Looking for a kick-*kitten* support team!

OK - I'm finally seeing the scale go down in the right direction, and I want to ride this wave! But I know I need support. The friends I have on MFP are awesome, but would love to have more. I want us to support one another, be positive (no negative needed, thank you, I can do that myself without any help), acceptance and grace. If this is you - let's friend up!

Briefly about me - as you can see - I have a LONG way to go. I've been "chubby" all my life starting with age 8, but the last 15 years this has gotten out of control, pound by pound. Time to live a "normal" life again. I'm not a vegetarian or vegan (although if you are, I'm in admiration of you!) and while I try and eat pretty "clean," I'm also realistic that life happens.

I'm just starting with the exercise (walking) and see that as the way I'll be taking off the lbs at first. Eventually, I want to get back into dancing - even if it's a step aerobic class at a gym. (I used to LOVE to dance - nothing formal - just for fun.)

So... you in? Friend me.

Cheers - Anne


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    If you are looking for additional support, I help to run a great support and accountability group on Facebook for people looking to improve their health and fitness. It's just a bunch of people supporting and encouraging each other to make progress towards their goals. It's an awesome community. If you're interested in it, I'd be glad to chat with you about it.