So I am trying to come up with a daily schedule to stick to. I NEED HELP! Please share you daily time line... start to finish. What time do you wake up? What time do you workout? What time do you eat? Work? Etc! In what order do you do these things?


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    edited May 2015
    Wake up: Whenever my body decides, usually 8 hours after I go to bed

    Workout: Whatever fits my schedule

    What time do I eat: Again, I fit it to my schedule. Some days I'll eat every few hours, other days I'll eat everything in a few hours. Depends on how I feel.

    You're best bet is to schedule what you do around your necessities in the day (work, sleep and anything else you HAVE to do) and then move about the rest.

    As an example, I know Mondays and Fridays are packed at the gym (international chest Monday and pre-club pump Friday) so I workout the other 5 days of the week.

    Another example, on Wednesdays, commuting included I was college 8-4.30 then work 5.30-10.30. By the time I got back I knew I would NOT train legs. Instead I got up at 5am every Wednesday to train them.

    I've found the best schedule to stick to is one you create yourself. Make a plan of how each current day goes, what you do, when you usually do it and try and fit in things like meal prepping, exercise and the sort around it.

    Good luck! :)
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Days I work out in the morning (like today):

    6:15am - Wake up
    6:45am - Start working out
    8:15am - Drive home
    8:30am - Stuff breakfast in my face because I want to eat ALL the things from doing fasted cardio
    9:00am - Shower
    10:00am - Start work
    2:00pm - Eat lunch (usually brought with me from last night's leftovers)
    7:00pm - Drive home from work
    8:00pm - Eat dinner
    11:00pm or so - Bed

    Days I work out after work:

    8:30am - Wake up, and maybe eat, maybe not
    9:00am - Shower
    10:00am - Start work
    2:00pm - Lunch
    7:00pm - Drive to gym
    7:30pm - Start workout
    8:45pm - Drive home
    9:15pm - Eat dinner
    11:00pm or so - Bed
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    The only things that are ever the same everyday of the week are:
    6:30 am wake up (not that I pick it, but my 11 month old decided a few months ago that it was the time he wanted breakfast
    8:45 am - 11 am gym (the time I get there varies by day. Like 2 days a week my husband has a kick boxing class at 9:15 am and Sun the gym doesn't open till 10 am...I'm only there for 60 - 90 mins)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    5:15 wake up
    5:30 exercise
    6:45 shower/eat/pack lunches/feed dogs/get daughter on bus
    8:00 work
    12:30 lunch
    1:00 work
    5:45 get home
    5:50 dinner
    6:30 dishes, practice spelling with daughter, other household stuff
    8:00 read to daughter
    8:30 daughter's bedtime
    8:40 dog shenanigans
    9:00 read
    9:45 go up to bed
    11:30-12:00 sleep
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Most days

    5:30 get out of bed
    5:31 coffee
    5:35 wake up
    5:36 work
    9:30 eat a banana
    10:00 ride 3-4hours
    1-2:00 eat
    2:15 nap
    3:30 lay out by the pool / swim / do stuff
    6:00 eat
    6:30 do stuff
    9:00 eat
    10:30 11:00 sleep