Best to workout before or after breakfast?

I have heard both answers. Some say working out before helps to burn stored fat from the day before since your carbs supposedly burn during the night. Others say after breakfast so your blood sugar is level and you don't get lightheaded.



  • JenSnider1983
    I would say to drink a cup of orange juice or have a piece of fruit (actually eating the fruit is better because you get more nutriotion) before you work out, but don't eat a full breakfast. That way you have that instant sugar rush but the calories are so few that you're not just burning off what you just ate.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Yeah, I would eat something small just to get you going, then have a full breakfast after. I find after a good workout, I am STARVING!
  • DfantaBeneFIT
    Cortisol (stress hormone) is high in the morning. I think it is best to get a few meals in before you workout. That doesnt mean a few sips of a shake followed by some light cardio and breakfast shortly after is the worst thing in the world....lifting probably not before a meal.

    I personally prefer to W/O much later in the day.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    Personally I eat before and after. This is a pretty standard recommendation, but a lot of people are very successful doing intermittent fasting. I think it helps me push more in the gym and generally be less of a b1tch, but YMMV. If you're interested in IF, is a good resource, and a great source of amusement (see "F#ckarounditis")
  • sey214
    sey214 Posts: 15
    Oh good ideas! Thanks, yall! Maybe an apple with peanut butter or somethin? I've been told several times it's good to start your day with protein. (:
  • DfantaBeneFIT
    Pb really doesn't have that much protein.
  • sey214
    sey214 Posts: 15
    I could always resort to eggs if I had to. Hmm.. maybe a bowl of Kashi?
  • sey214
    sey214 Posts: 15
    Sorry, I should specify... It's Power Butter peanut butter. (:

    Give it a try.

    I'm not big on regular pb.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I like to workout on an empty stomach that way you have used up your glycogen stores and your body is burning its own fat instead of glucose . If you eat an apple before your workout, your body will first need to burn all the glucose in the apple before you will actually start burning your fat for fuel...
  • Adveshan
    Adveshan Posts: 8
    I don't think peanut butter is a go-to thing. All that it does really is inflame your bowels and give you a little protein with some fiber. I'd use a raw can of tuna fish. It'd would be a far better boost of protein.
  • j_wilson2012
    j_wilson2012 Posts: 293
    Haha....this is funny. I am having a similar convo about what to have in the morning. Check my posts out. Anyways.....i SIMPLY cannot function unless I eat something. My daily routine included coffee. I like coffee, so I generally drink it before I have my breakfast, and I dont drink the coffee when I feel full. I am also unemployed right now, so I have some leisure time to do so. Since I am unemployed, I workout in the afternoon, as I shed more water that way (which explains why I lose 3lbs on bike rides haha). But I am a man....I like some food in my belly before I start something physical. Dont know what your body does. But no matter what, for you to exert energy, it needs fuel. If you do not have enough fuel, you run out and faint, and then wake up in the hospital. Id say, try both, and see what feels better. If you can go farther after eating, stick with that. If you go farther before, then do that. Just dont make yourself full. They dont say wait 30 min before swimming for nothin.
  • j_wilson2012
    j_wilson2012 Posts: 293
    Dang...58 posts in first week....I need to get a life! :ohwell:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    it doesnt matter, it's a personal thing. i personally do better on an empty stomach even for the hard sessions involving heavy weights or sprint HIIT, but i know people who'd pass out if they tried that :laugh:

    i've been trying to switch things up a bit and am starting to do some non-fasted training. i did it on thursday and ended up having some tummy issues during my run which meant i needed to run a little faster to get back home :laugh:
  • DfantaBeneFIT
    Pb really doesn't have that much protein.

    Seriously, its mostly fat. I hate when people tell me it's a protein. If I relied only on peanut butter for protein my muscles would disintegrate. It's completely inefficient. Tasty, but inefficient.

    I always eat first and its usually carbs, like apple slices or a banana so I have the energy to get through a workout session.

    First intelligent reply since i started using MFP
    Hope :drinker:
  • j_wilson2012
    j_wilson2012 Posts: 293
    Pb really doesn't have that much protein.

    Seriously, its mostly fat. I hate when people tell me it's a protein. If I relied only on peanut butter for protein my muscles would disintegrate. It's completely inefficient. Tasty, but inefficient.

    Give it to the dog! He LOVES peanut butter!:tongue::laugh:
  • sey214
    sey214 Posts: 15
    Thanks for the tips, j & mesha! I'll have to re-read them in the mornin when I'm not so out of it. (: 4am = bedtime!

    PS: If anything, the reg pb does keep me full for a good amount of time. My nutritionists throughout the years always recommended a slice of whole grain bread with pb on it... Musta been for a reason. (:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I find it depends on the type of workout - if I'm going for a run, I can do that on an empty stomach no problem. But I've tried lifting weights before eating, and felt really dizzy, so if I'm doing a strength class I'll make sure I have something to eat first.