Favorite all time recipe...made healthier

twingle08 Posts: 40
Just wondering if anyone has taken an all time favorite and adjusted to make it healthier and just as good...


  • twingle08
    twingle08 Posts: 40
    Just wondering if anyone has taken an all time favorite and adjusted to make it healthier and just as good...
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    It's kinda funny you mention that, but my dad was recently diagnosed with diabeties(sp) & it's amazing how many substitutes you can make. (Mom & I were going through cookbooks)

    Fat free sour cream - sour cream
    Turkey vs. beef
    broil instead of fry


    Seriously, there are so many tasty substitutes out there. The only thing that is stopping us from eating healthy is ourselfs! :bigsmile:

  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    I often substitute unsweetened apple sauce for the oil in baked goods. I've heard baby food prunes is also a great swap for the "fat" in baking. My sister made a great recipe for healthier choc chip cookies and they are great. I'll have to find that.