Breaking through a plateau
It is easy. increase your exercise by 20%. If you do 30 minutes of cardio then you need to do 36 minutes or if you are a distance person then if you walk 2 miles a session then you need to do 2.4. Another tip is to change the type of cardio you do, instead of walking get on a bike or get off the elliptical and get on the…
Wanted: suggestions for gentle excercise
I can't tolerate much because of a medical issue. I am also very uncoordinated so fast aerobics or dance doesn't work.
Is exercise worth it?
When I exercise, the calories burnt are so little! What is the point? I don't get a rush, I feel worse than before, and it takes time away from my family. Watching what I eat is stressful, but adding exercise just doesn't feel right!
Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Check-In January 7
Wow! Already a week into the new year! I have a feeling that we will be celebrating Valentine's Day here in the blink of an eye! Don't let it sneak up on you! Keep up the GREAT work with your exercise and you will have something really special to celebrate this year! Yesterday I'd hoped to do my 36 minutes on the bike but…
Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Check-In January 6
Happy Sunday! It's cold but the sun is shining here in the Colorado mountains today. Makes you wake up and smile! Glad there's something to make me smile as my body feels like it was run over by a TRUCK! I did 15 min of warm-up and cool down and the 20 min Biggest Loser Boot Camp workout (from the 1st dvd that was…
Concentration during a workout
I find that I always lose my concentration whilst working out. I can only do 10 minutes on each cario machine because for any longer I will give up. Even if I put my towel over the clock, I still peek and check to see how long I have to go before I can get off. I listen to my mp3 player and watch the tvs that they have up…
Riding horseback, foreplay......
Have you wondered how many calories you burn riding a horse, foreplay, talking on the phone. This is a fun site. Things you don't even think about are listed here. www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc
All you hunters and fishermen this is for you
Calories burned hunting and fishing. Pretty amazing www.calorie-count.com/calories/activities/4.html Enjoy
Workouts for busy mom
Just wondering if anyone could suggest some workouts for me. I have an 18 month old and a 1 month old so I don't have alot of me time. I am constantly cleaning the house and chasing my 18 month which gives me some excercise. I also am doing sit-ups, squats, and lifing 3lb weights just to tone my body but I would like to be…
National Body Challenge
If anyone hasn't seen the commercials, its sign-up time for the National Body Challenge on DiscoveryHealth.com. If you sign up before January 11th you get a free bally fitness 8 week pass. Here's my warning: I went to bally today to get my pass and they put me in a high pressure situation with a man named Wes who's arms…
So Sore!
Ok, so I finally got off my butt and started exercising..... but now I am so sore I don't feel like I can go on! How to I stay motivated to exercise when I hurt all over? HELP!
Walking your dog
Lose 14 Pounds a Year Walking Your Dog From Wendy Bumgardner, Your Guide to Walking. FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now! About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board Weight loss rivals major diet programs Don't want to spend money on a diet program? Take over the family dog walking…
Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Check-In January 5
It's the weekend! Any break from the norm, exercise-wise, for anyone? A game of football with the kids? A walk around a local museum? Snowshoeing in the backcountry? Get out there and do something different! Yesterday I got 36 min of moderate riding in on my bike. I also power walked the mall for at least 30 min pushing a…
I am sooo sore.help
I had a really good workout two days in a row, 30 min of cardio and 30 min of weight training and I am sooo sore, it hurts to sit down on the toilet! ( as im my legs are so sore it hurts to sit)I read I should take it easy tonight and not go to the gym since my muscles need to heal, but I feel like I should do something??…
New Trends in Fitness?
Thought this was interesting and wanted to share. What are you going to do that's new this year? I want to try spin/yoga! Fitness Predictions For 2008 - American Council On Exercise Main Category: Sports Medicine / Fitness News Article Date: 04 Jan 2008 - 2:00 PST The American Council on Exercise (ACE) has completed its…
The Gazzelle
Hi I have the Gazzelle cause im in Buffalo and there will be no outdoors walking in 11 degrees of cold so I was wondering when putting in my exercise log what to put for that cause its not one of the chioces
Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge Check-In January 4
:heart: Did my 30 minute Hip Hop Abs & 20 minute Pilates & off to grocery shop:heart: Have a wonderful day all!
I dont want to exercise
Is that bad? Can i lose weight w/o exercising? Should I get a scale?
i just bought a dancing with the stars dvd....its called cardio dance...havent tried it yet..because i woke up with the flu...its exercise routines...with maksim...what woman wouldn't want to loose weight with maksim? lol....anyway i'll let everyone know how it is..once i get to try it :)
At your desk all day and need to fit in a workout? Check these out. www.ucop.edu/humres/eap/exercizes.html www.associatedcontent.com/article/101985/five_quick_exercises_you_can_do_at.html
Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge check-in January 3
Yawn! I need a vacation from my vacation, I think! Hope everyone else is full of energy and pep! Get out there and exercise! I didn't end up riding my bike last night. I did make about 20 trips down to the car to unpack it, though. I could have cut the trips down some but I was looking at it as exercise so I went with it.…
Is it better to weigh yourself or not?
If so how often do you weigh yourself? We do not own a scale so I never even think about it. Should I get one? Right now, I go by how hard it is to button my pants. Kind of a crude method but people used to use hourglasses and sundails too.
10 Ways to Exercise as a Family
10 Ways to Exercise as a Family How to get the whole family moving -- together. By Aviva Patz advertisement Get Moving More from HealthyKids.com Training for Family Fitness Goals Quiz: Will My Child Be Overweight? Children's Weight Worries Babies and toddlers spend an awful lot of time strapped into car seats or plopped in…
24 hour fitness center
hello everyone I was just wondering if any of you are members of the 24 hour fitness center ? You know the Magic-Johnson Sport centers? If so, please let me know which equipment you use.
Want a flat stomach? Read this article ezinearticles.com/?Want-a-Flat-Stomach?---Heres-the-Best-Exercise&id=53554
Why is Exercise Important?
Why is Exercise Important? Have you ever heard the expression "use it or lose it"? It's true! If you don't use your body, you will surely lose it. Your muscles will become flabby and weak. Your heart and lungs won't function efficiently. And your joints will be stiff and easily injured. Inactivity is as much of a health…
Valentine's Day Fitness Challenge check-in January 2
Happy New Year! It's time to get a move on with our fitness goals and make something extrordinary happen for ourselves in this new year. Let's do it together!!! I finally got home after midnight last night so obviously didn't do much else than sit in the car for a zillion hours yesterday. I have LOTS of unpacking and…
for the men
My husband found this interesting. www.associatedcontent.com/article/45806/kegel_exercises_for_men_improve_the.html
A quick lower body workout
A quick lower body workout. exercise.about.com/cs/exerciseworkouts/l/bllowerbody2.htm
Exercise in your car.
Exercise in your car. www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/14/AR2006081400879.html