Please help me

I'm trying really hard to lose my thighs & tone my butt.


  • amyn73
    amyn73 Posts: 241 Member
    Blogilates on YouTube. Check it out!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    what do you like doing?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Calorie deficit
  • liams987
    liams987 Posts: 23 Member
    Smaller thighs will definitely come with a lower body fat %. Try lowering your calories per day to lose around 1pound of 0.5kg a week and keep your protein high. If you dont lift weights that will definitely help motivate you and "tone" your muscles. Training and eating healthy is the best way to feel and look your best! :)
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Calorie deficit. Anyone that says you can spot reduce is wrong and Ill informed.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Trust me. I cut fat 2-3x a year. It comes off where it wants to. Abs 4x a week yet I still have a tiny bit of flab. Weeeeeird.
  • Misspinklift
    Misspinklift Posts: 384 Member
    Well losing in your thighs are the last place. I lost my cheeks, then the girls, then thighs, then my bums. It isn't gonna be over night. Try finding something that is challenging enough like the videos other people suggested.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    edited June 2016
    amyn73 wrote: »
    Blogilates on YouTube. Check it out!

    Just a testimony here: I did a ton of Fitness Blender and Blogilates butt and thigh exercises during my weight loss phase, and I couldn't tell if it was making a difference or not, though I did notice that I got stronger. However, a little after I hit maintenance, I did the videos a lot less in favor of some other exercises, including training for a 5k, and now I can see that there's definitely been a loss of definition, unfortunately. I'm back on those videos and am doing some weight training now, so I'm sure things will look better in time, but I really really wish I kept up with the videos.
    Bottom line: whatever you do to help your lower body, take weekly/monthly pictures so you can see the changes, and stick with it so you don't lose all of your hard work.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    edited June 2016
    You can't outrun your fork, OP.

    If you want to lose fat, you need to eat at a caloric deficit. You can't tell your body where to lose the fat; no amount of squats in the world will counteract a caloric surplus.
    I do eat healthy but sometimes it's different for me I hate it. I guess the older I get the fat I get I don't know . I have self image .

    Yes, but are you eating at a caloric deficit? You can still gain weight eating vegetables. Also... be objective about your eating habits. Are you sure you eat healthy? Or are you doing what many of us did and overestimate how much 'healthy' food we eat while underestimating things that are more calorie-dense?

    If you're not tracking your food intake (via calories or via certain macro preferences), there's no way you can really be objective about it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't like my thighs it's just fat not fat fat you know. I wish I had a flat tone abs but I do. It's different to have it. :( thanks for advice

    eat in a calorie deficit to lower your fat and body fat% and get on a structured lifting program like all pro beginner or strong lifts 5x5