Gardeners and Growers!



  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Moxie42 wrote: »
    My garden is lacking this year but I do love growing my own food. My favorites (and what have consistently grown well for me) have been zucchini (they're HUGE and I can use them in everything), butternut squash, tomatoes, peas/beans, lettuce, kale, carrots, and garlic.

    Garlic is super-easy. Just take a bulb from the store, separate the cloves, and plant each clove (bottom-side down) about 2 inches into the soil. No need to take the papery bits off. It takes almost a year to grow but it's very yummy! Shallots can be grown the same way.

    I also like buying potted herbs from Trader Joe's and transferring them into larger pots- I always get good yield and long-lasting plants there.

    Not sure where you're from but that can make a difference on what will grow well, and what you should plan during certain times of the year. I live in Southern California, so I often lose plants during summer (especially if I attempt to plant between May and September), but I rarely have to worry about losing plants to frost during winter.

    Thanks! I live in NorCal near San Jose. So yeah, I understand losing things over the summer. It's been pretty hot up here too. I have to try growing garlic. I definitely eat enough of it. LOL.

    What a small world! I'm originally from NorCal too (Sunnyvale, about 20 minutes north of SJ). My mom's friend has had incredible luck with grapes and artichokes, and when I was kid our garden grew zucchini like crazy. The garlic should do well too. It's such an easy set-it-and-forget-it plant. I've had no problems planting it year-round but supposedly October is ideal for a July harvest.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Moxie42 wrote: »
    Moxie42 wrote: »
    My garden is lacking this year but I do love growing my own food. My favorites (and what have consistently grown well for me) have been zucchini (they're HUGE and I can use them in everything), butternut squash, tomatoes, peas/beans, lettuce, kale, carrots, and garlic.

    Garlic is super-easy. Just take a bulb from the store, separate the cloves, and plant each clove (bottom-side down) about 2 inches into the soil. No need to take the papery bits off. It takes almost a year to grow but it's very yummy! Shallots can be grown the same way.

    I also like buying potted herbs from Trader Joe's and transferring them into larger pots- I always get good yield and long-lasting plants there.

    Not sure where you're from but that can make a difference on what will grow well, and what you should plan during certain times of the year. I live in Southern California, so I often lose plants during summer (especially if I attempt to plant between May and September), but I rarely have to worry about losing plants to frost during winter.

    Thanks! I live in NorCal near San Jose. So yeah, I understand losing things over the summer. It's been pretty hot up here too. I have to try growing garlic. I definitely eat enough of it. LOL.

    "What a small world! ......

    ..... but I wouldn't want to paint it." ~ Steven Wright

  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member
    edited October 2017
    I am a gardener and a “grower” enjoying activities related to the latter more :#

    Here are some of my gardening successes...

    Hawaiian Dwarf Apple Bananas (about 40 lbs bundle)


    Samoan Coconuts (shorter tree, more round coconuts, more coconut milk/nut, shorter growing time than other types of coconut trees)


    Japanese White Eye keke... they come freely supplied by Mother Nater with the Mango Tree


    Hawaiian Dwarf Apple Bananas (about 35 lb bundle)


    Samoan Coconuts


    Indonesian Guava (Samoan Coconut in the background)

  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Oh.... Never mind thought this was this kind of thread! :tongue:

  • ptcampgymokc
    ptcampgymokc Posts: 318 Member
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    I am a gardener and a “grower” enjoying activities related to the latter more :#

    Here are some of my gardening successes...

    Hawaiian Dwarf Apple Bananas (about 40 lbs bundle)


    Samoan Coconuts (shorter tree, more round coconuts, more coconut milk/nut, shorter growing time than other types of coconut trees)


    Japanese White Eye keke... they come freely supplied by Mother Nater with the Mango Tree


    Hawaiian Dwarf Apple Bananas (about 35 lb bundle)


    Samoan Coconuts


    Indonesian Guava (Samoan Coconut in the background)


    You have some nice coconuts!! :)
    I always wanted my own banana tree.