How to Lose Weight
What are the healthiest fruits to eat when dietist trykng to Lise Weight dokng intermentkng fasting
Low calorie food
I would like some ideas of foods or recepie that are low in calories but I can eat lots of because food it my issue
Super filling afternoon snack drink
I've never been one for smoothies or shakes/juices in place of food but I stumbled on a really filling hot drink when trying to avoid Starbucks the other day. A cup of cashew milk (25 cals) and couple spoons of Cadbury's drinking chocolate (72 cals for the 18g "serving"), a small spoon of instant espresso and a sprinkle of…
Vegan body building food share!
Any vegans on here that are body building that share their daily food diaries and recipes? It would be really helpful to know some of you so we can share food ideas and recipes. Feel free to add me!
Recipe Request: Vintage cocktail party munchies
Every year for roughly the last 10 years, my parents have thrown a Spring get-together at their house for friends and coworkers. With the recent passing of my mother (who organized it all), I didn't know if Dad was going to continue the tradition. The other night while walking the dogs... Dad: "So I'd like to have some…
Borlotti Bean and Avocado Salad
This dish has a whopping 20g protein per serve, 25% daily iron requirements and is high in fibre, potassium and Vitamin C. It is very filling, and super delicious. Ingredients: 1 can of borlotti beans* 1.5 ripe avocados 12 cherry tomatoes (100 - 150g) Iodized salt - sprinkle onto the avocado 1 spring onion finely sliced 1…
Your High-Protein, Tasty Recipe Ideas Wanted (Carb-Free)
Hi All, Looking for suggestions on protein only (or very low carb) recipes & ideas, ideally quick to do and tasty, so ideas/recipes much appreciated! Example, butterflied chicken breast in a piri piri / jerk rub & mixed leaf side salad w/oil-free vinaigrette, that type of thing, Regards AJ
Creative Veggie Recipes
I'm trying to introduce myself to more veggies and find yummy ways to eat them. So far I've been doing really well by roasting everything (yum!) and I've added sweet potatoes, cauliflower, spaghetti squash, brussel sprouts, and others to my diet. Roasting has been a great tool but I'm getting a little bored of just…
New discovery
I just added a tsp of sugar free raspberry jello powder to my usual protein shake (French Vanilla whey isolate with unsweetened cashew milk) and dear lawdd... it was good. Maybe this is a thing people already do, but just thought I'd share...
"Paleo" stuffed jalapeno peppers
So I'm kinda Paleo with my own twist, anyone have some stuffed jalapeno pepper recipes? Something a spicy sounds yummm, might try to stuff it with some leftover spegetti squash, miiiiight taste interesting but never know unless you give it a try :)
Meatless Fridays for Lent
This was really good Mash together: 2 Tbsp black beans, rinsed 1 Tbsp Hot (or mild) salsa, or more to taste dash ground cumin Mash together: 1/4 ripe avocado 1 sliced minced onion 1 tablespoon lime juice cole slaw mix with 1 Tbsp Walden Farms coleslaw dressing spread bean mix on one side of Sam's Choice traditional pocket…
Tasty Protein packed snack
Want something that reminds you of peanut butter and jelly but is packed full of protein and not that many calories!! Try Dannon Light and Fit Greek Strawberry yogurt and 2 TBSP of Peanut Butter Fit powder. Only 130 calories and 16g of protein, this snack will really help curb your craving for a pbj sandwich.
Simple meal prep ideas?
Alright MFP Community, I could use some help. I am official tired of searching the internet for meal prep ideas. It seems like no matter what I search for I get a way too fancy food site that has 50 pictures of food and someones life story associated to every damn meal AND OMG WHAT IT ONLY TAKES 10 MINUTES OR LESS. Just...…
looking for recipes gastric bypass post op 3 years maintnance phase.
hi my name is Larry. I am 46 years old and live in Santa Maria California. I am a post op 3 years gastric bypass patient in the maintenance phase of my journey. I had Gastric bypass sept 22, 2014 at my highest my weight was 365 pounds and here we are 3 years later still at 189 pounds. So if you would like to hear my story…
African recipes
Does anyone have any low cal African food recipes? Thanks
Valentine's Day desserts
Valentine's Day...I need dessert ideas that are low calorie for me but feel decadent for him. I also need it to be EASYYYYY. I mean really easy. Or even something I can just buy outright. Suggestions?
What to do with juice and bones after cooking whole chicken in crock pot?
Hi all! I’m a big fan of cooking whole chickens in the crock pot because it is cheap and works great for fall off the bone chicken for shredding. I usually just season the chicken and put it in and it makes a TON of juice. Can I use this for something? What about the carcus or bones? I know people are into the bone broth…
My Wella recipes
I have made my own recipes to lose weight without experiencing side effects. Not many people will try them, so I don't write them unless asked. Determination and willpower are the main ingredients. <3
Low Carb/low calories ideas
Post your low carb suggestions 1. Replace rice with Cauliflower rice (can buy premade)
Best food to eat
Do you have a food program to lose weight that has worked for you? Thanks
I need help with healthy lunch meals!
Hey peeps! I ran out of idea’s for lunch, i can’t just live one salads. I find lunch harder to deal with than dinner. Im so odd! Please help me!
Yummy Caribbean buckwheat pancakes
Made these by taking a chance on ingredients I love. Hope you like them too. Makes enough for 2 people approx 6 pancakes. I ate them with coffee fat free yogurt to save calories but you can add whatever you like. 1oz organic buckwheat (milled to flour) 1/2oz dessicated coconut (milled to flour) 2oz mango and 1 small banana…
Sharing recipes
Hi there, Does anyone know if there's a way to share recipes you create with your friends list? My husband and I are doing an eating program together and I do the cooking so I create the recipe in MFP. To save time, can I just share these with him instead of him having to also create it in his app?
Hot Air Fryers?
I'm thinking of getting a hot air fryer. Do you have one? Does it work well? What model is it? How does it compare with a very hot fan assisted oven in terms of cooking results and energy usage? I guess most people use them for french fries, but could you do buffalo wings in one, for example? --Alice
Easy Breakfast-Keto and Gluten friendly!
These are delicious!! https://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/cream-cheese-pancakes/
Pre workout for a lactose intolerant
I couldnt digest c4 Any other ideas for pre workouts?
Calculating Wrong
I am trying to add a recipe for homemade guacamole and it says that the sodium level is over 3,000 and I know that's wrong because I only have a 1/2 tsp of sodium in the recipe and nothing else that would have that much sodium in it. Also I added the same recipe into another tracking app and it said a much lower number.…
Diet for hypothyroidism
Please suggest me diet for hypothyroidism... Wt all the foods can eat...
How do you log soup/chili?! I want to know the macros per bowl.
Sharing Recipes
How do I make my recipes public So my friends can use them?