I'm a big girl and I'm hungry...



  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I'm not an expert, but it looks like you could use more protein and that may make you feel more satisfied. Grilled chicken. Fish.

    ^^^^^this! Protein will fill you up and keep you fuller longer. Lean meat, chicken, fish, etc added to your salad will make a big difference. Dont give up! Sometimes my scale doesnt move for a couple of weeks...then it drops a couple of pounds and then stalls again. Try weighing only once a week. Also take your measurements. There have been times when I actually gained a pound or two but lost inches.
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    None of that sounds like it would add up to 2100!
    I'm eating about 2100 calories... I try desperately to get it down to 1900 but it's difficult. I eat either a fritata in the morning or oatmeal with fresh fruit. I usually have a yogurt mid morning. Lunch has been a leafy green salad with cucumber and tomatoes, pepperoni and a little parmesan cheese with a couple of table spoons of dressing. I have given up pasta for the most part and am substituting cauliflower or zucchini for it in my dinners. Lots of broccoli. Then I usually have sugar free pudiing for desert at night. I have been trying to stay away from fried foods. NO FRENCH FRIES I have learned they have absolutely no nutrtional value whatsoever...
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    Without being able to see you diary its hard to tell.

    AND throw your scale out...go by measurements instead. The scale won't move sometimes but the inches will be lower....

    Chin up girl...you can do this.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm not an expert, but it looks like you could use more protein and that may make you feel more satisfied. Grilled chicken. Fish.
    Definitely! Protein is what keeps me from feeling hungry and like I'm on a "diet". I eat healthy now, but it's just a lifestyle change, not starving myself.

    I've also cut out cheese and avoid things like peperoni (that someone else suggested) because they are high in fat and very calorie dense. I can much more food if pick lower fat choices.

    It helped me to set my macros at 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat - you should give that a try and really try to stick to it for getting your protein in.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Ditto on the recommendation of getting rid of the pepperoni and adding some chicken or fish. I have a salad almost every day for lunch and it is very satisfying. I have lettuce, cucumber, tomato, reduced fat feta cheese, grilled chicken or tuna. I use a light balsamic viniagrette dressing, and it is very yummy.
  • amethyst25
    amethyst25 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Cari,
    I'm fairly new to My Fitness Pal though I've had it for a long time. I am struggling like you. I know all the rules and what I'm supposed to be doing. I feel off the wagon and gained 40 lbs back. I'm now trying to get back UP on that wagon and feeling defeated. But I won't give up. I am working with my trainer (God love her) and have started back tracking my food.

    Like others have stated it doesn't sound like you are getting enough protein, which will help you feel full longer. I would be lost with out my protein drinks.

    Have you talked with a Nutritionist?

    Start your morning with all Protein (whey Isolate) no carbs, as my nutrition coach as told me protein fuels the body where as most carbs will spike your blood sugar up and then my mid morning you will crash and be looking for something to pick you back up.

    You also didn't state if you are taking any Vitamins or supplements. Due some special circumstances I need to make sure I take those everyday. (as everyone should) Multivitamin, D3, B12, Fish Oil, and a pro biotic, calcium.

    Make sure you are drinking lots of water. I count my protein drinks in my water intake. When I get hungry I have to stop and think, am I hungry or do I just really want something to eat. If it's real hunger I will adjust what I do apposed to just wanting something. Reaching for good things and not the easy things like fast food, or junk food is the key.

    I do know how you feel when you get on the scale and don't see the numbers go down. You could ask my trainer how I reacted at my last weigh in. I had a mini melt down in the locker room after working out. I'm not going to give up, and neither should you. This isn't an easy process but there are people out there who will root for you to succeed.

    Keep your chin up I know you can do it if you put your mind to it.

  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Start your morning with all Protein (whey Isolate) no carbs, as my nutrition coach as told me protein fuels the body where as most carbs will spike your blood sugar up and then my mid morning you will crash and be looking for something to pick you back up.
    Depends on the carbs. I stick with carbs that have a low glycemic index in the morning. My typical breakfast is eggs and fruit. Cereal and potatoes are a great way to spike your blood sugar first thing in the morning, so I avoid them, except for maybe steel cut oats when I'm in the mood because it has a lower GI rating than regular old fashioned oats or instant oatmeal.
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    eat high levels of portein and you can eat almost all the fresh veggies and fruit you want without going over your calerie count.
    Try it some time. it is really hard to do. :)
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    Bolt house dressing are only about 40 cal per serving and they taste real good.
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    Throw the scale out if it depresses you so much. Seriously. Have your trainer weigh you with your eyes closed so you don't know.

    Also how many calories do you eat?


    measure with a cloth tape measure once a month! sooo much more motivating then the scale!
  • kelklein77
    Continue on your journey!!! Try eating lot of veggies, meats and fish! They help keep you satisfied longer! Just think about how great you will look when all is said in done! Ask God to give you the strength! We GOT this!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I can't see your diary or anything.. but fill up on protein! Have you seen the size of a piece of fish you can have for 250 calories? It's a LOT! That with a veggie on the side is a very, very filling meal.

    Keep asking yourself which you want more: to hit your goal weight or to eat something that you will shortly regret? I can tell that you obviously want it.. just keep pushing forward! If running to Sonic or anything like that is a weakness- just don't do it. Eliminate it completely and push yourself to prepare all of your meals at home.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    I'm a "big girl" too and I agree with everyone else.....increase your protein intake, drink your water and eat small quantities (of protein) throughout the day to keep your hunger at bay.
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    None of that sounds like it would add up to 2100!
    I'm eating about 2100 calories... I try desperately to get it down to 1900 but it's difficult. I eat either a fritata in the morning or oatmeal with fresh fruit. I usually have a yogurt mid morning. Lunch has been a leafy green salad with cucumber and tomatoes, pepperoni and a little parmesan cheese with a couple of table spoons of dressing. I have given up pasta for the most part and am substituting cauliflower or zucchini for it in my dinners. Lots of broccoli. Then I usually have sugar free pudiing for desert at night. I have been trying to stay away from fried foods. NO FRENCH FRIES I have learned they have absolutely no nutrtional value whatsoever...

    I really do not see how that adds up to 2100 calories! My meals tend to consist of 380-400 Calories for Breakfast (normally eggs and yogurt), then around 150-200 calorie snack(Normally grapes, apple or trail mix), then lunch is normally around 500 calories (This is normally left over items from dinner the night before, afternoon snack is about 150-200 calories, then dinner is around 500 calories (this is normally, baked fish, baked chicken, or baked pork chop, with green veggies (green beans, peas, brocoli, and either boiled potatoes, black beans, or corn. I am set to eat around 1900 carlories a day and normally only end up eating 1700 or 1800. I have my off days where I eat out for lunch, but I rarely eat out more than once in the same week, and if I do I just have to exercise more. I believe you should look at your food diary and see which items are high in carolies and try to substitute those for other items, instead of pepperoni maybe grilled or baked chicken in your salad, try to avoid the cheeses, and opt for a very lite italian or baslamic dressing. If you do choose pasta or breads pick a wheat kinda, and eat it as the side dish and not as the main dish of your meal!
  • CariBgood
    CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you for all the tips and kind words. You have all made what could have been a broken day easier. I went to see my trainer tonight and even though we tried new things I could keep up. We are going to take my measurements on Monday and I am trying to finagle another day to meet. All in all today is ending on a much more successful and positive note than it started. Thanks again!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I would guess that you're not eating enough. I'm a small person (5'5", 121lbs) and I'm eating 1800-2200/day and STILL slowly losing. If you are totally sedentary 2100 *might* be enough for you, but if you are working out you definitely need to eat more.
  • T_X_L
    T_X_L Posts: 140 Member
    I second the quality proteins and fats (within caloric limits) and avoid the scales. For the first 3 mos. of metabolic resistance training, I didn't lose any weight, but my measurements kept dropping. That was because I was gaining muscle at the same rate I was losing fat. The higher density of muscle vs. fat means you're smaller at the same weight.

    And avoid the carbs as much as possible. Remember, there's no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. Your body will make blood sugar from body fat, that's the idea. Caveat: If you're diabetic, or have a family history, disregard, and seek medical advice. I'm not a doctor, and don't even play one on TV. :) Keep at it, it's worth it! :flowerforyou:
  • theweighiam
    theweighiam Posts: 1 Member
    If you're hungry, you eat. It's as simple as that.

    You just need to be mindful of what you select.

    For me, if I get hungry at night, I'll drink an entire bottle of water.
    Am I still hungry? Yes.
    What can I eat that is healthy and filling?
    Eat it.
    Record it.
    Move on.

    You cannot have a relationship with food like this.
    It is not healthy.
    Food is not your enemy, food is not your friend.
    Food is just food.
    Do not let it control you.
    It is nourishment for your body.
    It is fuel.
    If your car needed gas, would you just avoid refilling and hope for the best?

    Be mindful of what you eat.
    Push through cravings.

    Let go of the excuses.
    Just because you forgot your lunch does not give you a reason to eat badly.
    You drive to a damn grocery store and buy a salad if you have to.

    You are worth so much more than that.
    Your body will thank you.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Sorta impossible to give any advice when you don't mention how much you're eating or anything...Are you eating back your exercise calories? Are you eating GOOD foods? Enough fiber? Drinking enough water?