why women cry
Why Women Cry A little boy asked his mother, ' Why are you crying? ' ' Because I ' m a woman, ' she told him. ' I don ' t understand, ' he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, ' And you never will ' Later the little boy asked his father, ' Why does mother seem to cry for no reason? ' ' All women cry for no reason, ' was…
grrr! its been a bad week. i just can't get in the groove of anything. i've been really hungry lately too, i haven't gone over too bad. today i went over 40 calories. which isn't too bad, but for some reason i was just so hungry like all day. i'm trying not to let it bug me cause i won't be eating that much next tuesday…
Candy Give Away
I did it!!!! I recieved a box of chocolates from a customer today!! A beautiful red heart shaped box filled with rich delicious chocolate.......a favorite of mine!!!!!!!!! Well, I took 2 peices and gave the rest of the box to the girls on the other side of the office ......to the skinny girls who aren't dieting!!!!! Yeah…
Weighing in.
I was wondering how often I should weigh myself? I usually do it everyday, but it is constantly changing. Yesturday it said I had lost 4lbs now today it says i've only lost two. I've done nothing different besides change the foods. And should I set myself goals? For example "By this time I will try to weigh this much"
Odd Todd Valentines day episode
If you've never been to the odd todd website before, it is hillarious. Warning, there is slightly offensive language in some of these videos, but it is so worth it. http://www.oddtodd.com/index14.html
A 3 YEAR OLD-This was too cute not to share!!
This is sooooo cute!!!! Happy hump day!! One day my mother was out and my dad was in charge of me and my brother who is four years older than I am. I was maybe 3 and a half years old and had just recovered from an accident in which my arm had been broken among other injuries. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a…
:smile: :heart: This is a good V-Day. My first WI was this morning I lost 4 lbs. I'm very happy with my first week results. :smile: :drinker: :drinker: :heart:
Kudo Awards
I think we all agree what a great site MFP is, but I wanted to take the time to hand out "Kudo Awards" to someone that has provided me/you with great information or inspiration at just the right moment on our journey to health. With that thought in mind...my Kudo Awards go to: rheston, Healthier_Me, zenmama. :drinker: At…
weight loss failure?? giving up
i weight 133. 22 yrs old. 5'3 i started this month at 135. i lost TWO pounds thats it! i eat only 1200-1300 calories!!! to what USED To be 2000-3000!! i havent eaten MCDONALDS in a MONTH! i dont get why the scales havent changed at ALL!!!!!!!! this is ridiculous. i may as well eat what i want and weight two lbs more! and…
A greeting from me to you
Valentine's humor-for the guys
A man went to the mall this last week to buy Valentines’ cards for his daughter and mother. The 50 feet of displays for hundreds of cards astounded him. He muttered out loud, “I wonder if they have anything for ex-wives.” The clerk behind the counter said, “Oh, yes sir, they do have an ‘ex’ category, but they’re in…
Happy Valentines
Just wanted to say Happy Valentines to all the wonderful people here.
Happy V Day!
I hope it is good to everyone! :heart: día de tarjetas del día de San Valentín feliz! dd :heart:
Mood of a woman and mood of a man
Ok, I have to post just one more. Just had to share this one too. Moods of a Woman An angel of truth and a dream of fiction, A woman is a bundle of contradiction, She's afraid of a wasp, will scream at a mouse, But will tackle her boyfriend alone in the house. Sour as vinegar, sweet as a rose, She'll kiss you one minute,…
OMG Chocolate
It is everywhere today!!! How can I not give in when everyone is dropping Chocolate candy off at my desk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put it in my desk drawer out of sight out of mind....Umm no I think not!! HELP!!!!!!
14 Feb
Happy Singles Awareness Day!!! :drinker:
can u be weight loss resistant?
if someone is only eating 1200-1300 calories a day for their diet.... for a month, and only loses 2lbs. can someone be weight-loss resistant???
food calorie guide
For those of you who have internet phones figured I would give you this website it helps me not to make bad choices even on the road it gives the caloric values for most chain restaurants. Mobile.calorieking.com. Then when I come home and log in here I am not in for a surprise
Last one I will post today-Strippers
The other night , a few friends of mine went out to this "Lady's Club." One of the women wanted to impress us. So, she pulled out a $10 bill. The male dancer came over to us, and my friend licked the $10 bill and put it on his butt. Not to be out done, one of the other women pulled out a $50 bill. She called the guy back…
Going to bed hungry.. Is it good? Is it bad?
Best present ever!!
Hi guys Its 1am here and my hubby and I just exchange valentines gifts as i have to get up early for work in the morning! I just had to share it with you guys! My wonderful hubby got me singstar legends for the playstation, with the mics and everything!! I have just spent an hour playing on it and it is fantastic!! MUCH…
I am very pleased with my progress, as I have been tracking what I eat now for 3 wks.. and I have lost 10 lbs... I am very :happy: all your comments and recipes are very helpful.. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK.. T Zuvella from SF, Cali
Biggest Looser.
Are we still doing that???? nvm....found it
valentine's day treats
I am sooooo not looking forward to all the treats that are sure to be in staff lounge tommorow! Anybody have any great tips for going easy/avoidance? Thanks!
I need some praying PLEASE
Hi all, my cousin just got a call a bit ago. He X is trying to take her daughter. Ever since my cousin started dating her boyfriend, the X has caused problems. He is a control freak and a emotional abuser. He is saying racist things to his daughter about the boyfriend. It is just a mess. If you can say a prayer to help my…
what is your diet plans
i wanted to loose at least 20lbs. what you think i should eat everyday?
How calorie counting sets you up for weight loss failure
While I do agree with the benefits of calorie counting - and tracking what you put into your body - here is a very interesting perspective and reminder http://www.x3msoftware.com/calorie-counter.htm
What are you giving up for Lent?
I am "giving up" a person with whom I have had a lot of conflict. I will try to be friends again. I am giving up ALL deep fried food.
weight loss failure?? giving up
i weight 133. 22 yrs old. 5'3 i started this month at 135. i lost TWO pounds thats it! i eat only 1200-1300 calories!!! to what USED To be 2000-3000!! i havent eaten MCDONALDS in a MONTH! i dont get why the scales havent changed at ALL!!!!!!!! this is ridiculous. i may as well eat what i want and weight two lbs more! and…
Daddy's Gonna Eat Your Fingers
A former co-worker e-mailed me this. :laugh: This one is for everyone who... a) has kids b) had kids c) was a kid d) knows a kid e) is going to have kids. I guess that means all of us!! DADDY'S GONNA EAT YOUR FINGERS I was packing for my business trip and my three year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on…