Insanity - Injured ankle, thinking of switching to... what?

Hi everyone!
I have been doing insanity for the past 24 days! Almost to the recovery week... Now the thing is, about a week ago, my ankle started to swell & now it hurts real bad.. I bought an ankle wrap to sustain when I'm doing the workout but it still hurts which mean I cannot do the workout properly..

For exemple, jumping jacks hurt & I cannot do the high jumps.... I'm doing the workout at around 75% of what I used to but I don't want to quit.

I was thinking maybe of switching to an easier program and then come back to Insanity? Maybe Revabs? Or should I just stick to Insanity & maybe do like push-ups or punches while they're doing the jumps?!

Any advices would be great!

Thanks alot!


  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi there. Good for you for trying to work around it! You can modify Insanity to work around your ankle or just start something else entirely like a Jillian Michaels DVD. I tried Insanity first, but felt it was too hard for me, so I bought some JM dvd's that are perfect; much less impact on the knees and ankles, but still a good workout. I have Ripped in 30, Shred, No more trouble zones etc., I've been doing RI30 for a while now.

    I can't speak for other workout programs because JM's are the only ones I have. Good Luck
  • Pandemonium27
    Hey there!
    I'm actually in kind of in the same boat. First make sure that nothing is broken and make sure to ice after workouts and take some asprin.
    I work around my injury. Go at your own pace but keep going. I'm on week 4 cardio recovery. So recovery week is right around the corner. I'm sure if you take it easy for the next few workouts and for recovery week you'll be back to normal and will smash month 2.
    Good luck,
    Yessi :)
  • gjsowards70
    The 2nd half of the Insanity program is very difficult. This will happen after your recovery week. I would rest your ankle a week and do something less intense, then come back and test your ankle with the recovery week to test it out and build it up. By the way, how did you measure the calories you bured during the program. Thanks, good luck, and keep it up!
  • LaMakinita
    Thanks for your replies!!

    I was thinking about the second month & was a afraid that even if I go easy on recovery week, the 2nd month would just hurt even more as it's so intense... I decided to switch to RevAbs yesterday. It targets the abs more so less impact on my ankle & knee.

    My abs hurt today but that's perfect :) & I still sweat like crazy with it so I guess it's all good. It's a 90 days program so after I finish it, I'll do Insanity. I'll be in better shape so it probably won't be as hard for my ankle as it is now.

    I have Jillian Michaels videos as well, 30 days Shred, 6 weeks 6 pax, Ripped in 30 & Body Revolution but I haven't done any of them yet. I'm scared of getting bored as it is the same workout video that you have to do everyday. Don't you get bored? Do you do it in combination with something else to vary?

    As for the calories burned, I have an HR monitor.. That's pretty much the only way to really know how many calories you burned. It calcultes with your age, weight, average HR & lenght of the workout. Then it gives you the calories burned... Before getting an HR monitor, I was using this website but it's hard to really know your average HR as you would have to check it often during your workout & take note of it. But that can give you a good idea. :)
