Back from vacation

I missed you guys! I am glad to be back home. Our vacation didn't go as well as planned or hoped, so we are thankful to be back in our own beds with home cooked meals and the comforts of home. Our trip wasn't all bad. It had good moments too. Monday night my hubby got food poisoning. He had to stay in the hotel room while me and the rest of my family went to the Magic Kingdom. He was weak but doing a little better on Wednesday so he went out with us again. I felt nauseated all week, partially from being around a sick husband but also from allergy/sinus stuff. Then the night before we were suppose to leave my two year old son started vomiting! Ugh! That did not help my stomach at all! He started doing better during the day. Our plane was leaving Saturday night so I thought maybe he'd be better by then (I was praying he would!). He threw up on me on the bus ride to the airport! Thankfully though, he slept through the rough turbulence on the plane ride and hasn't gotten sick again! It was a rough week, but we are getting better. I don't think any of us quite has our appetite back yet. Speaking of eating, I'm sorry but we found the food at Disney World rather repulsive. Some things were okay and you know, probably six months ago I would have been fine with it. But since I've started eating better, it wasn't satisfying at all. Maybe the more expensive places were better but we couldn't afford those. Lol.
Okay, I'm done complaining. We did have some fun and I enjoyed being with my family. We took over 400 pictures and I still wanted to take more. I will upload a couple soon. My family all said I was disappearing and looked great so that was encouraging! I rode the Everest ride and I can tell you I don't think I will ever do that again. :noway: I screamed the whole time and I kept my eyes closed! There was just so much to look at and do the whole time. It was fun. Now I am trying to get back into my routine again.
I hope you all had a good week! It's good to be back! :happy:


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I missed you guys! I am glad to be back home. Our vacation didn't go as well as planned or hoped, so we are thankful to be back in our own beds with home cooked meals and the comforts of home. Our trip wasn't all bad. It had good moments too. Monday night my hubby got food poisoning. He had to stay in the hotel room while me and the rest of my family went to the Magic Kingdom. He was weak but doing a little better on Wednesday so he went out with us again. I felt nauseated all week, partially from being around a sick husband but also from allergy/sinus stuff. Then the night before we were suppose to leave my two year old son started vomiting! Ugh! That did not help my stomach at all! He started doing better during the day. Our plane was leaving Saturday night so I thought maybe he'd be better by then (I was praying he would!). He threw up on me on the bus ride to the airport! Thankfully though, he slept through the rough turbulence on the plane ride and hasn't gotten sick again! It was a rough week, but we are getting better. I don't think any of us quite has our appetite back yet. Speaking of eating, I'm sorry but we found the food at Disney World rather repulsive. Some things were okay and you know, probably six months ago I would have been fine with it. But since I've started eating better, it wasn't satisfying at all. Maybe the more expensive places were better but we couldn't afford those. Lol.
    Okay, I'm done complaining. We did have some fun and I enjoyed being with my family. We took over 400 pictures and I still wanted to take more. I will upload a couple soon. My family all said I was disappearing and looked great so that was encouraging! I rode the Everest ride and I can tell you I don't think I will ever do that again. :noway: I screamed the whole time and I kept my eyes closed! There was just so much to look at and do the whole time. It was fun. Now I am trying to get back into my routine again.
    I hope you all had a good week! It's good to be back! :happy:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Welcome back!
  • Catherinex
    What a shame about the sickness... My work means I am regularly in all types of commercial kitchens and needless to say I rarely eat out. It sounds like you made the most of it tho for the kids so WTG well done you.:flowerforyou:
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    At least you made the best out of an unfortunate situation. I am glad you are back. We missed you too. Nice pictures too!!