When to measure?

Started on MFP for the second time this week.

I will be weighing in once per week, no more, because having lost weight previously, I know this can fluctuate horrendously. Having said that, if I leave it longer than a week, I get frustrated as I don't see progress.

I have taken base measurements of my figure in cms, but I'm wondering how frequently I should check them? Clearly they won't change as quickly as the lbs coming off, but how often do you all measure?



  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Weight Daily with same clothing first thing in the morning. Hips, Neck, Waist for the first 5-6 months, about every 2 weeks. About 4months in I bought a body fat monitor and put that on the same schedule. After I hit goal weight, I now still weigh in daily but do measurements when I get curious, or about every 4 weeks. Been on the "program" coming up on a year. Good luck.
  • Kalraii
    Kalraii Posts: 89
    I weigh/take measurements in the mornings as that's when it's most accurate and it's better if you're recording. Sometimes I do it every day or just when I feel like it. I log everything down in a table to keep track as I find it really interesting how everything fluctuates and trying to work out if it's lack of water, exercise or even TOM (which added 5lbs -.-) I try to take pictures weekly as well in the same clothes for comparison so I can link to the measurements. But I'm a bit anal about stuff like that :P best of luck!!
  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member
    I do an official weigh in on Friday after work and do measurements same time. I'm interested in the progress rather than actual numbers at the moment, perhaps when closer to goal I'll relook to see what is considered best time to do measurements.
  • So weekly is probably enough to see a difference on the measuring tape then?

    If not, I'll be back here crying tomorrow :)
  • AllisonB145
    AllisonB145 Posts: 94 Member
    I weigh myself weekly however I have not re measured yet and I started this jorney about 2 1/2 months ago. Right now I can tell by my clothing that I am losing inches as everthing is starting to get loose and I am fitting into some cloths I havent been able to wear in quite awhile. YAH!

    So my suggeestion is dont put too much pressure on yourself, weigh yourself once a week and stay focused on your food choices and exercise.

    Best of luck!
  • fay_pigu
    fay_pigu Posts: 125 Member
    So weekly is probably enough to see a difference on the measuring tape then?

    If not, I'll be back here crying tomorrow :)

    No not always, I see movement about every fortnight but do weekly so in the habit. Also I once lost over 3 lbs but the measurements stayed the same. Next week I lost very little and tape dropped by a couple of inches around stomach.

    I have a lot more excess than you do, so will see bigger gains at first.