Anyone listen to podcasts? Who do you listen to?
Tell You something interesting happened today. I met this guy thru a friend. We both have become very close over the years but suddenly now both of them have become almost like enemies just over politics. I’ve noticed this being a trend people loosing friendships over politicians who ultimately don’t give a dam about us.
Hitting on women at Subway
I see this all the time. Is this ok, or nah? Do women like this or do they just wanna get their 6" turkey and go?
Fitness Trackers
Y’all! What type (if any) fitness trackers are y’all using? I have been eyeballing the Garmin fénix 5 or 6s as I do a lot of hiking and cycling in addition to a fit lifestyle (gym, nutrition, etc.). Would love your input on what has worked best for you! Thank you all in advance! Krystal
Hopping back on the wagon WK 1
Sup all! Many of us have been faced with falling off the healthy wagon. What are you doing to hop back on in the 1st week!?
It’s been about a week and I’ve yet to lose even a single pound. I haven’t gone over my calorie intake and I am exercising. I’m not gaining or losing weight. What am I doing wrong?
Keto numbers
What is ideal keto im currently been on 0.6 does that mean im not in ketosis im into my 3rd week
So I’m pretty sure my husband hates me just because I’m fat. I gained this past year (who didn’t ) and now he ignores me 99% of the time I mean flat out doesn’t talk to me. Makes me so sad. He also has no problem pointing out how gross people are close to my size or being grossed out by girls saying their weight which…
My boy Bruce
This is my Baby Bruce. He is a golden retriever/husky/Germans shepherd. He is such a smart and loving dog who is also a bit naughty at time s. Lol! He’s a great family dog !
Lame Jokes. And I mean REALLY lame.
I wanna hear your worst Lame joke. THE WORST. Example: "Did you hear about the red ship and the blue ship that collided? Both crews were marooned."
How many MFP friends do you have?
Sports cards
Does anyone deal with an over obsessed sports card fan ? Am I the only one who thinks that hobbies are things you do in spare time or when you need “ me” time ? And shouldn’t consume 80% of your free time .
How would you propose or like to be proposed to? Quiet intimate dinner or something crazy and extravagant?
Tell me about your wedding...
I've never really been all that interested in wedding details until now that I am planning one. I didn't have a wedding Pinterest board and my eyes always glazed over as friends described what they were doing for their wedding. Now I realize there is a wedding worldview that takes up a ton of space in the mind for a…
Failure is a GIFt
This is the other side of the GIFt us your lifts thread. Failure is a part of growth. Sometimes you just can't pick that stuff up. Sometimes it's just too heavy and you have to put it back down. That's ok. That's a gift. It's growth. It's also a sign that you literally left it all out there. So... Here's my first fail GIF.…
Right I’ve talked about marriage, situationships and now friendships lol. Has anyone else been best friends with someone who you thought would be down forever and then suddenly you became strangers without anything happening? Did it affect you a badly and why does this happen when you don’t actually fall out?
What are everyone's goals?
Hi there! Just wanted to start a small chat with anyone interested.
What are your hobbies??
Hi all! What do you like to do on the weekend or in your spare time? I’m typically out hunting, fishing, hiking or IDing plants. Just started up on embroidery for the rainy days. Drop a photo and tell us what your passion(s) are!
i HATE exercise videos, do you have any that motivate?
searching for workouts that I will actually be motivated to do. Have tried the BeachBody free trial, hated it. Does anyone have a online workout they enjoy?
Location services
Hey everyone, I am have an issue with MyFitnessPal. I am trying to enable location services so that way I can add food when I go to restaurants but when I go to my location services I can’t find MyFitnessPal. Does anyone else have this issue?
Scam quiz
Has anyone received a quiz that purports to give an IPhone as a prize? I was told I won one and then had to provide my credit card for $2. It sounds 'fishy'. Hence has it happened to anyone else and if so what was it a scam? Angelo
Finding members
Hi how do I search for a member using an email address? Thanks x
I love waffles
Haha saw this and i was like waffles? Where? Unfortunately i havent been to either place so, im looking for the best waffle places out there!
Hulu Recommendations
I just got Hulu,I love horror or horror type movies/shows but any genre is welcomed.
Looking for Samsung Health Challenge Partners
This is for Samsung, aka, Android users (sorry, iPhone people!). So, Samsung has all of these walking challenges every month, which I tend to participate in. I'm looking for participants to join me for my birthday month - May! Nothing serious... just sign up when the time comes, and then let me know. Thanks all!
What's your Star Sign?
Just curious 🤗💖 I'm a saggitarius, which can be both good and bad at times 🤣 I get along really well with Aries and Pieces. Usually have a lot of difficulty with Leo and Aquarius. hmm let's see 🤔 I don't really like travel, but I have the brutal honesty and emotional part down right haha, don't ask me what my opinion is…
WOMEN: Any women here with fibroids?
I just turned 28 last month, and A few years ago, I bled for 6 months and I had a few ultrasounds done, and they find some fibroids on my ovaries. Suggested I go on BC and I did for 2 years. Recently went off it because causing high blood pressure, and made me feel crazy. Lol. Now... my last period lasted 12 days, and this…
polyunsaturated & monounsaturated fat
I have been tracking my food and losing abojt 1.5-2 pounds a week for about a month now. When I go check my nutrient intake, in the polyunsaturated and mono saturated fat goal intake shows a dash. Does that mean I am not supposed to consume any foods with those in it or does it mean I should just focus on the other…
I am looking for friends so i wont loose motivation again
Add me pls i need someone to talk about our goals and etc all the ppl i know are party ppl heavy drinkers and drug abusers i want to quit that and start fresh
The Fashion/Shopping Thread
Sorry if this exists already, I searched and saw nothing recent but it seems you can't search by most recent! Discuss anything to do with fashion, clothes, your shopping experiences, etc. Rant, rave, post selfies, ask for advice anything :)