if my family is not on board, then whats the point?

So sick of trying so hard to please others, and get no support back.

Cooking 3 different meals each night is draining, I cook mine last, but then can't be bothered. So I snack or under eat?!

Feeling sad atm.. I've lost weight, and I'm craving for encouragement from my family aswell... Yet no one says anything or helps in anyway


  • kristie8351
    kristie8351 Posts: 28 Member
    I have a partner and kids that have different tastes, I try to get them to eat what I, well we all should, but if there's no butter, cream, bacon or cheese its a no go...
    At the end of my day I just want to relax and unwind,
    How do we get family members involved, without it making them feeling obligated?
  • kristie8351
    kristie8351 Posts: 28 Member
    I have one big kid, my partner lol, and 5 children between the ages of 15 months to 18 years, I always put them first. Now I've decided to think about me for a change, I get complaints
  • kristie8351
    kristie8351 Posts: 28 Member
    Yeah I try but it always turns into me giving in and cooking for everyone else.. Then I guess I should really pretty cook my meals so its not so hard, I'm in this for the long run, so I guess they have to get used to it
  • MissyCHF
    MissyCHF Posts: 337 Member
    If the others don't like what you cook, let them starve! :D
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    Heck, if I were you I'd cook only for my own needs for a week (barring any kids that are too young to make their own cereal/sandwich). Maybe they'd appreciate your efforts more. Your spouse can definitely make their own food if they don't want to eat what you cook. It sounds like your family has gotten used to you catering to them. If you have multiple kids, surely some are old enough to help with meal prep? Even if it's only cutting vegetables, making a salad or cooking pasta, get them involved.

    Maybe cook according to your needs and add a side dish for the others if they need more calories/carbs/whatever.