Pokemon Go
Any POGO people on here? If so, where are ya in the world and would ya want to add each other? :smile:
Subtracting food
Does anyone know how to fix the app so if you plan your meals each day, then change something, you can subtract it. There used to be a red minus after the entry. It has disappeared. Thanks for any help.
Counting calories on weekend
Hi there, I am just wondering if anybody else counts calories on weekend? I tend not to because I like to have a treat on the weekend but does anybody else do this? TIA
Beard or No Beard (Opinions Please)
I grew a beard a few months ago. Despite the fact I attribute most of my workout successes to the power of the beard, I am torn on whether to keep it or not. I would love some of your opinions on the matter Here is the face in question
Selfie Sunday 🤪
Has anyone been notified of MFP security breach exposing personal data, including passwords???
Type: Breach Source: myfitnesspal.com The site myfitnesspal.com has been reported to possibly have suffered a data exposure that could include emails, usernames and passwords. The possible exposure would have happened in February 2018 although it was reported in February 2019 What should I do? • We recommend you log into…
Time to get serious
So I downloaded MFP back in March, just after having a stroke (a week before my birthday) I haven’t used the app sense April. I have lost about 20 lbs through diet and exercise, and still have more I want to lose. I am getting back to using this app, and going to take my health more seriously. They found a hole in my heart…
Free online courses
Has anyone taken any? Were they interesting, exciting, too-time consuming, productive, challenging, fun? Advice looking for good ones? I need something intellectually stimulating yet not too difficult. I also need to find an interest to pursue. So any input is appreciated!
Do you leash your kid?
On my way to work this morning, I was listening to the local radio station and they were discussing parents placing their kids on leashes to prevent them from running off. One of the radio hosts commented that leashing your kid is only for fat and lazy parents. My daughter is older now but I would have never considered…
Celebrate my birthday with me!
Help me celebrate my birthday by taking a killer hike, killing it at the gym or just kicking *kitten* all around toward your fitness goals! Currently spending the morning with my kids, drinking a nice cup of coffee then heading to the gym for some back/cardio! Ready to start my 28th year off right!
Who'd have thought?
We all said it at one time or another in middle school/high school: "Why are we learning this when we will never use it in real life?" Well for me it was TYPING CLASS. I grew up in the late 70's early 80's. In the US typing class at the time wasn't a requirement. However I went to my last 2 years of high school overseas.…
Running a business or rescue
So of the people who have experience in small business or running rescues, what advice or tips would you tell a newbie? I’ve mentioned a few times wanting to run an animal rescue with the main idea being a cat cafe. I figured some on here probably have some insight or maybe just jokes which are welcome too. It’s chitchat…
What is the weather like today
Tell us what your thinking about the weather outside right now!
Hot and hotter no end in sight
Taking it easy
Too hot here
Over a 100 degrees for days now will it ever end?
Acronym Game
Hey all! In the acronym game, you provide a 5-letter acronym and the next person comes up with a funny meaning for it. When you post your response, provide a new acronym to continue play... DYGPC
Huawei phone/Google fit/MFP.... Help!!
Hi My phone and the linked apps were working perfectly until about a month ago, now it doesn't log any steps unless I manually log them. I know that Huawei won't link directly with MFP, hence the Google fit link.... The info is still syncing between them, but not onto MFP. Does that even make sense.. 🤔🤔 Anyone else having…
What is happening inside my bathroom wall?
I heard a pebble drop on my bathroom floor below the light switch the other day and thought nothing of it. Then today I noticed the light switch panel was being pushed out by another pebble and I tried to push it back in. The pebble dropped and I found two more on the floor. They seem harder and more solid than drywall—…
My fitness pal app
Hi, I've had my fitness app for 5 years. I can't update it as I have an iPhone 6. It will not take the new iOS. Any ideas on how to get it back on my phone? I've tried deleting the app now I can't get it back on. Robert
Just wondering if there are any others from Virginia? I'm just outside of Richmond.
Ham Wallet
Meat Department
Alright, y'all. Shirtless selfie time. Or just general fitness selfies if it's from women.
Speech-to-text MFP conversations
Rules of this thread: • you must participate in this thread using speech-to-text recognition on your computerized device • you cannot correct any mistakes your device made From the unintelligible mistakes, to the embarrassing, to the downright hilarious.. let's have some fun.
Take Care Of Your Meat Vehicle
You only get one in your life. Don't abuse it with alcohol or drugs. Put quality fuel in it. Take that thing into the garage regularly for a tune-up.
I gained almost 100lbs with Depo!! Any other people experience this or with a medication??
Hi! My name is Sirina and I had always been on the skinnier side, until I got on Depo around 4-5 years ago. I did try exercising and I've always ate healthy, but still the pounds were piling on. By the end of my 4th/5th year, I went from being 140 to 238. I felt sick. I'm not the only one of my friends this happened to,…
Team rh
Is anyone on here from team rh please add me
If you could run MFP Community...
In the spirit of other threads. If you could run the MFP Community what would you do. Maybe to improve it? Maybe to make it more secure? Maybe to <insert your whatever here>?
App Change on Daily Steps
Does anyone else notice that the app is no longer counting steps as exercise? Is this normal or is something wrong with my app? When I look under exercise it shows my steps as 0 calories burned.
Hello all! Just wondering if there is any sparks people out there> I know it has been asked before but can not find it so please feel free to add me My name on Sparkpeople was angeisback if u are on my spark family from there if not I would so love to follow and support a new "family" have a wonderful day