HELP!!! Suffering from crazy-*kitten*-*****itis!!!

I have gone and done it. I completely lost it this evening when my absolutely amazing fiance brought me home the wrong dinner from Subway. I have had little tantrums over the past few weeks adjusting to my new diet, but tonight takes the cake. I wrote a list of what I wanted on my salad. A roast chicken salad with ff italian dressing and he brought me home a chicken salad sandwich on white bread and I crumpled it up and threw it away!!! This is not me! My attachment to food is out of control. I'm not hungry. This is not because I'm not eating enough calories, but because I was soooo looking forward to that salad. Any help for me? I am truly struggling and can't let this lifestyle change ruin my relationship. :(


  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    Apologize immediately and then explain the withdrawals your body is going through and that it is out of your control! It will pass and your body and hormones will level out. You might try having those salad ingredients at home so you can make your own exactly the way you like it.