Looking for fellow hard *kitten*

Wanted: a hard *kitten* who will keep me in line. Looking for a partner (or two) who will share in goals and plans and keep a look out to make sure we are on track. Encouragement is great but I'm looking for someone who is a little more on the drill Sargent side of things. MFP is filled with such nice encouraging people who are incredibly helpful and kind. This is not the greatest approach with me. I am the queen of excuses and "I'll start tomorrow" attitude. Right now I have a ton of excuses not to eat right or work out. There will always be a great excuse to binge and sit in front of the TV all night. However, if there is a hard *kitten* out there ready to jump on my sh*tty excuses I'm less likely to try and use them. And being so use to my own excuses I can spot yours a mile away.
If your weight loss journey has been longer than a week than we all have tons of knowledge and experiences to share. And I can give it as good as I get it. I can stay on someone's *kitten* as much as I need someone on mine. Being so in depth into another's journey will definitely help stay on yours and mine. Who out there is ready and willing to take me on?!?!