. My sugar cravings aren't as bad and the small amount of sugar I have had makes me feel sick. I have noticed I'm not as bloated and I'm sleeping better.

    I do have a problem with the salt intake though. It's too much. .
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Sugar is not toxic, first off. And from what you are describing it sounds as if you are not getting enough in the way of carbohydrates.
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    Congratulations on making the leap.

    If you don't have high BP, why does salt matter? Most people are not sensitive to it, so their only problem with extra salt is water retention, which is easily managed by reducing salt for a couple days.

    Good luck beating back the sugar-junkies and a-calorie-is-a-calorie parrots.
  • Angilooney
    Angilooney Posts: 8 Member
    Good Afternoon! Well the last few days have been rough. Here's a little back story. I am a nurse and I work 3rd shift. It sucks. My days off are split and I've been too damned tired to meal prep when I am off. Also, patient's like to thank nursing staff with pizza (which I didn't eat), donuts ( I might have had one), big tins of popcorn (I couldn't resist). All these nice treats on top of not being able to meal prep has destroyed me the last 4 days. Here's a tip: If you want to thank nursing staff then please send a nice fruit basket or better yet, just flowers.

    Favorite recipes the last few days or so: Italian stuffed peppers and the apple cinnamon donuts. Seriously, the donuts are delicious, especially warm with some butter on top.

    Least favorite: still the almond butter cups. I still can't get the awful taste out of my mouth.

    Also, I have upped my carb intake some. Not much but enough so I don't crash.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    In for lolz.
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    Hi there! I'm on day 5. This is the second time I've done this. I found it to be a fantastic way to help your body detox itself, mostly of the evil processed crap we introduce to our insides daily. The clean way of eating makes me feel good, I sleep better & I'm mentally clear. Not to mention the last time I did this, I dropped 11 pounds. LOL My favorite meal of all is the coconut cilantro shrimp soup....YUM!
  • Angilooney
    Angilooney Posts: 8 Member
    Today is day 13 for me. I have found that I have strayed from the set 21 day diet in the book. However, I think I have done pretty well with just a few slip ups. My weakness is chocolate. Dinner is almost always a recipe from the book which in turn is also my lunch the next day. Sometimes I eat breakfast, sometimes I don't. I don't care for eggs but I love oatmeal. So whatever. I had to add extra carbs in the way of either rice or extra veggies. I still haven't eaten any bread or pasta. So I'm satisfied with that and I haven't even missed it. I'm happy with the way I feel and I don't get too upset if I stray. However, next time, I will definitely be more prepared. I find that the first time you do anything it is always a struggle but the second time is usually much easier.

    If you have a chik-fil-a by you then check out the new grilled chicken nuggets. They are delicious and about half the calories of the original (as well as half of everything else too).
  • Angilooney
    Angilooney Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, I know carbs are sugar. Did I mention that I am a nurse? I'm pretty sure I did. If oatmeal is the worse thing I could eat then I 'm doing pretty good.
  • Angilooney
    Angilooney Posts: 8 Member
    Holy Moly! I need fruit! I have never craved a homemade smoothie more than I do right now! I guess that it is a good thing. Fruit in moderation is good for you. At least my processed sugary food cravings went away. I have been dreaming about pineapple all night!

    I'm pretty sure once this is over I am going to order one of those giant fruit baskets from edible arrangements!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    Why not just eat at a deficit?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member

    Why not just eat at a deficit?

    Because that makes too much sense.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    Why not just eat at a deficit?

    Because that makes too much sense.

  • Angilooney
    Angilooney Posts: 8 Member
    So my sugar detox diet is finished! Overall, I did pretty well. Next time will be better though because I know what to expect. I will be introducing fruit back into my diet. I will continue to leave out bread and pasta. It's about finding a healthy balance. Nothing else to say really. Now, I am off to the farmers' market :tongue: