Alli... For People Who aren't That Overweight? Thoughts?



  • darnnells
    darnnells Posts: 37
    I have used Alli (lost weight before my wedding) , and I currently use Alli. I find it works well for the times when you'd like to indulge in the fattier foods like butter pecan ice cream. I eat healthy most of the time, but I still like foods that aren't conducive to weight loss like fried chicken and mashed potatoes. On the occasions that I want to indulge in those foods, I still keep my caloric intake that MFP suggests, but I also take Alli to cut the fat down. It's like an insurance policy for me and I am not overweight. I want to continue losing and it has helped me do that.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    you can get caffeine free green tea
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    You like anal leakage? Go for it!

    Here's a tip: wear dark pants at all times.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    I would not recommend it, unless you want to poo yourself in public. Just what i've read. :)
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    Don't use Alli. Ever. I did and I had a digestive nightmare afterwards that I don't really want to post on a public forum. :sick:

    Exactly what she said! I was on it for 2 months,and it was a NIGHTMARE! I actually poo'd my pants numerous times,and your so gassy all the time,and the smell that comes out from down below is HORRID! & i didn't even notice any loss with it..I heard they took it off the market..if not,i totally don't recommend it, just the thought of it gives me the shivers..UGH!..NEVER again :noway:
  • meechi53
    meechi53 Posts: 195 Member
    Refuse to lift weights, underweight goal, and looking for a magic pill? Good luck.

    I am not looking for a "magic pill" . I understand that Alli is merely a fat-blocker. I don't want/need weights to work out, I use my own body for resistance.. especially being that I'm a ballet dancer... I really have enough natural definition from my background in dance, and I don't want much more. People think I lift weights because of how toned I am for some reason lol. Pilates are great for dancers and it's actually given me great definition. Weight-lifting is just not my "thing". I hope that you can wrap your head around that and good luck to you also.

    If you are toned, etc, and at the lower end of the healthy weight range for your height, why, pray tell do you feel the need to lose 10-15 lbs then and go into the "underweight" category? Is it so you can have the "vanity" number of being under 125lbs? If you do pilates, that builds toned muscle so, I think a few of us are baffled here.... You could just stop working out altogether maybe you'd lose that way.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Don't use Alli. Ever. I did and I had a digestive nightmare afterwards that I don't really want to post on a public forum. :sick:

    Exactly what she said! I was on it for 2 months,and it was a NIGHTMARE! I actually poo'd my pants numerous times,and your so gassy all the time,and the smell that comes out from down below is HORRID! & i didn't even notice any loss with it..I heard they took it off the market..if not,i totally don't recommend it, just the thought of it gives me the shivers..UGH!..NEVER again :noway:

    Yes! I was waiting for more to comment that's tried it. I hope others chime in.

    The Alli threads are my fav. #oily
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I'm 5'8, 135 , my goal weight is around 120-124. I usually do pilates, jogging, and interval cardio for exercise... I won't work out with weights though.
    You are at the lean end of the healthy weight range.

    NEVER EVER JEOPARDIZE your health for skinny!
    Trust me 10lbs isn't going to make you any happier
    10lbs isn't going to make anyone worth while love you any more.

    Consider that you are not losing any more weight, because this is the weight you are meant to be.
    I spent entirely too much of my life torturing myself over my weight issues when I could have been having fun instead.

    Focus on living an awesome life.. Dance and play and run and swim and do cartwheels and whatever else your heart desires.
    Be the strong capable young woman you're meant to be.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I've never tried it, but I have a friend who did, and it wasn't good!!! I think she may have lost a few pounds, but the side effects and what she went through, is not something you would want to.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I have used Alli (lost weight before my wedding) , and I currently use Alli. I find it works well for the times when you'd like to indulge in the fattier foods like butter pecan ice cream. I eat healthy most of the time, but I still like foods that aren't conducive to weight loss like fried chicken and mashed potatoes. On the occasions that I want to indulge in those foods, I still keep my caloric intake that MFP suggests, but I also take Alli to cut the fat down. It's like an insurance policy for me and I am not overweight. I want to continue losing and it has helped me do that.

    Fat doesn't make you fat, excess calories do.

    I eat the foods that you mentioned, and I'm pretty sure I've lost 40lbs. It's just about calories in, calories out......and finding a balance (like you already described) between healthy and indulgences. You don't need a pill, I promise.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Better have a bathroom handy!!!
  • kerryjudson
    kerryjudson Posts: 137 Member
    i didnt think you could buy Alli without a pharmacist consultation. They weigh you, measure your height and work out your BMI and you have to be over by a certain percentage to be able to purchase it. If you only have a small amount to loose i dont think you could legally buy it.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I say go for it.........As long as you don't mind crapping yourself.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    EDIT- Read some more posts n decided it wasn't an appropriate response...
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    ...Green tea sounds like a good idea, but I am scared of caffeine, I haven't had it in 2 years or more so I'm not sure how I would react to it...
    I had to chuckle as I read this. Scared to try caffeine, but not scared to try a drug known to cause digestive problems and oily anal leakage? :bigsmile:

    I dont intake alot of fat and im vegetarian...

    This is the biggest reason it's not worth trying. Studies have indicated that Alli has no appreciable effect on individuals already consuming a very low-fat diet. Also, if you have a thyroid issue, you shouldn't be taking it without a doctor's supervision. That part is actually in the package insert:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Refuse to lift weights, underweight goal, and looking for a magic pill? Good luck.
    ...especially being that I'm a ballet dancer...
    If you are toned, etc, and at the lower end of the healthy weight range for your height, why, pray tell do you feel the need to lose 10-15 lbs then and go into the "underweight" category?
    I expect it's because of the fierce competition in the world of dance.
    Such a shame that professionals in this industry are encouraged to jeopardize their health and to strive for unrealistic body goals in order to do what they love. As a visual artist I understand the need for creative outlet, feeling that this is the only way I CAN truly express myself.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's a stupid idea, regardless of weight.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    i didnt think you could buy Alli without a pharmacist consultation. They weigh you, measure your height and work out your BMI and you have to be over by a certain percentage to be able to purchase it. If you only have a small amount to loose i dont think you could legally buy it.

    In America anyone can buy it. There is a 'prescription only' version that is higher strength (Xenical).
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    It works for my mother.. however, that bright orange oil secreting from her body scares her into eating right.. I think that's the real reason it works! :laugh:

    ^^I think you're right! That would be my main motivator!
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    Well, it's a treatment for obesity, which is maybe why you haven't heard much about people who aren't obese trying it. Honestly, the side effects of it don't appeal to me AT ALL. Even if I was prepared to put up with them, which I'm not, it's not something that is going to be part of a long-term healthy lifestyle. Maybe it would work, but then what happens when you stop taking it and go back to "normal"? How are you going to keep the weight off then?

    When you only have a little bit to lose, it's really not necessary to resort to drastic measures that might negatively impact your health. Diet and exercise really are the best ways.

    When you say you eat healthy most of the time - are you measuring your food accurately and logging consistently? I notice it looks like you joined MFP this month. Have you been counting calories before then? Maybe you need to give it a bit more time. Perhaps you're not eating the right amount of calories. When you set up MFP, how much did you say you want to lose a week? (2 lbs is probably not realistic for your current weight). Do you actually need to lose weight? I don't know if your profile pic is recent but, as much as I can see of you, you look like you're a healthy weight. Maybe rather than losing weight you would want to change your body composition? What kind of exercise do you do? Are you doing any strength training? Strength training is great for burning fat and becoming leaner.

    I took alli. I lost 8 pounds and when you fart, you have greasey farts and stool. You have consistent anal leakage. It looks like the grease from a taco bell taco or bacon fat. Constant loose stool and abdominal bloating and cramps. You can't leave the house Unless you have some sort of diaper on. Once you eat normal again the weight comes back. The smell of the excrement is absolutely terrible. Sorry for being so blunt but I would never take the stuff again