It's so difficult.....

Options do any kind of exercise or workout, even walking when I hurt sooooooooo bad from just one day.

I cant be the only one. Please.....tell me how y'all forge ahead and do whatcha gotta do for exercise or workout. How do ya muster through the pain.

My problem is I have so damn many titanium pins plates and screws repairing so many previously broken and damaged joints et al. I AM DETERMINED to get through this. Hurting like this just aint for sissies let alone someone my age :::::: koff koff ::::::: I KNOW with any degree of weight loss the pain will diminish though never completely. Im just trying to stay focused and hang tight. I probably hang on this site too much right now but Im looking to learn everything I can.

Anybody got some advice....

Please and thanks

~Resty & Killler



  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Are you drinking and eating enough? A hydrated well nourished bidy recovers quicker!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    It's gonna hurt a lot less once you lose that weight. You got overweight with the above ^^ thinking.

    You're going to have to change how you think and maybe you can find a less painful exercise - like swimming or yoga or light walking three times a day - like ten minutes at a time. Don't push yourself so hard that you cause enough pain to make you stop.

    Maybe see a physical therapist for more ideas based on your previous surgical issues.
  • jubeesh
    jubeesh Posts: 156
    Have you ever tried the Sit and Be Fit DVD's? its a workout you do sitting down and its perfect for beginners or people with joint pain. Some libraries have them available to check out so you could check there first before buying. Another idea is to see if there is an water aerobics class in your area. Working out in the pool is not only very low impact but also fun :) I hope this helps you out some.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    do you have access to a pool?

    i agree with the person who said it's going to hurt less once you've lost some weight. maybe try doing stuff in the pool until you've lost enough weight to be able to exercise and fully support your body weight
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    I was going to suggest swimming too - it's a great workout, but gentle on the joints.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    I suggest walking or swimming until your weight is low enough to make it more comfortable to exercise.
    I see a lot of people around here burning calories like crazy from walking and it's a very nice way to exercise.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Thank you............all of you

    I actually drink 10 or more 16 oz bottles of water a day. Add to that a couple 16 oz Crystal light....a cup of coffee and a diet root beer. Im eating pretty good though Im struggling to have enough proteins.

    Ive only been outta the hospital about 10 days so Im taking the exercise a bit easy. Ive been walking about 15 minutes a day, doing some pretty "strenuous" housework, and some plain old stretching etc.

    I do want to check out if there's a pool for free swims somewhere near by. Id end up living there in the evenings. I love the water, I love swimming laps and just doing the water workouts.

    Thanks again.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    I had a similar problem when I started...I have scoliosis (a thoracolumbar curve) and damaged knee joints, I really struggled initially with any kind of impact exercise or stress on my back or knees and would ache for days afterwards from one workout.
    The people above me are right, swimming or aqua aerobics really helped support my joints while exercising. I also made sure I took a long hot shower/bath after exercising to let the heat soothe my muscles. Medication isn't the answer, but an anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen or Naproxen also helped me. Maybe some Deep Heat too? Since losing some weight I am able to do a lot more and am in pain for a shorter time after working out. Make sure you are well hydrated and wearing suitably supportive and comfortable clothes when exercising - a well fitting, comfortable sports bra will relieve pressure from your back, shoulders and neck. Get a good knee/elbow/wrist/ankle support if you find that these joints ache after exercise. It will get easier with time, you just have to persevere! Good luck, I hope you make it :flowerforyou:
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Most of weight loss is diet. Exercise does very little for the actual loss. It helps tone and get you healthier (and will allow you to eat back exercise calories if you so choose).

    I lost 70lbs in less than 6 months with not one bit of exercise but normal day to day. I only started exercising to help with flabby parts and so I didn't get winded walking up stairs.

    If it hurts don't do it or do it slowly. Build your way up and as you lose more weight it will get easier on your joints. Don't make it something you dread. But WiiFit and make it something fun you can do with family/friends.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I'm a bit of a weirdo. I always like being sore and I love the way it feels when I workout and I sore. I remember I ran once and my entire legs hurt the next 4 days. I would press on them to feel the soreness LOL I'm a bit of an M when it comes to soreness from exercise.
    If ur too sore to walk, then don't. Weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. U'll still lose just fine if u skip a couple days. It's good to let ur body heal anyways.
    Ur cat is so cute! I have 2 myself!
    Blue boy and peggle says hello~
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    The first time you do something it will hurt, and hurt BAAAD...It's best to just keep moving, cause unless you have a large chunk of time in between your workouts it wont hurt that bad again, even if you just walk it off the day after, just keep doing something. And like shorty said, have a rest day in between if you need too, learn to build up endurance!

    I too like the feeling of soreness, makes me feel like I did good. When My limbs feel heavy after, its great!
  • Katiemunn
    Katiemunn Posts: 2
    IHave a hard time with impact work outs. Riding. Swimming or eliptocal machines might help....
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    I would just add that it seems like it would be good to identify what kind of pain you are having. If it is joint pain, or pain due to previous surgeries, it may be that you need to stop what you are doing. If it is muscle pain from a workout, your body should adjust to the exercise. Have you talked to a doctor or seen a physical therapist to determine what type of exercise is appropriate for you? I don't really "exercise" for it's own sake, other than brisk walking. Gardening, sailing, and housework make up the rest of my calorie burn. I am losing weight, although slowly.
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    I have Rheumatoid arthritis among other things. What I do for exercise is swimming and slow walking. Do some of the exercises, to begin with, that you do on land in the pool. Then slowly increase it. I am able now to do 50 push ups against the side with little discomfort. I have been adding lunges, jumping jacks and many more every week or two.

    Word of advice, take things slowly. You will usually not feel it in the pool but you do when you get out.

    Always do what you feel comfy with.

    Please feel free to add me if you would like. :)
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I get it. =( Just keep telling yourself that it's worth it in the long run! It's going to be so much easier when you're lighter!
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    tylenol/advil lol I'm in the same boat dear.
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    Try swimming or water aerobics
  • encoredix10
    i agree with all that's been said
    when i was 230 pounds i had really horrible joint pains and would get winded so easily. you have ease yourself into working out. change little things at a time, part of the reason why you might be getting so tired and sore is because you're pushing your body too hard! it doesn't hurt to just walk or swim like others here have said. you can totally do it, believe me if i can you can too!
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Part of the pain issue is all the prior damage. Im sure some of it is from non-use as well. But... Im not quitting.....not at all. After so much trouble breathing the last year, its refreshing now to breathe better and work thru even the simple work outs I do.

    Im sure I over did things the other day but it still felt good to do know Im working towards a know even if it hurts NOW, it'll have big pay offs in the end.

    Thanks for all the input. It is appreciated. I just have to learn to pace myself better at least until Im fully recovered.
  • cynma
    cynma Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, I broke two large bones in my foot and ended up in a fiberglass cast for a few months last November. I went on ebay and found an exercise tape I could do. It was called Jodi Stoloves chair dance around the world. It was kind off goofy but turned out to be fun and It was not easy. If you go on the web it will show you examples. It is different kinds of dances eg: tango, western, mambo. Try it, you never know it could be just what you are looking for. :smile: