AHHH attack of the pizza!!

Ok it's Friday. My fiance and I go out on the weekend and always get some sort of post bar friendly food- tonight Gus's NY pizza mmmmm. I have done well today and after my main meals and exercise I have just over 600 cals to spend(which I did save specifically for tonight). Any tips on how to how to not overdo it??? Should I just steer clear all together??



  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Just be aware of what your body tells you. Grab a slice or two, and think about it before grabbing another slice.
    Idon't know how much willpower you have though. Personally I've been more aware of my body and listening to it more, so it doesn't pose a big deal to me much anymore. However, having a slice or two of pizza should be fine. :)
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    if they have salad start with that to take the edge of the hunger. Then have a slice or two. Work out again tomorrow.
  • tarabatton
    tarabatton Posts: 47 Member
    Thanx for the idea...I guess when I was use to eating before I was almost be in zombie haze. Paying attention what a concept, lol
  • KWNurse
    KWNurse Posts: 45 Member
    A slice of pepperoni pizza is about 300 cal. Try thin crust, but only have one if you plan on a cocktail. Otherwise, just go over and be good the rest of the week. I always go over on pizza night and make up for it later.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Just eat 600 calories worth. Enjoy.
    I was thinking pizza tonight as well.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Just eat 600 calories worth. Enjoy.
    I was thinking pizza tonight as well.

    This! Enjoy!
    I might have some pizza tonight, too.
  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    Unless one has a gluten issue, eating a slice or two of good pizza won't kill one LOL! Make a smart pizza toppings choice, enjoy it, and do have some salad with it(dressing on the side)to fill up on some lean greens before eating the pizza itself. This way, you can have that treat and not do much damage. If one knows one is going to have a treat tonight, saving calories for it is fine, and hop back on one's wagon tomorrow.
    Thin crust pizza with lighter vegetarian toppings, easy on the cheese, is a good way to go and flavorful besides. Yum! But I just had my favorite black bean and rice taco(soft corn tortilla)for a late lunch at our favorite taqueria, so I'm good for pretty much the rest of the day save for something light later.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Thanx for the idea...I guess when I was use to eating before I was almost be in zombie haze. Paying attention what a concept, lol

    It really does help. I used to eat whatever, and not care. Since I've been trying to get fit, I've been more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth. By being aware, and paying attention, it seems to help keep me on track better.
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    My young son decided that tonight was the night to turn the oven up to 450 to make homemade pizza (it's only 90 and we don't have AC). He even made the dough from scratch! He made 6 small/individual pizzas with various toppings. While I REALLY would have preferred not to eat pizza (which I don't like that much anyway), I could not reject my son's efforts. So I did my best to figure calories in my MFP food diary and will sweat even harder tomorrow. Enjoy yourself within limits and compensate this weekend!!
  • Gloria_Torres
    Gloria_Torres Posts: 19 Member
    I loooove pizza and beer too. I always get a napkin and dab off the extra grease. I may look like a dumb *kitten* but its my body that grease is going into! Nobody else's! Its the lil things we do that add up. ;)