30 day shred

Today I started the 30 day shred. Wow, it kicked my butt!! Please tell me it will get easier. I feel like such a wuss about it. I've been doing zumba for 3 months so you would think I could handle it but nope. It was hard, very hard for me. Anyone have any advice on that home dvd?


  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    It won't get easier per se but you'll be better equipped to handle it as it goes on :) Expect to be sore tomorrow and the day after - by day 4 the soreness doesn't seem so bad and you'll be able to get through it easier. Each time you bump up a level it'll get harder too but you can get through it :) 27 days in here.
  • sjewell79
    sjewell79 Posts: 45 Member
    keep with it! Sorry cant tell you it gets easier lol. I just finished l2d3 have to say each day im improving a bit but it still kicks my butt. cant wait to be able to say i completed the 30 days!
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Day 4/5 you'll stop hurting so bad. I followed Anita in the beginning, got closer to Natalie toward the end. Definitely still broke a sweat all through til day 30 but I didn't feel like I was going to die after the first week.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    What is the 30 day shred and where do you find it?
  • dianasmith6
    dianasmith6 Posts: 12 Member
    It took me 3 tries ,but I finally got to the end of the 30 day shred level 1.....
    Im so out of shape.
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    I just started today also. UGH!!! My arms feel like jello and I can feel my butt tightening :sad: I actually had to stop a couple of times and not do all the arm/push ups but I am hopeful that I can get further after a few days.
  • FireWifeMommax2
    My legs felt like jello afterwards. Not to mention I did an hour of zumba last night so Im really sore now. I got to a loss of 10 lbs and then stopped and gained a few. Im determined to get back on track and hope this works.
  • FireWifeMommax2
    Yep, the push ups were HARD for me! I have zero upper body strength at all.
  • chaotisaurus
    chaotisaurus Posts: 8 Member
    Yep. Brutal, so brutal every time you start a level, but I find it so encouraging how fast the body can actually change to support it and burn through it. Even when I don't see changes, I know I'm getting stronger and more bad *kitten* when I can realize "wow I did the whole set of plank jacks, I never made it the whole way before!" Stick with it and your body will change. Just gotta force it to like she says, "mind over matter". I usually want to punch her about the time she says that...
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    Thanks - I have to wait a bit because I'm healing a broken wrist and I can't put my whole body weight on my left arm yet, but I copied the urls onto a word file for September.
  • Uniey76
    Uniey76 Posts: 7
    I am relatively new to MFP. Joined awhile ago but I have been traacking religiously for only about a week or so now. I am going to start JM 30 Day Shred on Monday. So my question is what do you measure before/during/after to gauge your results?